About TRACI2.1toFEDEFLv1.0.7mapping.csv This is a mapping file between TRACIv2.1 flows and FEDEFL v1.0.7 flows. This mapping follows this flowmapping format at https://github.com/USEPA/Federal-LCA-Commons-Elementary-Flow-List/blob/v1.0.7/format%20specs/FlowMapping.md A flow mapping consists of matched flowables, contexts and units. Flowables are the names of the material or energy that come from or go to the biosphere (commonly referred to as substance). Context is a set of environmental media/compartments that describe the flow origin or destination (e.g., “air”). To create the TRACIv2.1 to FEDEFL flow mapping, exact flowable mappings were identified based on CAS number or substance name followed by manual identification of common flows. Additional mappings were included for general metals (e.g., Copper, Zinc, and Selenium) in the FEDEFL to the most common ions where available in TRACIv2.1 (e.g., COPPER(II), ZINC(II), and SELENIUM(IV)). This ensures the application of TRACIv2.1 characterization factors when the general name of the metal is reported, as is the case in EPA datasets such as the National Emissions Inventory and the Toxic Release Inventory. Duplicate names for substances exist in the original TRACIv2.1 source file which have different characterization factors and different CAS. These occur due to duplicate entries in the source files for USEtox, which is the source of characterization factors for toxicity categories in TRACIv2.1. In these cases, the entries with the currently recognized CAS are accepted and the other substances are ignored. Context mappings were manually created to enable impact assessment across most of the possible contexts available within FEDEFL. Flowables that occur in the primary contexts (e.g., air) only in TRACI are assigned to all possible sub-contexts in that FEDEFL that apply. The mapping are maintained in the FEDEFL GitHub Repository at https://github.com/USEPA/Federal-LCA-Commons-Elementary-Flow-List.