Fuller et al 2022 Restoration Ecology paper data README Data are split into two processing units directories. These represent the Mid-Columbia (MC) and Oregon Coast (OC) processing units that are also used by the NorWeST stream temperature data base and SSN modeling ecosystem. The processing units used in this paper are a spatial subset of those used by NorWeST, but retained the same names. MC and OC data directories have similar files, but are named with processing unit-specific prefixes (MC_ or OC_). There are four main files in each directory, but the MC files will be named below for examples/description. OC files are named similarly with similar field decriptions in their attribute tables. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MC_AUG_SSN_predictions.dbf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This .dbf file containes the predictions for the nine different scenarios modeled in the paper. It has column names as follows: OBSPREDID: column used to join temperature predictions to geospatial data (polyline and point shapefiles also in this data directory) Thistcur: temperature predictions for 2000 climate and current vegetation shade SEhistcur: standard error of temperature prediction for 2000 climate and current vegetation shade Thistpot: temperature predictions for 2000 climate and restored vegetation shade SEhistpot: standard error of temperature prediction for 2000 climate and restored vegetation shade Thisttop: temperature predictions for 2000 climate and topographic shade SEhisttop: standard error of temperature prediction for 2000 climate and topographic shade T2040cur: temperature predictions for 2040 climate and current vegetation shade SE2040cur: standard error of temperature prediction for 2040 climate and current vegetation shade T2040pot: temperature predictions for 2040 climate and restored vegetation shade SE2040pot: standard error of temperature prediction for 2040 climate and restored vegetation shade T2040top: temperature predictions for 2040 climate and topographic shade SE2040top: standard error of temperature prediction for 2040 climate and topographic shade T2080cur: temperature predictions for 2080 climate and current vegetation shade SE2080cur: standard error of temperature prediction for 2080 climate and current vegetation shade T2080pot: temperature predictions for 2080 climate and restored vegetation shade SE2080pot: standard error of temperature prediction for 2080 climate and restored vegetation shade T2080top: temperature predictions for 2080 climate and topographic shade SE2080top: standard error of temperature prediction for 2080 climate and topographic shade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MC_pred_edges.shp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This shapefile holds the geospatial data for the reaches used in the Mid-Columbia processing unit. It is available here primarily to join the temperature predictions to for spatial mapping of temperature predictions. There are only two fields in the attribute table for this file. They are: OBSPREDID: column used to match temperature predictions to geospatial data COMIDV1: the NHDPlus Version 1 COMID values to match NHDPlus Version 1 data to these polylines. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MCshade.shp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This shapefile is also a polyline shapefile, but the attribute table holds the shade estimates (topographic, current vegetation, and restored vegetation shade) for each reach as well as the bankfull width values calculated and used for the shade estimations. There are five fields in this shapefile's attrubute table described as: OBSPREDID: column used to match temperature predictions to geospatial data NoVegES: topographic shade estimate as a percent (0-100) CurVegES: current shade estimate as a percent (0-100) based on topogrpahic shade and LANDFIRE 2011 vegetation data ESPES: restored shade estimate as a percent (0-100) based on topographic shade and LANDFIRE 2011 vegetation data BFW_m: reach bankfull width in meters used for shade estimate calculations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MC_trib_outflow_points.shp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This shapefile contains the geospatial point data for tributary confluences with the mainstem Columbia River. The temperature predictions for these outflow reaches are already joined to the attribute table, which also holds several other fields including: OBSPREDID: column used to match temperature predictions to geospatial data trib_name: name of tributary from NHDPlus V1 attributes (condensed and sometimes labelled with numbers/letters when similarly named tributaries existed) River_Mile: distance upstream in miles from Columbia River outlet to Pacific Ocean Thistcur: temperature prediction for 2000 climate and current vegetation shade Thistpot: temperature prediction for 2000 climate and restored vegetation shade Thisttop: temperature prediction for 2000 climate and topographic shade T2040cur: temperature prediction for 2040 climate and current vegetation shade T2040pot: temperature prediction for 2040 climate and restored vegetation shade T2040top: temperature prediction for 2040 climate and topographic shade T2080cur: temperature prediction for 2080 climate and current vegetation shade T2080pot: temperature prediction for 2080 climate and restored vegetation shade T2080top: temperature prediction for 2080 climate and topographic shade NHDAugQcms: Mean August flow estimate from NHDPlus V2 EROM in cubic meters per second NHDAugQcfs: Mean August flow estimate from NHDPlus V2 EROM in cubic feet per second triboutid: Tributary numbering IDs for identification tracking LAT: Latitude in decimal degrees LONG: Longitude in decimal degrees