// Historical analysis (descriptive statistics and regression models) use "cleaned_ALL.dta" ********************* ********************* ** desc statistics ** ********************* ********************* // for projection multipler computations tab binary_e_vul year, m // 593 tab binary_e_par year, m // 1,106 tab binary_e_alg year, m // 777 tab binary_e_other year, m // 537 sum case_e_vul // 648 return list sum case_e_par // 1,856 return list sum case_e_alg // 914 return list sum case_e_other // 605 return list // geographic and temporal distribution of cases (exposure and reporting locations) table state, contents(sum case_e_all sum case_r_all) column row table year, contents(sum case_e_all sum case_r_all) column row table state year, contents(sum case_e_all) column row table state year, contents(sum case_r_all) column row table state month, contents(sum case_e_all) column row table state month, contents(sum case_r_all) column row table year, contents(sum case_e_vul sum case_e_par sum case_e_alg sum case_e_other) column row table region, contents(sum case_e_vul sum case_e_par sum case_e_other) column row table region, contents(sum case_e_food sum case_e_non) column row table month, contents(sum case_e_all mean sst) column row table month if state!="HI" & state!="FL", contents(sum case_e_all) column row *lowess binary_e_all sst *lowess binary_e_par sst *lowess binary_e_vul sst *lowess binary_e_other sst *lowess binary_e_alg sst *lowess binary_e_food sst *lowess binary_e_non sst *scatter sst sss corr sst sss *scatter sst tmean corr sst tmean *scatter tmean sss corr sss tmean *twoway scatter (sss sst), name(graph1, replace) *twoway scatter (tmean sst), name(graph2, replace) *graph combine graph1 graph2 *scatter case_e_all sst *scatter case_e_all sst if case_e_all>0 *scatter case_e_all sss *scatter case_e_all sss if case_e_all>0 *twoway scatter sst sss if binary_e_all==0, mcolor(navy) || scatter sst sss if binary_e_all==1, mcolor(cranberry) table binary_e_all, contents(mean sst mean tmean mean sss) table binary_e_vul, contents(mean sst mean tmean mean sss) table binary_e_par, contents(mean sst mean tmean mean sss) tabulate binary_e_all if month>=5 & month<=10 corr case_e_all case_r_all tabulate binary_e_all binary_r_all ***************** ***************** ** regressions ** ***************** ***************** ************************************************************************************************ * logit, species, spline, PREFFERRED -- MAIN TEXT (TABLE 2), SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (TABLE S9) * ************************************************************************************************ eststo clear // PARA mkspline sst1 8 sst2 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 // VUL mkspline sst1 13 sst2 20 sst3 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_vul sst2 sst3 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 sst3 // ALG mkspline sst1 5 sst2 22 sst3 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_alg sst2 sst3 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 sst3 // OTHER eststo: logit binary_e_other sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) ***************************************************************************** * logit, species, spline, with low end -- SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (Table S5) * ***************************************************************************** eststo clear // PARA mkspline sst1 8 sst2 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_par sst1 sst2 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 // VUL mkspline sst1 13 sst2 20 sst3 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_vul sst1 sst2 sst3 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 sst3 // ALG mkspline sst1 5 sst2 22 sst3 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_alg sst1 sst2 sst3 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 sst3 // OTHER eststo: logit binary_e_other sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) **************************************************************************************************** * explore sensitivity of model to randomized exposure location - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (TABLE S6) * ******************************************************************* ******************************** // go back to "Cleaned_ExposureCounty.do", change seed, and re-run // seeds used: // 98765 (USE THIS SEED THEREAFTER) // 56789 // 12345 // 54321 // 11111 reg binary_e_all sst i.state_num i.year ********************************************************** * explore estimators - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (TABLE S7) * ********************************************************** eststo clear eststo: reg binary_e_par sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_par sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) margins, dydx(sst) eststo: probit binary_e_par sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) margins, dydx(sst) eststo: reg binary_e_vul sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_vul sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) margins, dydx(sst) eststo: probit binary_e_vul sst i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) margins, dydx(sst) *********************************************************** * explore controls - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL (Table S8) * *********************************************************** eststo clear mkspline sst1 8 sst2 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2, cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 i.state_num, cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 i.state_num ib(last).year, cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 ********************************************************** * add salinity -- SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (Table S10) * ********************************************************** eststo clear // PARA mkspline sst1 8 sst2 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="gulf", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="east", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_par sst2 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="west", cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 // VUL mkspline sst1 13 sst2 20 sst3 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_vul sst2 sst3 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="gulf", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_vul sst2 sst3 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="east", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_vul sst2 sst3 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="west", cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 sst3 // ALG mkspline sst1 5 sst2 22 sst3 = sst eststo: logit binary_e_alg sst2 sst3 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="gulf", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_alg sst2 sst3 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="east", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_alg sst2 sst3 sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="west", cluster(FIPS) drop sst1 sst2 sst3 // OTHER eststo: logit binary_e_other sst sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="gulf", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_other sst sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="east", cluster(FIPS) eststo: logit binary_e_other sst sss i.state_num ib(last).year if region=="west", cluster(FIPS)