This folder contains BenMAP-CE input and output files. This analysis was run in BenMAP-CE v1.5.1. For more information on the BenMAP-CE file types, place refer to the BenMAP-CE User Manual and Appendices: Files are separated into mortality endpoints and morbidity endpoints. Health incidence was calculated in BenMAP-CE for both mortality and morbidity endpoints. Valuation was calculated in BenMAP-CE for morbidity endpoints and calculated outside of BenMAP-CE for mortality endpoints. 00 Grid Definition: PM2.5 concentrations are provided using the GC Classic Grid definition. 01 Population: ICLUSv2 population for projection years at the county level. 02 HIF: Health Impact Functions used in the analysis. 03 CFGX: Health incidence estimation files for mortality and morbidity endpoints. 04 APVX: Pooling and valuation files for morbidity endpoints (mortality endpoints valued outside of BenMAP-CE). 05 CTLX: Command line files to generate air quality surfaces, estimate health incidence, pool and value (morbidity only), save results, and generate audit trails. 06 Results (CSV): Health incidence and valuation results saved as .csv files. 07 Audit Trail: Log files of BenMAP-CE analysis.