*T.ANGRADI; *slrebug_epf_022916; *Code for analysing SLRE invertebrate data; libname slrebug 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas'; **************************************************************************************************; *************************************import raw files*********************************************; **************************************************************************************************; ************get ephemeridae; *invasive hex dens done in excel; * note 5 missing 2012 invasive dens records missing because not in file supplied by trebitz; * records are invppfor-sl12-29 , 40, 49, 53, 57; *not in file called copy of EphemnVeneroida_datadump_angradi.xlsx; *med2010; proc import out =meddens datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\medhexdensup2.xlsx' dbms = excel replace;run; proc print data = meddens (obs = 10);run; data meddensx ; set meddens; if stationid = "delete" then delete;run; proc sort data = meddensx; by stationid;run; proc means data = meddensx; var jdate Lat year long long fielddepth densityh densityd ; by stationid;output out = x;run; proc print data = x;run; Proc export data = x outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\MED2010hexdens2.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *Older SLRE studies not included; *nrri 2013-2014; *from benthic to analyze6403r2rdata 12may15; *No zebras in data; proc import out =nrrihex datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\nrrihexden.xlsx' dbms = excel replace;run; proc print data = nrrihex;run; proc sort data = nrrihex;by sampid;run; proc means data = nrrihex;by sampid; output out = y;run; proc print data = y;run; Proc export data = y outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\nrrihexdenout.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *No zebras in data; proc import out =hecdens2014a datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\hecdensup.xlsx' dbms = excel replace;run; data hecdens2014; set hecdens2014a; if site_id = "delete" then delete; proc print data = hecdens2014;run; proc sort data = hecdens2014;by site_id;run; proc means data = hecdens2014;var year jdate densityh densityd depth_m lat long; output out = hec2 mean (year jdate densityh densityd depth_m lat long)= meanyear meanjdate meandensityh meandensityd meandepth meanlat meanlong sum (densityh densityd)= sumdensityh sumdensityd; by site_ID; run; proc print data = hec2;run; Proc export data = hec2 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\hec2014densout.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; /* *combined records in excel; *qc = 0 means hexdens > 95th percentile and radio tower bay which has no hex; proc import out =hex datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\danhexden.xlsx' dbms = excel replace;run; proc print data = hex;run; data slrebug.epf_hexdens; set hex; qc = 1; if study = 80 then qc = -1;run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf_hexdens; by study; run; proc means data = slrebug.epf_hexdens mean lclm uclm n;var hexdens; where qc = 1;by study;run; Proc export data = slrebug.epf_hexdens outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\density\hexdensforGIS.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *chembay samples are std ponars; */ **************************end ephemeridae work******************************************; ****************************************************************************************; *NRRI samples (1993 - 2011 samples); *Still missing field depth; proc import out = bradyA datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\brady\benthictoanalyze_19Nov13edited.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; run; proc print data = bradyA; run; proc import out = bradyb datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\revised metrics\medbenthicmetrics_maccount_medmetrics.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; run;proc print data = bradyb; run; data slrebug.bradyA; set bradyA; *standardize lat long labels; lat = latDD_83;metric_id = UID; year = sampdate2; long = longdd_83; *fix format issue; drop latDD_83 longdd_83 sample_no sampdate sampdate2 uid; run; data slrebug.bradyB; set bradyb; metric_id=uid ; drop metric_taxa_root uid; run; proc sort data =slrebug.bradyA nodupkey; by metric_id; proc sort data =slrebug.bradyB; by metric_id; Data slrebug.bradymerged; merge slrebug.bradyA slrebug.bradyB ; by metric_id; ;run; proc print data = slrebug.bradymerged; var metric_id fielddepth;run; *** 2013/2014 NRRI samples; ** jday long lat year added to file; proc import out = bradyc datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\brady\2013 nrri data\benthictoanalyze_6403-r2r_data_12may15.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; run;*density from this one; proc print data = bradyc; run; proc import out = bradyd datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\brady\2013 nrri data\medbenthicmetrics_6403-r2r_metricswithsampleID_12May15.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; run; proc print data = bradyd; run; data slrebug.bradyc; set bradyc; metric_id = sampid; gear = collection_gear;studyID = 666; studyname = "NRRI 2013 2014"; keep metric_id studyID studyname year jdate lat long gear fielddepth; run;proc print;run; data slrebug.bradyd; set bradyd; metric_id=sampleid; drop metric_taxa_root sampleid; run; proc print;var metric_id;run; proc sort data =slrebug.bradyc nodupkey; by metric_id; proc sort data =slrebug.bradyd; by metric_id; Data slrebug.bradymerged2; merge slrebug.bradyc slrebug.bradyd ; by metric_id;run; proc print data = slrebug.bradymerged2; var metric_id gear;run; *EPA MED Invasive species samples; *(Trebitz); proc import out = trebA datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\trebitz\ponar05n06_latlon_datedepth' dbms = excel replace;run;*proc print data = treba;run; proc print; run; proc import out = trebB datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\revised metrics\medbenthicmetrics_trebitz_medmetrics.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; proc print data = trebb;run; data slrebug.treba;set treba; metric_ID = wedsampleID; StudyID = 999; fielddepth = depthm; *FIELD DEPTH FOR PONAR 05-61 MISSING; drop sampleID f10 f11 date wedsampleID depthm; proc print data = slrebug.treba;run; data slrebug.trebB; set trebB; metric_id = uid; *delete extra record; if uid = "TOTAL" then delete; drop metric_taxa_root uid; proc print data = slrebug.trebb;run; proc sort data =slrebug.trebA; by metric_ID;run; proc sort data =slrebug.trebB; by metric_ID;run; Data slrebug.trebmerged1; merge slrebug.trebb slrebug.treba ; by metric_id; if totlnind = . then delete; gear1 = gear; run; proc print data = slrebug.trebmerged1;VAR METRIC_id lat long FIELDDEPTH;run; *use to attribute density file; Proc export data = slrebug.trebmerged1 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\trebitz\trebmerged1fromsas.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; proc import out = treb12a datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\trebitz\MEDBenthicMetrics_2012SLRE_17APR14' dbms = excel replace;run; *proc print data = treb12a; run; proc import out = treb12b datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\trebitz\MEDBenthicMetrics_2012SLRE_17APR14' dbms = excel replace;sheet = metrics;run; proc print data = treb12b; run; data slrebug.treb12a; set treb12a; metric_id = inveventkey; studyID= 1000; gear = invgear; fielddepth = invdepth1; year = invyear; lat = invlat1dd; long = invlon1dd; if gear = "PONARpetite" then gear = "petiteponar"; drop invlat1dd invlon1dd invlat1ddm invlon1ddm invyear invgear invdate1 invdepth1 sitecodeFK inveventkey; run; data slrebug.treb12b;set treb12b; metric_id = uid; drop metric_taxa_root uid; run; proc sort data =slrebug.treb12A; by metric_ID;run; proc sort data =slrebug.treb12B; by metric_ID;run; Data slrebug.trebmerged2; merge slrebug.treb12b slrebug.treb12a ; by metric_id; run; proc print data = slrebug.trebmerged2;run; *EPAMED 2010 samples; *missing weston depths slb 68-71 and hb44; proc import out = dana datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\revised metrics\medbenthicmetrics_mn2013_medmetricsj' dbms = excel replace;run; proc print; var sample_id med_actual_long med_actual_lat; run; Data slrebug.dana; set dana; metric_id = site_ID; gear = "ponar"; *standardize lat long labels; lat = med_actual_lat;long = med_actual_long; year = 2010; fielddepth = med_depth_cm/100; drop med_actual_lat med_actual_long _oil_sheen_present_ vegetation_present_ wood_present_ med_depth_cm primary_bottom_type secondary_bottom_type site_id UID UID1 med_sample_date metric_taxa_root u1d1 notes sample_id ;run; Proc print data = slrebug.dana; run; *new pickle pond ; proc import out = pickleA datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\pickle pond\benthictoanalyze_pickle_pond_data_27apr15.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; run; proc print data = picklea;run; proc import out = pickleb datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\pickle pond\medbenthicmetrics_pickle_pond_metricswithmetric_id_27apr15.csv' dbms = csv replace; getnames = yes; guessingrows = 2000; run;proc print data = pickleb;run; data slrebug.pickleB; set pickleb; drop metric_taxa_root;run; data slrebug.pickleA; set picklea; drop sampdate; year = 2013; gear = collection_gear; keep metric_id latDD_83 longdd_83 jdate year lat long gear studyID; lat = latDD_83;long = longdd_83;run; proc sort data =slrebug.pickleA nodupkey; by metric_ID;run; proc sort data =slrebug.pickleB; by metric_ID;run; proc print; run; proc print data=slrebug.picklea; var metric_ID;run; proc print data= slrebug.pickleb; var metric_ID;run; Data slrebug.picklemerged; merge slrebug.picklea slrebug.pickleb ; by metric_id; drop latDD_83 longdd_83 run; proc print data = slrebug.picklemerged; run; *merge all merged files and create groups and add studynames; data slrebug.merged820 ;set slrebug.trebmerged2 slrebug.trebmerged1 slrebug.bradymerged slrebug.bradymerged2 slrebug.dana; *slrebug.picklemerged; *dana = med2010; * 820 records; * add grouping for studies not identifying tubificids; Tubificidgroup = "yes_tubinaid"; if studyid = 77 then Tubificidgroup= "no_tubinaid"; if studyid = 78 then Tubificidgroup= "no_tubinaid"; if studyid = 80 then Tubificidgroup= "no_tubinaid"; if studyid = 4 then Tubificidgroup= "no_tubinaid"; if studyid = 6 then Tubificidgroup= "no_tubinaid"; if studyID = 1 then studyname = 'Lakehead Dock, 1995'; if studyID = 2 then studyname = 'Duluth Superfund Sites, 1993'; if studyID = 4 then studyname = 'R-EMAP Study, 1995'; if studyID = 5 then studyname = 'Hotspot Study, 1994'; if studyID = 6 then studyname = 'R-EMAP Study, 1996'; if studyID = 7 then studyname = 'St. Louis Harbor Study, 1994'; if studyID = 8 then studyname = 'WI Coastal Harbor Study, 1992'; if studyID = 9 then studyname = 'MN Slip Sed. Remediation Scoping, 1999'; if studyID = 10 then studyname = 'Assessment Study of Slip C, 1997'; if studyID = 11 then studyname = 'Minnesota Slip Samples, 1998'; if studyID = 12 then studyname = 'Dakota Pier Samples, 1998'; if studyID = 13 then studyname = 'Toxaphene Study, 1996'; if studyID = 14 then studyname = 'PBDE Study, 2001'; if studyID = 15 then studyname = 'Chlorinated Bornane/Bornene Study, 1999'; if studyID = 16 then studyname = 'LIF Study at USS Duluth Works, 2002'; if studyID = 17 then studyname = 'Bioaccumulation Study, 1999'; if studyID = 18 then studyname = 'ENSR Mercury Study, 1995'; if studyID = 19 then studyname = 'Cloquet Reservoirs Study, 1992-93'; if studyID = 20 then studyname = 'Duluth-Superior Harbor Study, 1993'; if studyID = 21 then studyname = 'Nemadji Shoal, 2001'; if studyID = 22 then studyname = 'USACE DACW35-95-D-0002 DELIVERY ORDER 28'; if studyID = 23 then studyname = 'USACE DACW35-93-D-0005 DELIVERY ORDER 36'; if studyID = 24 then studyname = 'USACE DACW35-93-D-0005 DELIVERY ORDER 29'; if studyID = 25 then studyname = 'USACE DACW35-93-D-0005 DELIVERY ORDER 16'; if studyID = 26 then studyname = 'USACE DACW35-91-D-0001 DELIVERY ORDER 40'; if studyID = 27 then studyname = 'Duluth-Superior Harbor Study, 2002'; if studyID = 28 then studyname = 'Duluth-Superior Harbor Study, 1995'; if studyID = 29 then studyname = 'Hog Island Inlet Study, 2002'; if studyID = 30 then studyname = 'Newton Creek Study, 2002'; if studyID = 31 then studyname = 'Fraser ShipyardsHowards Pocket 2002'; if studyID = 32 then studyname = 'Koppers Industries Study 1999'; if studyID = 33 then studyname = 'Newton Creek Study, 1993-94'; if studyID = 34 then studyname = 'IT Interlake Toxicity study, 1996'; if studyID = 35 then studyname = 'IT Interlake, 1993'; if studyID = 36 then studyname = 'IT Interlake, 1994'; if studyID = 37 then studyname = 'IT Interlake, 1996'; if studyID = 38 then studyname = 'IT Interlake, 1997'; if studyID = 39 then studyname = 'IT Interlake, 1998'; if studyID = 40 then studyname = 'IT Interlake, 1999'; if studyID = 41 then studyname = 'Service Intlk, 2000'; if studyID = 42 then studyname = 'Service Intlk WPIIIA, 2001'; if studyID = 43 then studyname = 'Service Intlk WPIII, 2001'; if studyID = 44 then studyname = 'Bay West Intlk Supplemental 2001'; if studyID = 45 then studyname = 'Bay West Intlk Reconnaissance 2001'; if studyID = 46 then studyname = 'Reference sites, 2001'; if studyID = 47 then studyname = 'Fond du Lac Reservation Lakes Ph 1 2000'; if studyID = 48 then studyname = 'Fond du Lac Reservation Lakes Ph 2 2002'; if studyID = 49 then studyname = 'Fond du Lac Fish Tissue Study 2000'; if studyID = 50 then studyname = 'SLRIDT Stryker Bay-Slip 7 SEG 2003-04'; if studyID = 51 then studyname = 'SLRIDT Reference Sites SEG 2004'; if studyID = 52 then studyname = 'Minnesota Slip MPCA 2004'; if studyID = 53 then studyname = 'St. Louis River USFWS 2001-02'; if studyID = 54 then studyname = 'USS Superfund Site URS 2003'; if studyID = 55 then studyname = 'USS Superfund Site MPCA 2003'; if studyID = 57 then studyname = 'Hog Island Inlet/Newton Creek 2004'; if studyID = 59 then studyname = 'Benthic Data Newton Creek, Oct 2003'; if studyID = 60 then studyname = 'Benthic Data Newton Creek, Oct 2002'; if studyID = 61 then studyname = 'Benthic Data Newton Creek, Jul 2002'; if studyID = 62 then studyname = 'Newton Creek Segments B and C 2000'; if studyID = 67 then studyname = 'Superior Bay - 21st Ave., 2008&10'; if studyID = 69 then studyname = 'EPAMED St. Louis Bay 40th Ave., 2010'; if studyID = 70 then studyname = 'Hog Island Post Remediation, 2006'; if studyID = 71 then studyname = 'EPAMED Howards Bay - St. Louis River AOC, 2010'; if studyID = 72 then studyname = 'Lower St. Louis River, 2011'; if studyID = 73 then studyname = 'Spirit Lake, 2011'; if studyID = 74 then studyname = 'Upper St. Louis River, 2011'; if studyID = 75 then studyname = 'Wisconsin Sampling, 2007'; if studyID = 76 then studyname = 'SL Mud Lake/Radio Tower Bay MPCA 2008 Sed Chem'; if studyID = 77 then studyname = '21st Ave Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2011'; if studyID = 78 then studyname = '40th Ave Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2010'; if studyID = 79 then studyname = 'US Steel Macroinvertebrate Survey, 1993'; if studyID = 80 then studyname = 'Radio Tower Bay Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2011'; if studyID = 81 then studyname = 'Pickle Pond Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2013'; if studyID = 82 then studyname = 'WDNR Macroinvertebrate Reference Site Survey, 2012'; if studyID = 999 then studyname = 'MED invasive species sampling 2005 2006'; if studyID = 1000 then studyname = 'MED invasive species sampling 2012'; if studyID = 666 then studyname = "NRRI 2013 2014"; *these lines fix missing values for some metrics in some files from corvallis; if TOTLNIND = " " then TOTLNIND = 0 ; if TOTLNTAX = " " then TOTLNTAX = 0 ; if AMPHNIND = " " then AMPHNIND = 0 ; if AMPHNTAX = " " then AMPHNTAX = 0 ; if AMPHPIND = " " then AMPHPIND = 0 ; if AMPHPTAX = " " then AMPHPTAX = 0 ; if BURRNIND = " " then BURRNIND = 0 ; if BURRNTAX = " " then BURRNTAX = 0 ; if BURRPIND = " " then BURRPIND = 0 ; if BURRPTAX = " " then BURRPTAX = 0 ; if CHIRNIND = " " then CHIRNIND = 0 ; if CHIRNTAX = " " then CHIRNTAX = 0 ; if CHIRPIND = " " then CHIRPIND = 0 ; if CHIRPTAX = " " then CHIRPTAX = 0 ; if CLMBNIND = " " then CLMBNIND = 0 ; if CLMBNTAX = " " then CLMBNTAX = 0 ; if CLMBPIND = " " then CLMBPIND = 0 ; if CLMBPTAX = " " then CLMBPTAX = 0 ; if CLNGNIND = " " then CLNGNIND = 0 ; if CLNGNTAX = " " then CLNGNTAX = 0 ; if CLNGPIND = " " then CLNGPIND = 0 ; if CLNGPTAX = " " then CLNGPTAX = 0 ; if COFININD = " " then COFININD = 0 ; if COFINTAX = " " then COFINTAX = 0 ; if COFIPIND = " " then COFIPIND = 0 ; if COFIPTAX = " " then COFIPTAX = 0 ; if COFITRICNIND = " " then COFITRICNIND = 0 ; if COFITRICNTAX = " " then COFITRICNTAX = 0 ; if COFITRICPIND = " " then COFITRICPIND = 0 ; if COFITRICPTAX = " " then COFITRICPTAX = 0 ; if COGANIND = " " then COGANIND = 0 ; if COGANTAX = " " then COGANTAX = 0 ; if COGAPIND = " " then COGAPIND = 0 ; if COGAPTAX = " " then COGAPTAX = 0 ; if CRUSNIND = " " then CRUSNIND = 0 ; if CRUSNTAX = " " then CRUSNTAX = 0 ; if CRUSPIND = " " then CRUSPIND = 0 ; if CRUSPTAX = " " then CRUSPTAX = 0 ; if DIPTNIND = " " then DIPTNIND = 0 ; if DIPTNTAX = " " then DIPTNTAX = 0 ; if DIPTPIND = " " then DIPTPIND = 0 ; if DIPTPTAX = " " then DIPTPTAX = 0 ; if EPHENIND = " " then EPHENIND = 0 ; if EPHENTAX = " " then EPHENTAX = 0 ; if EPHEPIND = " " then EPHEPIND = 0 ; if EPHEPTAX = " " then EPHEPTAX = 0 ; if EPOTNIND = " " then EPOTNIND = 0 ; if EPOTNTAX = " " then EPOTNTAX = 0 ; if EPOTPIND = " " then EPOTPIND = 0 ; if EPOTPTAX = " " then EPOTPTAX = 0 ; if EPT_NIND = " " then EPT_NIND = 0 ; if EPT_NTAX = " " then EPT_NTAX = 0 ; if EPT_PIND = " " then EPT_PIND = 0 ; if EPT_PTAX = " " then EPT_PTAX = 0 ; if ETOPIND = " " then ETOPIND = 0 ; if ETOPTAX = " " then ETOPTAX = 0 ; if FACLNIND = " " then FACLNIND = 0 ; if FACLNTAX = " " then FACLNTAX = 0 ; if FACLPIND = " " then FACLPIND = 0 ; if FACLPTAX = " " then FACLPTAX = 0 ; if INTLNIND = " " then INTLNIND = 0 ; if INTLNTAX = " " then INTLNTAX = 0 ; if INTLPIND = " " then INTLPIND = 0 ; if INTLPTAX = " " then INTLPTAX = 0 ; if MITENIND = " " then MITENIND = 0 ; if MITENTAX = " " then MITENTAX = 0 ; if MITEPIND = " " then MITEPIND = 0 ; if MITEPTAX = " " then MITEPTAX = 0 ; if MOLLNIND = " " then MOLLNIND = 0 ; if MOLLNTAX = " " then MOLLNTAX = 0 ; if MOLLPIND = " " then MOLLPIND = 0 ; if MOLLPTAX = " " then MOLLPTAX = 0 ; if NOINNIND = " " then NOINNIND = 0 ; if NOINNTAX = " " then NOINNTAX = 0 ; if NOINPIND = " " then NOINPIND = 0 ; if NOINPTAX = " " then NOINPTAX = 0 ; if NTOLNIND = " " then NTOLNIND = 0 ; if NTOLNTAX = " " then NTOLNTAX = 0 ; if NTOLPIND = " " then NTOLPIND = 0 ; if NTOLPTAX = " " then NTOLPTAX = 0 ; if OLLENIND = " " then OLLENIND = 0 ; if OLLENTAX = " " then OLLENTAX = 0 ; if OLLEPIND = " " then OLLEPIND = 0 ; if OLLEPTAX = " " then OLLEPTAX = 0 ; if OLLIPIND = " " then OLLIPIND = 0 ; if ORTHNIND = " " then ORTHNIND = 0 ; if ORTHNTAX = " " then ORTHNTAX = 0 ; if ORTHPIND = " " then ORTHPIND = 0 ; if ORTHPTAX = " " then ORTHPTAX = 0 ; if PREDNIND = " " then PREDNIND = 0 ; if PREDNTAX = " " then PREDNTAX = 0 ; if PREDPIND = " " then PREDPIND = 0 ; if PREDPTAX = " " then PREDPTAX = 0 ; if SCRPNIND = " " then SCRPNIND = 0 ; if SCRPNTAX = " " then SCRPNTAX = 0 ; if SCRPPIND = " " then SCRPPIND = 0 ; if SCRPPTAX = " " then SCRPPTAX = 0 ; if SHRDNIND = " " then SHRDNIND = 0 ; if SHRDNTAX = " " then SHRDNTAX = 0 ; if SHRDPIND = " " then SHRDPIND = 0 ; if SHRDPTAX = " " then SHRDPTAX = 0 ; if SPWLNIND = " " then SPWLNIND = 0 ; if SPWLNTAX = " " then SPWLNTAX = 0 ; if SPWLPIND = " " then SPWLPIND = 0 ; if SPWLPTAX = " " then SPWLPTAX = 0 ; if STOLNIND = " " then STOLNIND = 0 ; if STOLNTAX = " " then STOLNTAX = 0 ; if STOLPIND = " " then STOLPIND = 0 ; if STOLPTAX = " " then STOLPTAX = 0 ; if SWIMNIND = " " then SWIMNIND = 0 ; if SWIMNTAX = " " then SWIMNTAX = 0 ; if SWIMPIND = " " then SWIMPIND = 0 ; if SWIMPTAX = " " then SWIMPTAX = 0 ; if TANYNIND = " " then TANYNIND = 0 ; if TANYNTAX = " " then TANYNTAX = 0 ; if TANYPIND = " " then TANYPIND = 0 ; if TANYPTAX = " " then TANYPTAX = 0 ; if TL01NIND = " " then TL01NIND = 0 ; if TL01NTAX = " " then TL01NTAX = 0 ; if TL01PIND = " " then TL01PIND = 0 ; if TL01PTAX = " " then TL01PTAX = 0 ; if TL23NIND = " " then TL23NIND = 0 ; if TL23NTAX = " " then TL23NTAX = 0 ; if TL23PIND = " " then TL23PIND = 0 ; if TL23PTAX = " " then TL23PTAX = 0 ; if TL45NIND = " " then TL45NIND = 0 ; if TL45NTAX = " " then TL45NTAX = 0 ; if TL45PIND = " " then TL45PIND = 0 ; if TL45PTAX = " " then TL45PTAX = 0 ; if TL67NIND = " " then TL67NIND = 0 ; if TL67NTAX = " " then TL67NTAX = 0 ; if TL67PIND = " " then TL67PIND = 0 ; if TL67PTAX = " " then TL67PTAX = 0 ; if TOLRNIND = " " then TOLRNIND = 0 ; if TOLRNTAX = " " then TOLRNTAX = 0 ; if TOLRPIND = " " then TOLRPIND = 0 ; if TOLRPTAX = " " then TOLRPTAX = 0 ; if TRICNIND = " " then TRICNIND = 0 ; if TRICNTAX = " " then TRICNTAX = 0 ; if TRICPIND = " " then TRICPIND = 0 ; if TRICPTAX = " " then TRICPTAX = 0 ; if TUBINAIDNIND = " " then TUBINAIDNIND = 0 ; if TUBINAIDNTAX = " " then TUBINAIDNTAX = 0 ; if TUBINAIDPIND = " " then TUBINAIDPIND = 0 ; if TUBINAIDPTAX = " " then TUBINAIDPTAX = 0 ; if TUBIPIND = " " then TUBIPIND = 0 ; if WTD_TV = " " then WTD_TV = 0 ; if ORTHCHIRPIND = " " then ORTHCHIRPIND = 0 ; if HPRIME = " " then HPRIME = 0 ; if DOM1PIND = " " then DOM1PIND = 0 ; if DOM3PIND = " " then DOM3PIND = 0 ; if DOM5PIND = " " then DOM5PIND = 0 ; if CHIRDOM1PIND = " " then CHIRDOM1PIND = 0 ; if CHIRDOM3PIND = " " then CHIRDOM3PIND = 0 ; if CHIRDOM5PIND = " " then CHIRDOM5PIND = 0 ; if EPHRPIND = " " then EPHRPIND = 0 ; if ODONNIND = " " then ODONNIND = 0 ; if ODONNTAX = " " then ODONNTAX = 0 ; if ODONPIND = " " then ODONPIND = 0 ; if ODONPTAX = " " then ODONPTAX = 0 ; if HEMININD = " " then HEMININD = 0 ; if HEMINTAX = " " then HEMINTAX = 0 ; if HEMIPIND = " " then HEMIPIND = 0 ; if HEMIPTAX = " " then HEMIPTAX = 0 ; if plecNIND = " " then HEMININD = 0 ; if plecnTAX = " " then HEMINTAX = 0 ; if plecPIND = " " then HEMIPIND = 0 ; if plecPTAX = " " then HEMIPTAX = 0 ; run; proc print data = slrebug.merged820 ; var metric_ID studyname gear studyid fielddepth; run; *attribute and filter data; data slrebug.merged718forgis; set slrebug.merged820 ; drop PLECNIND PLECNTAX PLECPIND PLECPTAX ; *removal of other gear types reduces n to 718; *zone = numID; *zonename = nameID; *if zone = 999 then delete; *if zone = 6 then delete; *if zone = 10 then delete; *if zone = 1 then delete; *if zone = 2 then delete; *numid nameid 1 pokegama 2 allouez bay 3 harbor 4 lower st louis bay 5 spirit lake to Boyscout landing 6 upriver (above Boyscout Landing) 7 howards bay 8 upper st. louis bay 10 pickle pond 999 outside slre; *drop non-ponar records; if gear = "net" then delete; if gear = "core" then delete; if gear = "Dnet" then delete; if gear = "dnet" then delete; if gear = "hess" then delete; if gear = "hesterdendy" then delete; if gear = "scrub" then delete; if gear = "D-NET" then delete; if gear = "DNET SCOOP" then delete; if gear = "NET" then delete; if gear = "PETITE PONA" then gear = "petiteponar"; *If impaired = " " then Referencecond = "reference"; *If impaired = "Disturbed" then referencecond = "disturbed"; *if impaired = "Channel" then referencecond = "channel"; *correct error; *also fixed in source file; if metric_id = "ponar05_85" then long = long * -1; *if depth_m ge 7.5 then delete; *iF rei LT 1 THEN rei = 1; *depthxrei = depth_m*rei; *study 79 and 80 not included because no field depth; run; proc print data = slrebug.merged718forgis;var metric_id studyname studyid gear year fielddepth;run; *export file for adding GIS attributes; Proc export data = slrebug.merged718forGIS outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\SAS\merged718forgis.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *import only gis attributes from Jon; *sheet1; proc import out = slrebug.merged718GISonly datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\benthos718_TED_11_10_15.xlsx' dbms = xlsx replace ;run; proc print data = slrebug.merged718GISonly ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.merged718GISonly;by metric_id;run; proc sort data =slrebug.merged718forgis;by metric_id;run; data slrebug.epf718; merge slrebug.merged718GISonly slrebug.merged718forgis; by metric_id; gisdepth = gisdepth *-1; zone = numID; zonename = nameID; if zone = 999 then delete; if zone = 6 then delete; if zone = 10 then delete; *if zone = 1 then delete; *if zone = 2 then delete; If studyid = 79 then delete;*ussteel*; if studyid = 80 then delete;*radiotowerbay; *numid nameid 1 pokegama 2 allouez bay 3 harbor 4 lower st louis bay 5 spirit lake to Boyscout landing 6 upriver (above Boyscout Landing) 7 howards bay 8 upper st. louis bay 10 pickle pond 999 outside slre; *drop non-ponar records; if zone = 1 then referencecond = "reference"; IF IMPAIRED = "Allouez Bay" then Referencecond = "reference"; IF IMPAIRED = "Pokegama" then Referencecond = "reference"; If impaired = " " then Referencecond = "reference"; If impaired = "Disturbed" then referencecond = "disturbed"; if impaired = "Channel" then referencecond = "channel"; if metric_id = "SLB-94" then fielddepth = gisdepth;***************correct depth error in field; iF rei LT 1 THEN rei = 1; if fielddepth = " " then fielddepth = gisdepth;*fill in 5 missing depths using GIS data; run; *n=667; proc print data = slrebug.epf718; var studyID year metric_id totlnind;run; **************new analy*****************************; proc means data = slrebug.epf718 p1 p5 p99 n; var totlnind ;run; * The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : TOTLNIND TOTLNIND 1st Pctl 5th Pctl 99th Pctl N ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 12.0000000 37.0000000 2885.00 667 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; data slrebug.epf667; set slrebug.epf718; depth_m = fielddepth;*just for sav calcs; if totlnind le 12 then delete;*1st percentile; if totlnind ge 2885 then delete;*99th percentile; Depth_sqr = depth_m * depth_m; REI_sqr = REI * REI; if slope GT 2 then slope = 2; dslope = slope * depth_m; newzone = zonename; depthxrei = depth_m*rei; if zonename = "Allouez Bay" then newzone ="Turbid Bays"; if zonename = "Pokegama" then newzone ="Turbid Bays"; if zonename = "Lower St.Louis Bay" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if zonename = "Upper St.Louis Bay" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; If zonename = "Howards Bay" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; yhattestFLV = -0.5394 + (3.3541 * depth_m) + (-2.9041*depth_sqr) + (-2.15e-7*rei_sqr)+ (0.000535*depthxrei); *Spirit lake; if zonename = "Spirit Lake" then yhattestSAV = 5.92 + (-4.23* depth_m)+(-0.46*slope) + ( 0.29 * dslope); *St Louis bay; if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then yhattestSAV = 0.99 + (-1.06* depth_m)+ (0.0008 * rei) + ( -0.0005 * depthxrei); if zonename = "Harbor" then yhattestSAV = 0.99 + (-1.06* depth_m)+ (0.0008 * rei) + ( -0.0005 * depthxrei); *Allouez bay; if newzone = "Turbid Bays" then yhattestSAV = 5.55 + (-5.17* depth_m)+ (-0.0005 * rei) + (-0.26*slope) +( 0.0005 * depthxrei) +(0.23* dslope); probability_of_SAV = exp(yhattestSAV)/(1+(exp(yhattestSAV))); probability_of_FLV = exp(yhattestFLV)/(1+(exp(yhattestFLV))); MaxHb = sqrt(8.1 *(fielddepth +(fielddepth*0.78))); *max horiz breaking wave velocity; Hwave = 0.78 * fielddepth; T_ephrpind = arsin(sqrt(ephrpind/100)); T_etopind = arsin(sqrt(etopind/100)); ollipindi = 100 - ollipind; T_ollipind = arsin(sqrt(ollipindi/100)); if metric_ID = "77|3593|20110824|PETI" then totlntax = 11; if metric_ID = "77|3594|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 9; if metric_ID = "77|3596|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 12; if metric_ID = "77|3599|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 10; if metric_ID = "77|3600|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 9; if metric_ID = "77|3601|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 8; if metric_ID = "77|3602|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 20; if metric_ID = "77|3603|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 18; if metric_ID = "77|3604|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 13; if metric_ID = "77|3606|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 14; if metric_ID = "77|3607|20110824|PETI" then totlntax = 21; if metric_ID = "77|3608|20110824|PETI" then totlntax = 9; if metric_ID = "77|3609|20110824|PETI" then totlntax = 7; if metric_ID = "77|3613|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 15; if metric_ID = "77|3614|20110824|PETI" then totlntax = 12; if metric_ID = "77|3615|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 13; if metric_ID = "77|3616|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 14; if metric_ID = "77|3617|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 12; if metric_ID = "77|3618|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 22; if metric_ID = "77|3619|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 16; if metric_ID = "77|3620|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 11; if metric_ID = "77|3621|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 15; if metric_ID = "77|3622|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 19; if metric_ID = "77|3623|20110826|PETI" then totlntax = 18; if metric_ID = "77|3624|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 18; if metric_ID = "77|3625|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 15; if metric_ID = "77|3626|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 16; if metric_ID = "77|3627|20110825|PETI" then totlntax = 8; if metric_ID = "78|3763|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 24; if metric_ID = "78|3764|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 27; if metric_ID = "78|3765|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 23; if metric_ID = "78|3766|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 28; if metric_ID = "78|3767|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 31; if metric_ID = "78|3768|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 36; if metric_ID = "78|3769|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 35; if metric_ID = "78|3770|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 25; if metric_ID = "78|3771|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 24; if metric_ID = "78|3772|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 33; if metric_ID = "78|3773|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 19; if metric_ID = "78|3775|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 28; if metric_ID = "78|3776|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 12; if metric_ID = "78|3777|20100824|PETI" then totlntax = 20; if metric_ID = "78|3778|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 20; if metric_ID = "78|3779|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 28; if metric_ID = "78|3780|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 28; if metric_ID = "78|3781|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 18; if metric_ID = "78|3782|20100825|PETI" then totlntax = 19; if metric_ID = "78|3783|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 12; if metric_ID = "78|3784|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 20; if metric_ID = "78|3785|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 12; if metric_ID = "78|3786|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 7; if metric_ID = "78|3787|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 13; if metric_ID = "78|3788|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 20; if metric_ID = "78|3789|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 15; if metric_ID = "78|3790|20100826|PETI" then totlntax = 8; if metric_ID = "78|3791|20100902|PETI" then totlntax = 9; run; *n=653; *************************************************************************************************************; ****correct metrics for date; ***** NOT TRANSFORMED; PROC MEANS DATA = slrebug.epf667; VAR TOTLNTAX ETOPIND OLLIPINDi;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; RUN; * Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ TOTLNTAX TOTLNTAX 609 18.3825944 8.4984379 1.0000000 58.0000000 ETOPIND ETOPIND 609 4.6608046 6.3095949 0 40.6600000 ollipindi 609 58.1218062 23.3097149 0 100.0000000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ TITLE "CHIR FIX FOR DATE STANDARDIZATION"; *rerun for chir fix; proc reg data = slrebug.epf667; model totlntax = jdate year; output out = totlntax_fix r = reside1; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ;run; proc reg data = slrebug.epf667; model etopind = jdate year; output out =etopind_fix r = reside1;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ;run; proc reg data = slrebug.epf667; model ollipindi = jdate year; output out =ollipind_fix r = reside1;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ;run; TITLE; data totlntax_c ; set totlntax_fix; totlntax_c2 =18.3825944 + reside1; if totlntax_c2 < 0 then totlntax_c2 = 0; run; data etopind_c ; set etopind_fix; etopind_c2 = 4.6608046 + reside1; if etopind_c2< 0 then etopind_c2 = 0;run; data ollipind_c ; set ollipind_fix; ollipind_c2 = 58.1218062 + reside1; if ollipind_c2< 0 then ollipind_c2 = 0;run; proc sort data = totlntax_c; by metric_ID; proc sort data = etopind_c; by metric_ID; proc sort data = ollipind_c; by metric_ID; proc sort data = slrebug.epf667; by metric_id;run; data slrebug.epf653; merge slrebug.epf667 totlntax_c etopind_c ollipind_c ; by metric_id; drop reside1; run; */; PROC PRINT DATA = slrebug.LCI_scaled ;RUN; *merge lci file with file of other corrected metrics; Data slrebug.lci_out; set Slrebug.epf653; keep depth_m Depth_sqr depthxrei dslope etopind etopind hprime totlntax totlntax_c2 etopind_c2 ollipind_c2 ollipindI fielddepth gear gear1 gisdepth gislat gislong Impaired jdate lat long metric_id NameID newzone NumID probability_of_FLV probability_of_SAV Referencecond REI REI_sqr SLOPE studyID studyname year zone zonename maxhb hwave; *fix truncation problem; if metric_id = "SPLA1294PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1294PRI2" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1296PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1296PRI2" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1232PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1232PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1228PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1228PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1229PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1229PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1231PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1231PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1291PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1291PRI2" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1295PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1295PRI2" ; depthxrei= fielddepth *rei; *backtransfer = 100 *(sin(T_ephrpind_c) * sin(T_ephrpind_c)); run; PROC MEANS DATA = slrebug.LCI_OUT; VAR TOTLNTAX TOTLNTAX_c2 ETOPIND ETOPIND_c2 OLLIPINDI OLLIPIND_c2 ;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; RUN; The MEANS Procedure Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ TOTLNTAX TOTLNTAX 609 18.3825944 8.4984379 1.0000000 58.0000000 totlntax_c2 609 18.3825944 7.9765243 1.7102282 53.8897478 ETOPIND ETOPIND 609 4.6608046 6.3095949 0 40.6600000 etopind_c2 609 4.7873293 6.0037492 0 38.8160374 ollipindi 609 58.1218062 23.3097149 0 100.0000000 ollipind_c2 609 58.1473172 22.3077940 0 106.9987267 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; *Sent jon file called density_up on 111215; *get density data with GIS added; *duplicates removed in excel; *40th 21st and old brenneneman data added in with Turbid Bays already removed; proc import out = slrebug.densityGISa datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\density_up_ted_plusnew.xlsx' dbms = excel replace;run; proc print data = slrebug.densityGISa;run; *fix dens gis data to merge; data slrebug.densityGIS; set slrebug.densityGISa; if impaired = "delete" then impaired = " "; densrei = slrerei; densslope = slreslope; densgisdepthn = slredepth ; if densstudy = "invasive" then densstudy = "Invasive"; if denssyscode ne "SLRE" then densrei = " "; if denssyscode = "HEC" then densslope = hecslope; if denssyscode = "HEC" then densgisdepthn = hecdepth; if denssyscode ne "SLRE" then numid = " "; if denssyscode = "CBay" then densslope = " "; if denssyscode = "CBay" then densgisdepthn = " "; densgisdepth = densgisdepthn * -1; *fix truncated metric_ids; if metric_id = "SPLA1294PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1294PRI2" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1296PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1296PRI2" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1232PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1232PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1228PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1228PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1229PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1229PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1231PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1231PRI3" ; if metric_id = "SPLA1291PRI" then metric_id = "SPLA1291PRI2" ; if nameId = " " then nameID = denssyscode; if densstationid = "HB-09" then numid = 7; if densstationid = "HB-20" then numid = 7; if densstationid = "HB-25" then numid = 7; if densstationid = "HB-09" then nameid = "Howards Bay"; if densstationid = "HB-20" then nameid = "Howards Bay"; if densstationid = "HB-25" then nameid = "Howards Bay"; if densstationid = "HB-09" then impaired = "Disturbed"; if densstationid = "HB-20" then impaired = "Disturbed"; if densstationid = "HB-25" then impaired = "Disturbed"; densnumid = numid; densnameid = nameid; densimpaired = impaired; if densrei = 0 then densrei =1; if densstationID = "SLB-94" then densfielddepth = densgisdepth;***************correct depth error in field; if densstudy = "Invasive" and denssyscode = "SLRE" and densyear =2013 then delete; length densmetric_id $25; densmetric_ID = densstationID; *fis ids so can match dens and otner metrics later if needed; if densmetric_id = "SL12-001" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-001-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-002" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-002-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-003" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-003-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-004" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-004-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-005" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-005-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-006" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-006-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-007" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-007-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-008" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-008-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-009" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-009-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-010" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-010-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-011" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-011-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-012" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-012-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-013" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-013-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-014" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-014-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-015" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-015-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-016" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-016-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-017" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-017-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-018" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-018-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-019" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-019-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-020" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-020-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-022" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-022-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-023" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-023-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-024" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-024-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-025" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-025-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-026" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-026-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-030" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-030-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-031" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-031-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-032" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-032-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-033" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-033-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-034" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-034-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-035" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-035-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-036" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-036-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-039" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-039-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-041" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-041-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-042" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-042-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-043" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-043-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-044" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-044-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-045" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-045-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-046" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-046-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-047" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-047-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-048" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-048-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-050" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-050-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-051" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-051-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-052" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-052-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-054" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-054-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-056" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-056-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-059" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-059-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-060" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-060-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-061" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-061-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-062" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-062-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-066" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-066-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-070" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-070-SEP" ; if densmetric_id = "SL12-073" then densmetric_ID = "INVPPFOR-SL12-073-SEP" ; *delete records with LE 12 totlnind; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_83" then delete; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_32" then delete; if densmetric_id = "GRPO046PRI2" then delete; If denssyscode ne "SLRE" then densmetric_id = " "; log10densityh = log10(densityh +1); *delet upiver sites as for other metrics; if densnameID = "Upriver" then delete; keep densstationid densrei densslope densgisdepth densnumid densnameid densimpaired densstudy denssyscode densjdate densyear denslat denslong log10densityh densfielddepth densityh densityd densmetric_id; run; proc print data = slrebug.densitygis;run; *correct densityh for date for SLRE; proc reg data = slrebug.densitygis; model log10densityh = densjdate densyear; output out = densityh_fix r = reside1; where denssyscode = "SLRE" and densnumid ge 3;run; proc means data = slrebug.densitygis; var log10densityh ; where denssyscode = "SLRE" and densnumid ge 3;run; * Analysis Variable : log10densityh N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 604 1.1582709 1.1077094 0 3.6469703 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; data slrebug.densityh_c ; set densityh_fix; Log10densityh_c = 1.1582709 + reside1; if log10densityh_c <0 then log10densityh_c = 0;run; proc sort data = slrebug.densityGIS; by densstationID;run; proc sort data = slrebug.densityh_c; by densstationID;run; data slrebug.densityGISx ;*add corrected back to file; merge slrebug.densityGIS slrebug.densityh_c; by densstationID;run; proc print data = slrebug.densityGISx; var log10densityh_c;run; data slrebug.epf867; merge slrebug.densityGISx slrebug.lci_out; drop gear1 reside1; if rei gt 6000 then exposure = "high"; if rei LE 6000 then exposure = "low"; if totlntax_c2 <-1 then exposure = " ";*remove extra records; if densrei gt 6000 then densexposure = "high"; if densrei le 6000 then densexposure = "low"; if densrei eq " " then densexposure = " "; *remove extra records; *driven by slb_sl; if denssyscode = "HEC" then densstudy = "HEC2014"; *fixes copy error; medjoin = studyname; if studyid = 69 then medjoin = "med2010"; if studyid = 71 then medjoin = "med2010"; densitydepthxrei = densfielddepth * densrei; densgear = "stdponar"; if densstudy = "Invasive" and densyear = 2012 then densgear = "petitep"; if densstudy = "Invasive" and densyear = 2006 then densgear = "petitep"; if densstudy = "nrri" then densgear = "petitep"; if densstudy = "R-EMAP Study," then densgear = "petitep"; if densstudy = "21st Ave Macro" then densgear = "petitep"; if densstudy = "40th Ave Macro" then densgear = "petitep"; densnewzone = densnameid; if densnumid = 4 then densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if densnumid = 7 then densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if densnumid = 8 then densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if densnumid = 2 then densnewzone = "Turbid Bays"; if densnumid = 1 then densnewzone = "Turbid Bays"; if denssyscode ne "SLRE" then densnewzone=" "; densnewzone2 = densnewzone; if densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay" then densnewzone2 = "AOCR2R"; if densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" then densnewzone2 = "AOCR2R"; if denssyscode ne "SLRE" then densnewzone2=" "; *if zone = 1 then referencecond = "reference"; IF densIMPAIRED = "Allouez Bay" then densReferencecond = "reference"; IF densIMPAIRED = "Pokegama Bay" then densReferencecond = "reference"; If densimpaired = " " and log10densityh ne " " then densReferencecond = "reference"; If densimpaired = "Disturbed" then densreferencecond = "disturbed"; if densimpaired = "Channel" then densreferencecond = "channel"; *if referencecond = "channel" then referencecond = "disturbed"; *All outliers area in St louis Bay; densoutlier = "Nope"; If densmetric_id = "ponar05_86" then densoutlier = "yes"; If densmetric_id = "ponar06_52" then densoutlier = "yes"; If densmetric_id = "ponar06_29" then densoutlier = "yes"; *note ponar_05_70 was formerly an outlier but not after depth fixed below; *fix depth errors from anett; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_41" then densfielddepth = 0.2 ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_70" then densfielddepth = 1.5 ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_72" then densfielddepth = 10.1; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_77" then densfielddepth = 7.8 ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_30" then densfielddepth = 2.0 ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_48" then densfielddepth = 0.9 ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_55" then densfielddepth = 1.9 ; if metric_id = "ponar05_41" then fielddepth = 0.2 ; if metric_id = "ponar05_70" then fielddepth = 1.5 ; if metric_id = "ponar05_72" then fielddepth = 10.1; if metric_id = "ponar05_77" then fielddepth = 7.8 ; if metric_id = "ponar06_30" then fielddepth = 2.0 ; if metric_id = "ponar06_48" then fielddepth = 0.9 ; if metric_id = "ponar06_55" then fielddepth = 1.9 ; sheltermodel = "Model"; if metric_id = "HB-01" then MEDsub = "coarsesandgravel"; if metric_id = "HB-11" then MEDsub = "clay"; if metric_id = "HB-19" then MEDsub = "clay"; if metric_id = "SLB-10" then MEDsub = "coarsesandgravel"; if metric_id = "HB-15" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "HB-33" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "HB-35" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "HB-39" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "HB-40" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "HB-41" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-01" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-04" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-17" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-18" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-29" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-31" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-32" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-36" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-37" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-42" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-44" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-49" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-50" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-51" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-53" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-56" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-57" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-64" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-65" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-68" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-71" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-74" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-81" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-85" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-91" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-93" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-94" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-96" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "HB-09" then MEDsub = "coarsesandgravel"; if metric_id = "SLB-03" then MEDsub = ""; if metric_id = "HB-02" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-03" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-04" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-06" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-07" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-08" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-10" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-12" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-13" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-14" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-16" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-17" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-18" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-20" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-22" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-23" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-24" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-25" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-27" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-28" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-29" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-30" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-31" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-32" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-34" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-36" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-38" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-42" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-44" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-45" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-02" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-06" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-07" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-08" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-09" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-11" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-15" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-19" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-25" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-28" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-30" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-33" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-34" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-35" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-38" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-39" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-46" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-48" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-55" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-60" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-62" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-63" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-66" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-67" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-69" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-70" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-73" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-75" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-76" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-77" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-82" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-83" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-86" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-88" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-89" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-90" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-95" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "SLB-97" then MEDsub = "muck"; if metric_id = "HB-37" then MEDsub = "fine sand"; if metric_id = "SLB-05" then MEDsub = "silt"; if metric_id = "SLB-16" then MEDsub = "silt"; if metric_id = "SLB-61" then MEDsub = "silt"; if metric_id = "SLB-87" then MEDsub = "silt"; if densmetric_id = "HB-01" then Densmedsub = "coarsesandgravel"; if densmetric_id = "HB-11" then Densmedsub = "clay"; if densmetric_id = "HB-19" then Densmedsub = "clay"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-10" then Densmedsub = "coarsesandgravel"; if densmetric_id = "HB-15" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "HB-33" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "HB-35" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "HB-39" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "HB-40" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "HB-41" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-01" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-04" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-17" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-18" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-29" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-31" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-32" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-36" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-37" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-42" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-44" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-49" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-50" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-51" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-53" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-56" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-57" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-64" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-65" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-68" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-71" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-74" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-81" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-85" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-91" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-93" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-94" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-96" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "HB-09" then Densmedsub = "coarsesandgravel"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-03" then Densmedsub = ""; if densmetric_id = "HB-02" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-03" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-04" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-06" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-07" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-08" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-10" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-12" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-13" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-14" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-16" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-17" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-18" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-20" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-22" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-23" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-24" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-25" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-27" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-28" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-29" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-30" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-31" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-32" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-34" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-36" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-38" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-42" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-44" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-45" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-02" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-06" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-07" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-08" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-09" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-11" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-15" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-19" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-25" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-28" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-30" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-33" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-34" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-35" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-38" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-39" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-46" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-48" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-55" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-60" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-62" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-63" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-66" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-67" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-69" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-70" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-73" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-75" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-76" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-77" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-82" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-83" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-86" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-88" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-89" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-90" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-95" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-97" then Densmedsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "HB-37" then Densmedsub = "fine sand"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-05" then Densmedsub = "silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-16" then Densmedsub = "silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-61" then Densmedsub = "silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLB-87" then Densmedsub = "silt"; if medsub = "clay" then medsub = "other"; if medsub = "coarsesandgravel" then medsub = "other"; if densmedsub = "coarsesandgravel" then densmedsub = "other"; if densmedsub = "clay" then densmedsub = "other"; if densmedsub = "silt" then densmedsub = "muck"; if medsub = "silt" then medsub = "muck"; if densmetric_id = "78|3766|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "78|3766|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1228PRI3" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA1228PRI3" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1229PRI3" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA1229PRI3" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1232PRI3" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA1232PRI3" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1291PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA1291PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1294PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA1294PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA407PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA407PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA409PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA409PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA410PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA410PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA418PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA418PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA429PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA429PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA435PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA435PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA437PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "SPLA437PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "USST494PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "USST494PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO045PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "GRPO045PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO053PRI1" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "GRPO053PRI1" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO055PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "GRPO055PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO057PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "GRPO057PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO058PRI2" then densbradysub = "Clay"; if metric_id = "GRPO058PRI2" then bradysub = "Clay"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA015PRI1" then densbradysub = "Detritus"; if metric_id = "SWMA015PRI1" then bradysub = "Detritus"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA016PRI1" then densbradysub = "Detritus"; if metric_id = "SWMA016PRI1" then bradysub = "Detritus"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA406PRI2" then densbradysub = "Detritus"; if metric_id = "SPLA406PRI2" then bradysub = "Detritus"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS409PRI2" then densbradysub = "Detritus"; if metric_id = "CLIS409PRI2" then bradysub = "Detritus"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO060PRI1" then densbradysub = "Muck"; if metric_id = "GRPO060PRI1" then bradysub = "Muck"; if densmetric_id = "77|3614|20110824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "77|3614|20110824|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "77|3622|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "77|3622|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "77|3623|20110826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "77|3623|20110826|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "77|3624|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "77|3624|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3776|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3776|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3781|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3781|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3782|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3782|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3783|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3783|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3784|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3784|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3787|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3787|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3769|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3769|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "78|3770|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "78|3770|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA017PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "SWMA017PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA019PRI2" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "SWMA019PRI2" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL025PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "ESFL025PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL026PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "ESFL026PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL027PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "ESFL027PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL028PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "ESFL028PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL029PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "ESFL029PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if 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then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO037PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "GRPO037PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO038PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "GRPO038PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO041PRI1" then densbradysub = "Sand"; if metric_id = "GRPO041PRI1" then bradysub = "Sand"; if densmetric_id = "77|3593|20110824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3593|20110824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3594|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3594|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3596|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3596|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3599|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3599|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3600|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3600|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3601|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3601|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3602|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3602|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3603|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3603|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3604|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3604|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3606|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3606|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3608|20110824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3608|20110824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3609|20110824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3609|20110824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3615|20110826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3615|20110826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3616|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3616|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3617|20110826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3617|20110826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3618|20110826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3618|20110826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3619|20110826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3619|20110826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3620|20110826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3620|20110826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3621|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3621|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3625|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3625|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3626|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3626|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "77|3627|20110825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "77|3627|20110825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3773|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3773|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3775|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3775|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3777|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3777|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3778|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3778|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3779|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3779|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3780|20100825|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3780|20100825|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3785|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3785|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3788|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3788|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3789|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3789|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3790|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3790|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3791|20100902|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3791|20100902|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3765|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3765|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3771|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3771|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3772|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3772|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3763|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3763|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3764|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3764|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3767|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3767|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3768|20100824|PETI" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "78|3768|20100824|PETI" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA018PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SWMA018PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA020PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SWMA020PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA021PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SWMA021PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA022PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SWMA022PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA023PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SWMA023PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SWMA024PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SWMA024PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ERPI119PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ERPI119PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL030PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ESFL030PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL031PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ESFL031PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL033PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ESFL033PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL034PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ESFL034PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL035PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ESFL035PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "ESFL036PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "ESFL036PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS411PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS411PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS415PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS415PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA001PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA001PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA002PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA002PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA003PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA003PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA004PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA004PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA006PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA006PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA007PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA007PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA008PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA008PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1231PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA1231PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1295PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA1295PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA1296PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA1296PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA396PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA396PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA397PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA397PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA398PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA398PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA399PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA399PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA400PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA400PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA401PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA401PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA402PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA402PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA403PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA403PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA404PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA404PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA405PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA405PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA408PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA408PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA411PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA411PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA412PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA412PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA413PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA413PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA414PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA414PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA416PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA416PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA417PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA417PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA421PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA421PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA425PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA425PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA426PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA426PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA427PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA427PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA441PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA441PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA442PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA442PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA449PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA449PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA451PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA451PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SPLA454PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SPLA454PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST467PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST467PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST469PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST469PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST470PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST470PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST474PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST474PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST477PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST477PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST479PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST479PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST480PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST480PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST481PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST481PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST482PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST482PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST483PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST483PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST484PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST484PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST485PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST485PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST486PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST486PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST487PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST487PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST488PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST488PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST489PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST489PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST490PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST490PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST491PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST491PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST493PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST493PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST495PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST495PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST496PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST496PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST497PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST497PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST498PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST498PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST500PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST500PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST502PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST502PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST503PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST503PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST504PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST504PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST505PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST505PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST506PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST506PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST507PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST507PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST508PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST508PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST509PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST509PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST510PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST510PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST511PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST511PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST512PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST512PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "USST513PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "USST513PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS407PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS407PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS408PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS408PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS410PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS410PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS412PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS412PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS413PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS413PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "CLIS414PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "CLIS414PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO043PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO043PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO044PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO044PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO048PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO048PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO049PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO049PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO050PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO050PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO051PRI2" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO051PRI2" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO052PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO052PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "GRPO062PRI1" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "GRPO062PRI1" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLBS009PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SLBS009PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLBS010PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SLBS010PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLBS011PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SLBS011PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLBS012PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SLBS012PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLBS013PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SLBS013PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "SLBS014PRI3" then densbradysub = "Silt"; if metric_id = "SLBS014PRI3" then bradysub = "Silt"; if densmetric_id = "78|3786|20100826|PETI" then densbradysub = "wood chips"; if metric_id = "78|3786|20100826|PETI" then bradysub = "wood chips"; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-001-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-001-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-002-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-002-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-003-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-003-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-004-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-004-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-005-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-005-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-006-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-006-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-007-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "organic" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-007-SEP" then inv2012sub = "organic" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-008-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-008-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-009-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-009-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-010-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-010-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-011-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-011-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-012-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-012-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-013-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-013-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-014-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-014-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-015-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-015-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-016-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-016-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-017-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-017-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-018-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-018-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-019-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-019-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-020-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-020-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-022-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-022-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-023-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-023-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-024-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-024-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-025-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-025-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-026-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-026-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-029-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "gravel" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-029-SEP" then inv2012sub = "gravel" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-030-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-030-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-031-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-031-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-032-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-032-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-033-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-033-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-034-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-034-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-035-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-035-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-036-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "organic" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-036-SEP" then inv2012sub = "organic" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-039-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-039-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-040-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-040-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-041-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-041-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-042-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-042-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-043-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-043-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-044-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "organic" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-044-SEP" then inv2012sub = "organic" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-045-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-045-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-046-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-046-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-047-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-047-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-048-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-048-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-049-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "anthro" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-049-SEP" then inv2012sub = "anthro" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-050-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-050-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-051-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-051-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-052-SEP" then densinv2012sub = " " ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-052-SEP" then inv2012sub = " " ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-053-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-053-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-054-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-054-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-056-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-056-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-059-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-060-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-061-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-062-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-066-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-070-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "organic" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "organic" ; if densmetric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-073-SEP" then densinv2012sub = "silt" ; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then inv2012sub = "silt" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_1" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_1" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_2" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_2" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_3" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_3" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_4" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_4" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_5" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_5" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_6" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_6" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_7" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_7" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_8" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_8" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_9" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_9" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_10" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_10" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_11" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_11" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_12" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_12" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_13" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_13" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_14" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_14" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_15" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_15" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_16" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_16" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_17" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_17" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_18" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_18" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_19" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_19" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_20" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_20" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_21" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_21" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_22" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_22" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_23" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_23" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_24" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_24" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_25" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_25" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_26" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_26" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_27" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_27" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_28" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_28" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_29" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_29" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_30" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_30" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_31" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_31" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_33" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_33" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_34" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_34" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_35" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_35" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_36" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_36" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_37" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_37" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_38" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_38" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_39" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_39" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_40" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_40" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_41" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_41" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_42" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_42" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_43" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_43" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_44" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_44" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_45" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_45" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_46" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_46" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_47" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_47" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_48" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_48" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_49" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_49" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_50" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_50" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_51" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_51" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_52" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_52" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_53" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_53" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_54" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_54" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_55" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_55" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_56" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_56" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_57" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_57" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_58" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_58" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_59" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_59" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_60" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_60" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_61" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_61" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_62" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_62" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_63" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_63" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_64" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_64" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_65" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_65" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_66" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_66" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_67" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_67" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_68" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_68" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_69" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_69" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_70" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_70" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_71" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_71" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_72" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_72" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_73" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_73" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_74" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_74" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_75" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_75" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_76" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_76" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_77" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_77" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_78" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_78" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_79" then densinv0506sub = "grav" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_79" then inv0506sub = "grav" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_80" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_80" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_81" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_81" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_82" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_82" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_84" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_84" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_85" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_85" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_86" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_86" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_87" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_87" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar05_88" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar05_88" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_1" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_1" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_2" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_2" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_3" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_3" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_4" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_4" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_6" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_6" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_7" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_7" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_8" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_8" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_9" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_9" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_10" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_10" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_11" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_11" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_12" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_12" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_13" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_13" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_14" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_14" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_15" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_15" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_16" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_16" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_18" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_18" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_19" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_19" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_20" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_20" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_21" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_21" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_22" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_22" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_23" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_23" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_24" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_24" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_25" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_25" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_26" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_26" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_27" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_27" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_28" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_28" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_29" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_29" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_30" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_30" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_31" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_31" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_32" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_32" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_33" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_33" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_34" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_34" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_35" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_35" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_36" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_36" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_37" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_37" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_38" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_38" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_39" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_39" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_40" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_40" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_41" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_41" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_42" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_42" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_43" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_43" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_44" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_44" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_45" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_45" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_46" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_46" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_47" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_47" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_48" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_48" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_49" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_49" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_50" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_50" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_51" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_51" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_52" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_52" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_53" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_53" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_54" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_54" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_55" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_55" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_56" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_56" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_57" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_57" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_58" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_58" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_59" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_59" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_60" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_60" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_61" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_61" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_62" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_62" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_63" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_63" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_64" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_64" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_65" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_65" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_66" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_66" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_68" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_68" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_69" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_69" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_70" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_70" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_71" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_71" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_72" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_72" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_73" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_73" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_74" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_74" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_75" then densinv0506sub = "sand" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_75" then inv0506sub = "sand" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_76" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_76" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; if densmetric_id = "ponar06_77" then densinv0506sub = "clay" ; if metric_id = "ponar06_77" then inv0506sub = "clay" ; run; *check; PROC MEANS DATA = slrebug.epf1037; VAR TOTLNTAX_c2 ETOPIND_c2 OLLIPIND_c2 tmi ;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; RUN; * Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ totlntax_c2 609 18.3825944 7.9765243 1.7102282 53.8897478 etopind_c2 609 4.7873293 6.0037492 0 38.8160374 ollipind_c2 609 58.1473172 22.3077940 0 106.9987267 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; PROC MEANS DATA = slrebug.epf1037; VAR tmi ;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; RUN; * Analysis Variable : TMI N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 609 0.9862925 0.3570880 0.0646357 2.1908334 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; *final file for Will; data slrebug.epf1037;set slrebug.epf867; * TMI calculated with out turbid bays included; s_s= (totlntax_c2 - 1.7102282)/( 53.8897478 - 1.7102282); s_peto = (etopind_c2 - 0)/(38.8160374 - 0); s_olli = (ollipind_c2 - 0)/( 106.9987267 - 0); TMI = s_s + s_olli + s_peto ; s_tmi = (tmi - 0.0646357 )/( 2.1908334 - 0.0646357 ); if s_tmi < 0 then S_tmi = 0; if metric_id = " " then S_tmi = " "; IF newzone = "Turbid Bays" then totlntax_c2 =" "; IF newzone = "Turbid Bays" then etopind_c2 =" "; IF newzone = "Turbid Bays" then ollipind_c2 =" "; IF newzone = "Turbid Bays" then s_TMI =" "; *IF densnewzone = "Turbid Bays" then log10densityh_c =" "; drop probability_of_SAV probability_of_FLV MaxHb Hwave sheltermodel densitydepthxrei depthxrei Depth_sqr REI_sqr depth_m Depth_sqr REI_sqr dslope densityd densrei densslope densgisdepth REI SLOPE HPRIME s_s s_peto s_olli TMI; backdens = 10**log10densityh_c -1 ;run ******************************************************************************************************; proc export data = slrebug.epf1037 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\EPF1037_110716' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *******************************************************************************************************; proc print data = slrebug.epf1037; run; ***NOT SURE WHAT THIS SECTION DOES; Proc means data = slrebug.epf1037 median ; var jdate year ; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; data backtrans; set slrebug.epf867a; keep densmetric_id densoutlier densstudy denssyscode densfielddepth densnewzone log10densityh_c backdens densfielddepth metric_id fielddepth newzone totlntax T_etopind_c2 backetopind T_ollipind_c2 backollipind S_tmi ; ;run; proc export data = backtrans outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\backtrans' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf867a by densstudy densyear; proc means data = slrebug.epf867a;var densfielddepth; by densstudy densyear;run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf867a; by newzone; proc means data = slrebug.epf867a n mean lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var totlntax_c2 T_etopind_c2 T_ollipind_c2 s_TMI;by newzone; where fielddepth lt 11 ; run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf867a; by newzone ; proc means data = slrebug.epf867a n mean lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var log10densityh_c;by newzone; where densmedsub; run; **********substrate*******************************************************************; **************************************************************************************; *Invasive 2005 06 substrate; Title "2005 06 inv substrate"; data inv0506sub ;set slrebug.epf1037; if inv0506sub = " " then delete; run; proc sort data = inv0506sub; by inv0506sub ; proc means data =inv0506sub n mean p90 lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var totlntax_c2 T_etopind_c2 T_ollipind_c2 s_Tmi;by inv0506sub ;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data =inv0506sub cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class inv0506sub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = inv0506sub cochran;var T_ollipind_c2 ;class inv0506sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = inv0506sub cochran;var T_etopind_c2 ;class inv0506sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data =inv0506sub cochran;var s_Tmi ;class inv0506sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; data densinv0506sub ;set slrebug.epf1037; if densinv0506sub = " " then delete; run; proc sort data = densinv0506sub; by densinv0506sub ; proc means data =densinv0506sub n mean p90 lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var log10densityh_c;by densinv0506sub; where densfielddepth lt 11 and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = densinv0506sub cochran;var log10densityh_c ; class densinv0506sub; where densfielddepth lt 11 and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; *Invasive 2012 substrate; title "2012 inv substrate";run; data inv2012sub ;set slrebug.epf1037; if inv2012sub = " " then delete; if inv2012sub = "anth" then delete; if inv2012sub = "orga" then delete; if inv2012sub = "grav" then delete; if inv2012sub = "silt" then inv2012sub = "sltclay"; if inv2012sub = "clay" then inv2012sub = "sltclay"; run; proc sort data = inv2012sub; by inv2012sub; proc means data =inv2012sub n mean p90 lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var totlntax_c2 T_etopind_c2 T_ollipind_c2 s_Tmi;by inv2012sub ;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = inv2012sub cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class inv2012sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = inv2012sub cochran;var T_ollipind_c2 ;class inv2012sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = inv2012sub cochran;var T_etopind_c2 ;class inv2012sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data =inv2012sub cochran;var s_Tmi ;class inv2012sub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; data densinv2012sub ;set slrebug.epf1037; if densinv2012sub = " " then delete; if densinv2012sub = "anth" then delete; if densinv2012sub = "orga" then delete; if densinv2012sub = "grav" then delete; if densinv2012sub = "silt" then densinv2012sub = "silt/clay"; if densinv2012sub = "clay" then densinv2012sub = "silt/clay";run; proc sort data = densinv2012sub; by densinv2012sub ; proc means data =densinv2012sub n mean p90 lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var log10densityh_c;by densinv2012sub; where densfielddepth lt 11 and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = densinv2012sub cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densinv2012sub;where densfielddepth lt 11 and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; **************MED2010substrate*****************; title "med 2010 sub"; data medsub;set slrebug.epf867a; if medsub = " " then delete; if medsub = "other" then delete; run; proc sort data = medsub; by medsub ; proc means data = medsub n mean p90 lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var totlntax_c2 T_etopind_c2 T_ollipind_c2 s_Tmi;by medsub ;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = medsub cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class medsub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = medsub cochran;var T_ollipind_c2 ;class medsub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = medsub cochran;var T_etopind_c2 ;class medsub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = medsub cochran;var s_Tmi ;class medsub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; data densmedsub;set slrebug.epf867a; if densmedsub = " " then delete; if densmedsub = "other" then delete; run; proc sort data = densmedsub; by densmedsub ; proc means data = densmedsub n mean p90 lclm uclm maxdec = 2; var log10densityh_c ;by densmedsub ;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc ttest data = densmedsub cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densmedsub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; ***************bradysubstrate******************************; title "brady sub"; data bradysub;set slrebug.epf1037; if bradysub = "Detr" then delete; if bradysub = "Muck" then delete; If bradysub = "wood" then delete; If bradysub = " " then delete; if newzone = "Harbor" then delete; run; proc sort data = bradysub; by bradysub; proc means data = bradysub n mean p90 lclm; var totlntax_c2 T_etopind_c2 T_ollipind_c2 s_Tmi;by bradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; data noclay; set bradysub; if bradysub = "Clay" then delete;run; data nosand; set bradysub; if bradysub = "Sand" then delete;run; data nosilt; set bradysub; if bradysub = "Silt" then delete;run; proc ttest data = noclay cochran; var totlntax_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc ttest data = nosand cochran; var totlntax_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc ttest data = nosilt cochran; var totlntax_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc ttest data = noclay cochran; var T_ollipind_c2 ;class bradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc ttest data = nosand cochran; var T_ollipind_c2 ;class bradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; proc ttest data = nosilt cochran; var T_ollipind_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; proc ttest data = noclay cochran; var T_etopind_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ;run; proc ttest data = nosand cochran; var T_etopind_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ;run; proc ttest data = nosilt cochran; var T_etopind_c2 ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = noclay cochran; var s_Tmi ;class bradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; proc ttest data = nosand cochran; var s_Tmi ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ;run; proc ttest data = nosilt cochran; var s_Tmi ;class bradysub; where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; *DENSITY BELOW HERE; data densbradysub;set slrebug.epf1037; if densbradysub = "Detr" then delete; if densbradysub = "Muck" then delete; If densbradysub = "wood" then delete; If densbradysub = " " then delete; if densnewzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete;if newzone = "Harbor" then delete; run; proc sort data = densbradysub; by densbradysub; proc means data = densbradysub n mean p90 lclm; var log10densityh_c ;by densbradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; data dnoclay; set densbradysub; if densbradysub = "Clay" then delete;run; data dnosand; set densbradysub; if densbradysub = "Sand" then delete;run; data dnosilt; set densbradysub; if densbradysub = "Silt" then delete;run; proc ttest data = dnoclay cochran; var log10densityh_c ;class densbradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; proc ttest data = dnosand cochran; var log10densityh_c ;class densbradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; proc ttest data = dnosilt cochran; var log10densityh_c ;class densbradysub;where fielddepth lt 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; title; ********************end substrate*****************************************************************; **************************************************************************************************; title "normality tests"; *normality tests; proc capability data = slrebug.epf1037 normal ; var densityh log10densityh; where denssyscode = "SLRE" and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; title; run; *************************************corr************************************************************; * code from excel done using lookup; *line up density wth other metrics; data slrebug.corr; set slrebug.epf1037; densmatch = 9999; if metric_id = "77|3593|20110824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3594|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3596|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3599|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3600|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3601|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3603|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3604|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3606|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3607|20110824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3608|20110824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3609|20110824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3613|20110826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3614|20110824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3616|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3619|20110826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3620|20110826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3622|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3623|20110826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3624|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "77|3627|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3771|20100824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3773|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3775|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3776|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3777|20100824|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3780|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3783|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3785|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3786|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3787|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "78|3791|20100902|PETI" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "CLIS409PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "CLIS413PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ERPI116PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ESFL025PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ESFL026PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ESFL027PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ESFL029PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ESFL032PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ESFL036PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "GRPO037PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "GRPO038PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "GRPO060PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "GRPO062PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-002-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-004-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-005-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-009-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-013-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-015-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-016-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-025-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-031-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-035-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-039-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-040-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-042-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-043-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-045-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-047-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-050-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-054-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-056-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-057-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-066-SEP" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA1228PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA398PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA400PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA404PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA405PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA406PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA407PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA411PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA412PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA414PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA425PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA449PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SPLA451PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SWMA015PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SWMA016PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SWMA017PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "SWMA019PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST467PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST469PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST470PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST474PRI1" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST480PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST482PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST483PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST487PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST491PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST494PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST500PRI2" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST502PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST503PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST506PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST507PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "USST508PRI3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_19" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_24" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_28" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_3" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_43" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_48" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_55" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_57" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_59" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_71" then densmatch = 0; if metric_id = "ponar06_74" 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"04|1054|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1056|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1057|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1058|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1059|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1061|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1062|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1065|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1066|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1067|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1068|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1069|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1070|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 0.287222834988791; if metric_id = "04|1071|1995|PETITEPO" 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then densmatch = 1.66643675232859; if metric_id = "ponar06_56" then densmatch = 1.66643675232859; if metric_id = "ponar06_75" then densmatch = 1.66643675232859; if metric_id = "ponar06_37" then densmatch = 1.67104210980749; if metric_id = "ponar06_49" then densmatch = 1.67104210980749; if metric_id = "ponar06_46" then densmatch = 1.67564746728638; if metric_id = "ponar06_12" then densmatch = 1.68025282476528; if metric_id = "SLB-10" then densmatch = 1.6862297113076; if metric_id = "SLB-75" then densmatch = 1.72307257113874; if metric_id = "HB-38" then densmatch = 1.7414940010543; if metric_id = "HB-45" then densmatch = 1.7414940010543; if metric_id = "HB-33" then densmatch = 1.7460993585332; if metric_id = "SPLA441PRI1" then densmatch = 1.75091605150457; if metric_id = "GRPO057PRI2" then densmatch = 1.75485041665361; if metric_id = "GRPO058PRI2" then densmatch = 1.75485041665361; if metric_id = "HB-04" then densmatch = 1.75531007349099; if metric_id = "SPLA001PRI3" then densmatch = 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densmatch = 1.83303121657122; if metric_id = "78|3779|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 1.83681158351465; if metric_id = "78|3781|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 1.83681158351465; if metric_id = "78|3788|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 1.84141694099354; if metric_id = "ponar05_10" then densmatch = 1.84405923802103; if metric_id = "ponar05_19" then densmatch = 1.8578753104577; if metric_id = "ponar05_27" then densmatch = 1.86248066793659; if metric_id = "SLB-71" then densmatch = 1.86324224898579; if metric_id = "SLB-81" then densmatch = 1.86324224898579; if metric_id = "SLB-91" then densmatch = 1.86324224898579; if metric_id = "SLB-92" then densmatch = 1.86324224898579; if metric_id = "ponar05_38" then densmatch = 1.86708602541549; if metric_id = "SPLA413PRI2" then densmatch = 1.87502793574814; if metric_id = "SPLA427PRI2" then densmatch = 1.87502793574814; if metric_id = "GRPO055PRI2" then densmatch = 1.8789622995666; if metric_id = "SPLA417PRI2" then densmatch = 1.87963329322703; if metric_id = "SPLA421PRI2" then densmatch = 1.87963329322703; if metric_id = "06|1044|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.88079492082565; if metric_id = "06|3654|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.88079492082565; if metric_id = "GRPO048PRI1" then densmatch = 1.8835676570455; if metric_id = "SLBS011PRI3" then densmatch = 1.8835676570455; if metric_id = "SLBS014PRI3" then densmatch = 1.8835676570455; if metric_id = "SPLA429PRI2" then densmatch = 1.88423865070592; if metric_id = "SPLA437PRI2" then densmatch = 1.88423865070592; if metric_id = "06|3706|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.88540027830454; if metric_id = "ponar05_24" then densmatch = 1.89011281280996; if metric_id = "ponar05_54" then densmatch = 1.89011281280996; if metric_id = "SLB-94" then densmatch = 1.89547975133805; if metric_id = "ESFL031PRI2" then densmatch = 1.89738372948218; if metric_id = "SPLA002PRI3" then densmatch = 1.89738372948218; if metric_id = "SWMA022PRI2" then densmatch = 1.89738372948218; if metric_id = "USST496PRI2" then densmatch = 1.90659444443995; if metric_id = "USST498PRI2" then densmatch = 1.90659444443995; if metric_id = "USST512PRI3" then densmatch = 1.90659444443995; if metric_id = "USST513PRI3" then densmatch = 1.90659444443995; if metric_id = "SPLA1291PRI2" then densmatch = 1.92568686801596; if metric_id = "SPLA1294PRI2" then densmatch = 1.92568686801596; if metric_id = "ponar06_66" then densmatch = 1.92571414157058; if metric_id = "04|1044|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.9307822560839; if metric_id = "04|3654|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.9307822560839; if metric_id = "ponar06_20" then densmatch = 1.93492485652837; if metric_id = "ponar06_45" then densmatch = 1.93492485652837; if metric_id = "04|1055|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.93538761356279; if metric_id = "04|1064|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.93538761356279; if metric_id = "04|1072|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.93538761356279; if metric_id = "SLB-33" then densmatch = 1.94613868360585; if metric_id = "04|1090|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.95380904347837; if metric_id = "04|1091|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 1.95380904347837; if metric_id = "ponar06_34" then densmatch = 1.95795164392282; if metric_id = "ponar06_58" then densmatch = 1.95795164392282; if metric_id = "ponar06_10" then densmatch = 1.96716235888061; if metric_id = "ponar06_77" then densmatch = 1.9763730738384; if metric_id = "GRPO050PRI1" then densmatch = 1.97998080312958; if metric_id = "SLBS013PRI3" then densmatch = 1.97998080312958; if metric_id = "SPLA416PRI2" then densmatch = 1.98065179560218; if metric_id = "SPLA418PRI2" then densmatch = 1.98065179560218; if metric_id = "SLB-15" then densmatch = 1.98172179706426; if metric_id = "SLB-16" then densmatch = 1.98172179706426; if metric_id = "ESFL035PRI3" then densmatch = 1.99379687556626; if metric_id = "SPLA008PRI3" then densmatch = 1.99379687556626; if metric_id = "SWMA021PRI2" then densmatch = 1.99379687556626; if metric_id = "USST479PRI2" then densmatch = 2.00300759052404; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-023-SEP" then densmatch = 2.00747348098314; if metric_id = "CLIS407PRI2" then densmatch = 2.00761294800293; if metric_id = "CLIS408PRI2" then densmatch = 2.00761294800293; if metric_id = "ponar05_5" then densmatch = 2.01646641822034; if metric_id = "SLB-73" then densmatch = 2.01856465689539; if metric_id = "SPLA1231PRI3" then densmatch = 2.02210001291221; if metric_id = "SLB-49" then densmatch = 2.02317001437428; if metric_id = "HB-39" then densmatch = 2.03698608681096; if metric_id = "ponar05_62" then densmatch = 2.04870392057258; if metric_id = "SPLA442PRI1" then densmatch = 2.05029076519318; if metric_id = "GRPO049PRI1" then densmatch = 2.05883048847177; if metric_id = "SLBS010PRI3" then densmatch = 2.05883048847177; if metric_id = "ponar05_41" then densmatch = 2.06251999300926; if metric_id = "ponar05_50" then densmatch = 2.06251999300926; if metric_id = "SLB-38" then densmatch = 2.0692235891632; if metric_id = "SLB-46" then densmatch = 2.0692235891632; if metric_id = "SPLA006PRI3" then densmatch = 2.07264656090845; if metric_id = "SLB-86" then densmatch = 2.08212105862175; if metric_id = "ponar06_4" then densmatch = 2.10476176346138; if metric_id = "ponar06_9" then densmatch = 2.10936712094028; if metric_id = "SLB-76" then densmatch = 2.11435856097401; if metric_id = "SPLA440PRI1" then densmatch = 2.11700057010829; if metric_id = "SLB-65" then densmatch = 2.11896391845288; if metric_id = "GRPO045PRI2" then densmatch = 2.12093493647543; if metric_id = "SPLA454PRI1" then densmatch = 2.12160592758718; if metric_id = "78|3764|20100824|PETI" then densmatch = 2.13073689803396; if metric_id = "78|3768|20100824|PETI" then densmatch = 2.13073689803396; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-022-SEP" then densmatch = 2.13158536389613; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-061-SEP" then densmatch = 2.13158536389613; if metric_id = "ponar06_25" then densmatch = 2.13699926581363; if metric_id = "ponar06_64" then densmatch = 2.13699926581363; if metric_id = "SPLA005PRI3" then densmatch = 2.13935636639101; if metric_id = "ponar05_4" then densmatch = 2.13955132377768; if metric_id = "ponar05_8" then densmatch = 2.13955132377768; if metric_id = "ponar06_31" then densmatch = 2.14620998077142; if metric_id = "ponar06_44" then densmatch = 2.14620998077142; if metric_id = "CLIS412PRI2" then densmatch = 2.15317243882768; if metric_id = "SLB-97" then densmatch = 2.16055663534211; if metric_id = "06|1045|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.1769153629404; if metric_id = "GRPO043PRI2" then densmatch = 2.17874906043945; if metric_id = "SPLA403PRI2" then densmatch = 2.1794200511252; if metric_id = "SPLA455PRI1" then densmatch = 2.1794200511252; if metric_id = "77|3615|20110826|PETI" then densmatch = 2.18636546196982; if metric_id = "ponar05_70" then densmatch = 2.19942097100328; if metric_id = "USST489PRI2" then densmatch = 2.2063812053128; if metric_id = "USST493PRI2" then densmatch = 2.2063812053128; if metric_id = "USST495PRI2" then densmatch = 2.2063812053128; if metric_id = "USST501PRI2" then densmatch = 2.2063812053128; if metric_id = "ponar06_47" then densmatch = 2.22426828889548; if metric_id = "HB-08" then densmatch = 2.22503164004662; if metric_id = "SPLA1229PRI3" then densmatch = 2.22547362591413; if metric_id = "04|1035|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.22690269819865; if metric_id = "04|1100|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.22690269819865; if metric_id = "04|1102|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.22690269819865; if metric_id = "SLB-85" then densmatch = 2.22697002228515; if metric_id = "SLB-87" then densmatch = 2.22697002228515; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-008-SEP" then densmatch = 2.22799850998021; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-033-SEP" then densmatch = 2.22799850998021; if metric_id = "GRPO051PRI2" then densmatch = 2.22976322574301; if metric_id = "04|1077|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.23150805567754; if metric_id = "04|1088|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.23150805567754; if metric_id = "ponar05_2" then densmatch = 2.23534522785629; if metric_id = "SWMA023PRI3" then densmatch = 2.24818465565859; if metric_id = "ponar06_50" then densmatch = 2.25650579124773; if metric_id = "77|3617|20110826|PETI" then densmatch = 2.26521522246146; if metric_id = "ponar06_18" then densmatch = 2.27032186368441; if metric_id = "GRPO053PRI1" then densmatch = 2.27540999884393; if metric_id = "SPLA435PRI2" then densmatch = 2.2760809889327; if metric_id = "GRPO052PRI1" then densmatch = 2.28001535632282; if metric_id = "78|3772|20100824|PETI" then densmatch = 2.30599530373776; if metric_id = "78|3782|20100825|PETI" then densmatch = 2.31059720024082; if metric_id = "ponar05_6" then densmatch = 2.31378080457666; if metric_id = "SLB-60" then densmatch = 2.31679898642654; if metric_id = "SLBS009PRI3" then densmatch = 2.32131743346933; if metric_id = "SLB-48" then densmatch = 2.32140434390542; if metric_id = "ponar05_36" then densmatch = 2.33220223449222; if metric_id = "SLB-89" then densmatch = 2.33540226251695; if metric_id = "USST486PRI2" then densmatch = 2.34434422086379; if metric_id = "ponar05_69" then densmatch = 2.3460183069289; if metric_id = "HB-07" then densmatch = 2.34903648877878; if metric_id = "06|1076|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.35596305015754; if metric_id = "ponar05_84" then densmatch = 2.36904509432336; if metric_id = "78|3763|20100824|PETI" then densmatch = 2.37269327981149; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-034-SEP" then densmatch = 2.37355800080496; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-048-SEP" then densmatch = 2.37355800080496; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-049-SEP" then densmatch = 2.37355800080496; if metric_id = "77|3621|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 2.38512911436871; if metric_id = "CLIS410PRI2" then densmatch = 2.38666261811258; if metric_id = "GRPO044PRI2" then densmatch = 2.38912330850775; if metric_id = "SPLA1295PRI2" then densmatch = 2.40114968023967; if metric_id = "04|1098|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.4013450279369; if metric_id = "ESFL033PRI2" then densmatch = 2.40754473842332; if metric_id = "USST490PRI2" then densmatch = 2.4167554533811; if metric_id = "SLB-55" then densmatch = 2.41775305648657; if metric_id = "78|3790|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 2.43972253245861; if metric_id = "SLB-53" then densmatch = 2.45894145444488; if metric_id = "SLB-74" then densmatch = 2.45894145444488; if metric_id = "SLB-77" then densmatch = 2.45971684085991; if metric_id = "ponar05_46" then densmatch = 2.46081244070328; if metric_id = "SLB-62" then densmatch = 2.46354681192377; if metric_id = "SLB-19" then densmatch = 2.4638066312755; if metric_id = "06|1046|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.47546961092447; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-017-SEP" then densmatch = 2.48238629007254; if metric_id = "ponar05_66" then densmatch = 2.48383922809775; if metric_id = "ponar06_13" then densmatch = 2.50308378563545; if metric_id = "04|3632|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.52543211729543; if metric_id = "04|1097|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.52545694618272; if metric_id = "04|1099|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.52545694618272; if metric_id = "04|1073|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.53006230366161; if metric_id = "04|1079|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.53006230366161; if metric_id = "SLB-56" then densmatch = 2.53578299985204; if metric_id = "04|1092|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.5484589046899; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-020-SEP" then densmatch = 2.56933514031996; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-030-SEP" then densmatch = 2.56933514031996; if metric_id = "06|1073|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.5764682480295; if metric_id = "06|1075|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.5764682480295; if metric_id = "ponar06_40" then densmatch = 2.58427993002968; if metric_id = "ponar05_18" then densmatch = 2.58913883628495; if metric_id = "ponar06_62" then densmatch = 2.61191207490303; if metric_id = "SPLA426PRI2" then densmatch = 2.61795973660578; if metric_id = "04|1039|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.62185022580886; if metric_id = "04|1101|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.62185022580886; if metric_id = "04|1096|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.6218701115426; if metric_id = "77|3625|20110825|PETI" then densmatch = 2.6276299577727; if metric_id = "CLIS414PRI2" then densmatch = 2.629344460718; if metric_id = "ponar05_29" then densmatch = 2.63136244001002; if metric_id = "78|3784|20100826|PETI" then densmatch = 2.65009220868395; if metric_id = "ponar05_76" then densmatch = 2.66820529984116; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-011-SEP" then densmatch = 2.67387626642354; if metric_id = "USST499PRI2" then densmatch = 2.6826716543992; if metric_id = "04|1075|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.70530858320125; if metric_id = "ponar05_15" then densmatch = 2.72329216805274; if metric_id = "SLB-67" then densmatch = 2.73418858128871; if metric_id = "SLB-51" then densmatch = 2.74339929624648; if metric_id = "ponar06_61" then densmatch = 2.74578467904734; if metric_id = "04|1034|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.76741540184178; if metric_id = "ponar06_29" then densmatch = 2.77576990638068; if metric_id = "ponar05_34" then densmatch = 2.78207864065325; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-060-SEP" then densmatch = 2.78286241540836; if metric_id = "04|1094|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.79044218923625; if metric_id = "04|1095|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.79044218923625; if metric_id = "SLB-57" then densmatch = 2.80125713034302; if metric_id = "SLB-63" then densmatch = 2.82169037338766; if metric_id = "ponar05_52" then densmatch = 2.82555747765859; if metric_id = "SLB-61" then densmatch = 2.83594700423825; if metric_id = "ponar06_32" then densmatch = 2.87554534040771; if metric_id = "06|1087|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 2.87651276007252; if metric_id = "ponar05_60" then densmatch = 2.88009315782383; if metric_id = "ponar05_78" then densmatch = 2.88930387278161; if metric_id = "USST473PRI1" then densmatch = 2.90435405199869; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-012-SEP" then densmatch = 2.94239269438631; if metric_id = "SLB-66" then densmatch = 2.96782458198013; if metric_id = "ponar05_53" then densmatch = 3.0373874117596; if metric_id = "06|1102|1996|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 3.12673011183712; if metric_id = "ponar05_17" then densmatch = 3.13734123973636; if metric_id = "ponar05_73" then densmatch = 3.14868089608802; if metric_id = "ponar06_52" then densmatch = 3.1574556251619; if metric_id = "04|1087|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 3.18132280457426; if metric_id = "ponar06_16" then densmatch = 3.19279522197692; if metric_id = "GRPO041PRI1" then densmatch = 3.1988104519279; if metric_id = "USST477PRI1" then densmatch = 3.2052592418208; if metric_id = "USST472PRI1" then densmatch = 3.3107425029564; if metric_id = "04|1046|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 3.35262207773435; if metric_id = "INVPPFOR-SL12-014-SEP" then densmatch = 3.37227604586565; if metric_id = "ponar05_86" then densmatch = 3.43256671535955; if metric_id = "04|1089|1995|PETITEPO" then densmatch = 3.64308555501706; keep metric_id totlntax_c2 etopind_c2 S_tmi ollipind_c2 densmatch newzone fielddepth; if densmatch = 9999 then delete; run; title "correlations among metrics"; Proc corr data = slrebug.corr nosimple ;var totlntax_c2 etopind_c2 S_tmi ollipind_c2 densmatch ; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays" and fielddepth le 11; run; run; title ;run; *export data for corr plots; proc export data = slrebug.corr outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\corrplots' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; ************end of corr********************************************************************************************; title "confirmation of sensitivity of metrics t-tests"; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class referencecond; where referencecond ne "channel" and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var etopind_c2 ;class referencecond;where referencecond ne "channel" and newzone ne "Turbid Bays" ; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var ollipind_c2 ;class referencecond;where referencecond ne "channel" and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densreferencecond;where densreferencecond ne "channel" and denssyscode = "SLRE" and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; *all sig; title;run; ******************************gear and exposure ttests**************************************; title" Means by factor"; proc sort data = slrebug.epf1037; by gear;run; proc means data = slrebug.epf1037 n mean lclm uclm ; output out = gearmeans; var fielddepth totlntax_c2 etopind_c2 ollipind_c2 S_tmi; by gear; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays" and fielddepth lt 11; run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf1037; by newzone;run; proc means data = slrebug.epf1037 n mean lclm uclm; output out = newzonemeans; var fielddepth totlntax_c2 etopind_c2 ollipind_c2 S_tmi; by newzone;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays" and fielddepth lt 11; run; title;run; title "t-tests by factor"; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class gear; where fielddepth < 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var ollipind_c2 ;class gear;where fielddepth < 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var etopind_c2 ;class gear;where fielddepth < 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var s_TMI ;class gear;where fielddepth < 11 and newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf1037 cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densgear;where densfielddepth <11 and denssyscode = "SLRE" and densoutlier = "Nope";run; title;run; * no differences between gears; here title "t-tests by newzone"; data nospirit; set slrebug.epf1037; if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then delete; if fielddepth > 11 then delete; if newzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete;run; data nosuperior; set slrebug.epf1037; if newzone = "Harbor" then delete;if fielddepth > 11 then delete; if newzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete;run; Data noSLB; set slrebug.epf1037; if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then delete;if fielddepth > 11 then delete; if newzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete;run; proc ttest data = nospirit cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class newzone; run; proc ttest data = nospirit cochran;var ollipind_c2 ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = nospirit cochran;var etopind_c2 ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = nospirit cochran;var s_TMI ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = nosuperior cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class newzone; run; proc ttest data = nosuperior cochran;var ollipind_c2 ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = nosuperior cochran;var etopind_c2 ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = nosuperior cochran;var s_TMI ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = noslb cochran;var totlntax_c2 ;class newzone; run; proc ttest data = noslb cochran;var ollipind_c2 ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = noslb cochran;var etopind_c2 ;class newzone;run; proc ttest data = noslb cochran;var s_TMI ;class newzone;run; title;run; ***************density*****************************; title" Means by factor"; proc sort data = slrebug.epf1037; by densgear;run; proc means data = slrebug.epf1037 n mean lclm uclm; output out = densgearmeans; var log10densityh_c backdens; by densgear; where densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays" and densfielddepth le 11 and densoutlier = "Nope" AND denssyscode = "SLRE" ; run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf1037; by densnewzone;run; proc means data = slrebug.epf1037 n mean median lclm uclm; output out = densnewzonemeans; var log10densityh_c backdens; by densnewzone; where densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays" and densfielddepth le 11 and densoutlier = "Nope" AND denssyscode = "SLRE" ; run; title ;run; title "t-tests by newzone"; data dnospirit; set slrebug.epf1037; if densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" then delete; if densnewzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete; if densfielddepth gt 11 then delete; if densoutlier ne "Nope" then delete;run; data dnosuperior; set slrebug.epf1037; if densnewzone = "Harbor" then delete; if densnewzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete; if densfielddepth gt 11 then delete; if densoutlier ne "Nope" then delete;run; Data dnoSLB; set slrebug.epf1037; if densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay" then delete; if densnewzone = "Turbid Bays" then delete; if densfielddepth gt 11 then delete; if densoutlier ne "Nope" then delete;run; proc ttest data = dnospirit cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densnewzone; run; proc ttest data = dnosuperior cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densnewzone; run; proc ttest data = dnoslb cochran;var log10densityh_c ;class densnewzone; run; title;run; proc sort data =slrebug.epf1037; by year; proc means data = slrebug.epf1037; var totlntax; by year; run; data backtrans; set slrebug.epf1037; keep densmetric_id densoutlier densstudy denssyscode densfielddepth densnewzone log10densityh_c backdens densfielddepth metric_id fielddepth newzone totlntax T_etopind_c2 backetopind T_ollipind_c2 backollipind S_tmi ; ;run; *dont overwrite; proc export data = backtrans outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\backtrans' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *simple linear regressions; *fix input file; title "slr for candidate metrics"; proc reg data = slrebug.epf1037; model totlntax_c2 = fielddepth ; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc reg data = slrebug.epf1037; model ETOPIND_C2 = fielddepth;where newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc reg data = slrebug.epf1037; model ollipind_c2 = fielddepth; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays";run; proc reg data = slrebug.epf1037; model log10densityh_c = densfielddepth;where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; title; ****hex sim; data hexsim; set slrebug.epf1037 ;dxr = densfielddepth * densrei; r2r = densrei *densrei; keep log10densityh densfielddepth densrei densnewzone denssyscode dxr r2r densyear; run; proc reg data = hexsim; model log10densityh = densfielddepth densrei ; where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone ne "Spirit Lake" and densyear ge 2000; run; proc export data = hexsim outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\hexsim' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays" and proc means data = hexsim p5 p10 q1 p50; var log10densityh; where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone ne "Spirit Lake" and densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays" and densyear ge 2000; run; proc reg data = hexsim; model log10densityh = densfielddepth densrei ; where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone = "Harbor"; run; proc reg data = hexsim; model log10densityh = densfielddepth densrei ; where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay"; run; proc reg data = hexsim; model log10densityh = densfielddepth densrei ; where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone = "Turbid Bays"; run; proc reg data = hexsim; model log10densityh = densfielddepth densrei ; where denssyscode ="SLRE" and densnewzone = "Spirit Lake"; run; *end hexsimwork; *********************datasets for dataset table******************************************************; proc sort data = slrebug.epf1037; by medjoin year; proc means data= slrebug.epf1037 n mean maxdec = 1 lclm uclm; var jdate year fielddepth ; by medjoin year; where newzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; *note ncca data in file 2010NCCA_Ephemeriedae_jexageniaSp_abundance.xlsx; *L:\Priv\Great lakes Coastal\NCCA\2010\Great Lakes\2010NCCA_Lietz\BenthicData\WorkWithTed; *********************datasets for table******************************************************; *outliers and deep sites not removed; proc sort data = slrebug.epf1037; by densstudy denssyscode densyear; proc means data= slrebug.epf1037 n mean lclm uclm maxdec=1 ; var densjdate densyear densfielddepth; by densstudy denssyscode densyear ;where densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; proc sort data = slrebug.epf867a by densstudy denssyscode densyear; proc means data = slrebug.epf867a;var densfielddepth; by densstudy denssyscode densyear;where densnewzone ne "Turbid Bays"; run; ***********get 2012 substrate data**********************; data subinvasive2012; set slrebug.epf1037; keep metricid fielddepth totlntax T_etopind_c2 backetopind T_ollipind_c2 ; where studyID = 1000 and year = 2012;run; **********get 2005 06 substrate data**********************; data subinvasive2005_06; set slrebug.epf1037; keep metric_id lat long year fielddepth ; where studyID = 999;run; proc print;run; proc export data = subinvasive2005_06 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\subinvasive2005_06' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *************************classification*************************************; data slrebug.class;set slrebug.epf1037; *models are directly from R output ; *calculate expectations; if newzone = "Harbor" then Tmi_75 = 0.5697 + (-0.02493 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then Tmi_75 = 0.6256 + (-0.0211 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then Tmi_75 = 0.6756 + (-0.0784 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Harbor" then Tmi_50 = 0.4255 + (-0.0191 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then Tmi_50 = 0.5086 + (-0.0225 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then Tmi_50 = 0.5893 + (-0.0683 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Harbor" then Tmi_25 = 0.3547 + (-0.0189 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then Tmi_25 = 0.4346 + (-0.0243 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then Tmi_25 = 0.5065 + (-0.0596 * fielddepth); if s_tmi le Tmi_25 then TMIcond = "POOR"; if s_tmi gt Tmi_25 and S_tmi le Tmi_50 then TMIcond = "FAIR"; If s_tmi gt Tmi_50 and s_tmi le Tmi_75 then TMIcond = "GOOD"; If s_tmi gt TMI_75 then TMIcond = "BEST"; ** 0 to 25 = poor; ** >25 to 50 = fair; ** >50 to 75 good; **>75 excellent; if densnewzone = "Harbor" then dens_75 = 2.8313 + (-0.2460 * densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay" then dens_75 = 2.2469 + (-0.0588 * densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" then dens_75 = 2.5043+ (-0.2320 * densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "Harbor" then dens_50 = 2.09115 + (-0.2010 * densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay" then dens_50 = 1.7432 + (-0.1726* densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" then dens_50 = 2.1973+ (-0.2585 * densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "Harbor" then dens_25 = 0.2879 + (-0.0046 * densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "St. Louis Bay" then dens_25 = 0.1297 + (0.0022* densfielddepth); if densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" then dens_25 = 9999; if log10densityh_c le dens_25 then denscond = "POOR"; if log10densityh_c gt dens_25 and log10densityh_c le dens_50 then denscond = "FAIR"; If log10densityh_c gt dens_50 and log10densityh_c le dens_75 then denscond = "GOOD"; If log10densityh_c gt dens_75 then denscond = "BEST"; Keep metric_id densmetric_id newzone s_tmi TMI_25 TMI_50 TMI_75 TMIcond fielddepth densnewzone log10densityh_c dens_25 dens_50 dens_75 denscond densfielddepth denslat denslong densstudy denssyscode lat long; run; * dont overwrite; * use for pointmaps; proc export data = slrebug.class outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\classmap8' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; proc print data = slrebug.class;run; *upload density for r2r projects; proc import out =slrebug.r2ranal datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\TMI_Density_join_9_12_16.xlsx' dbms = excel replace ; run; proc print data =slrebug.r2ranal ;run; data slrebug.r2ranalb;set slrebug.r2ranal; backdens = 10**log10densi -1 ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by r2r_site_tmi;run; proc means data = slrebug.r2ranalb n lclm uclm mean ; var fielddepth s_TMI; by R2r_site_tmi; where newzone = "St. Louis Bay" ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by density_r2r_site;run; proc means data = slrebug.r2ranalb n lclm uclm mean ; var densfieldd backdens; by density_r2r_site; ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by r2r_site_tmi;run; proc freq data = slrebug.r2ranalb; tables tmicond; by r2r_site_tmi ;where newzone = "St. Louis Bay";run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by r2r_site_density;run; proc freq data = slrebug.r2ranalb; tables denscond; by r2r_site_density; where densnewzon = "St. Louis Bay"; ;run; title "spirit lake"; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by tmi_r2r_site;run; proc means data = slrebug.r2ranalb n lclm uclm mean ; var fielddepth s_TMI; by tmi_r2r_site; where newzone = "Spirit Lake" ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by densr2r;run; proc means data = slrebug.r2ranalb n lclm uclm mean ; var densfieldd backdens; by density_r2r_site; where densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by r2r;run; proc freq data = slrebug.r2ranalb; tables tmicond; by r2r_site; where newzone = "Spirit Lake" ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2ranalb; by densr2r;run; proc freq data = slrebug.r2ranalb; tables denscond; by den_r2r_site; where densnewzone = "Spirit Lake" ;run; title; ***********************new data for MPCA*****************************************************************************************; proc import out = slrebug.data091206x datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\Brenneman\6403_NRRI_invertDATA_EPA_TMIv2.xlsx' dbms = excel replace;run; proc print data = slrebug.data0906x; run; data slrebug.data0906; set slrebug.data0906x; *if gear ne "Petite Ponar" then delete; IF site_name = "Kingsbury Bay" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; IF site_name = "Mud Lake" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; if site_name = "Perch Lake" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; if site_name = "40th Ave" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "21st Ave" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "Clough Island" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "Erie Pier" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "Estuary Flats" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "Grassy Point" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "Half Moon Bay" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "North Bay" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; if site_name = "Rask Bay" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; if site_name = "St. Louis Bay South" then newzone = "St. Louis Bay"; if site_name = "Spirit Lake" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; if site_name = "Spirit Lake Deep" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; if site_name = "Southworth Marsh" then newzone = "Harbor"; if site_name = "US Steel" then newzone = "Spirit Lake"; * TMI calculated with out turbid bays included; s_s= (totalntaxa - 1.7102282)/( 53.8897478 - 1.7102282); s_peto = (etopind - 0)/(38.8160374 - 0); s_olli = (ollipind - 0)/( 106.9987267 - 0); if totalntaxa ge 53.8897478 then s_s = 1; if totalntaxa le 1.71102282 then s_s = 0; if etopind ge 38.8160374 then s_peto = 1; if ollipind ge 100 then s_olli = 1; TMI = s_s + s_olli + s_peto ; s_tmi = (tmi - 0.0646357 )/( 2.19 - 0.0646357 ); if s_tmi < 0 then S_tmi = 0; log10densityh = log10(hexdens+1); backdens = 10**log10densityh -1 ; if newzone = "Harbor" then Tmi_75 = 0.5697 + (-0.02493 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then Tmi_75 = 0.6256 + (-0.0211 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then Tmi_75 = 0.6756 + (-0.0784 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Harbor" then Tmi_50 = 0.4255 + (-0.0191 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then Tmi_50 = 0.5086 + (-0.0225 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then Tmi_50 = 0.5893 + (-0.0683 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Harbor" then Tmi_25 = 0.3547 + (-0.0189 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then Tmi_25 = 0.4346 + (-0.0243 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then Tmi_25 = 0.5065 + (-0.0596 * fielddepth); if s_tmi le Tmi_25 then TMIcond = "POOR"; if s_tmi gt Tmi_25 and S_tmi le Tmi_50 then TMIcond = "FAIR"; If s_tmi gt Tmi_50 and s_tmi le Tmi_75 then TMIcond = "GOOD"; If s_tmi gt TMI_75 then TMIcond = "BEST"; ** 0 to 25 = poor; ** >25 to 50 = fair; ** >50 to 75 good; **>75 excellent; if newzone = "Harbor" then dens_75 = 2.8313 + (-0.2460 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then dens_75 = 2.2469 + (-0.0588 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then dens_75 = 2.5043+ (-0.2320 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Harbor" then dens_50 = 2.09115 + (-0.2010 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then dens_50 = 1.7432 + (-0.1726* fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then dens_50 = 2.1973+ (-0.2585 * fielddepth); if newzone = "Harbor" then dens_25 = 0.2879 + (-0.0046 * fielddepth); if newzone = "St. Louis Bay" then dens_25 = 0.1297 + (0.0022* fielddepth); if newzone = "Spirit Lake" then dens_25 = 9999; if gear ne "Petite Ponar" then log10densityh = 9999; if log10densityh le dens_25 then denscond = "POOR"; if log10densityh gt dens_25 and log10densityh le dens_50 then denscond = "FAIR"; If log10densityh gt dens_50 and log10densityh le dens_75 then denscond = "GOOD"; If log10densityh gt dens_75 then denscond = "BEST"; if log10densityh eq 9999 then denscond = "NA"; run; Proc print data = slrebug.data0906; run; title; proc sort data = slrebug.data0906; by newzone;run; proc means data = slrebug.data0906 n lclm uclm mean maxdec = 2; var fielddepth ; by newzone; run; proc sort data = slrebug.data0906; by site_name;run; proc means data = slrebug.data0906 n lclm uclm mean maxdec = 2; var fielddepth backdens ; by site_name; ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.data0906; by sitename;run; proc freq data = slrebug.data0906; tables tmicond; by site_name ;run; proc sort data = slrebug.data0906; by sitename;run; proc freq data = slrebug.data0906; tables denscond; by site_name; run; * get means and freqs; proc export data = slrebug.data0906 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\outfile103116' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; proc print data = slrebug.data0906;run; *****************************create/select EPF LCI***********************************; /* data Slrebug.LCI; set slrebug.epf653 ; if zonename = "Allouez Bay" then delete; if zonename = "Pokegama" then delete; if impaired = "Channel" then delete; *******************************NOTE**********************; If gear ne "petiteponar" then delete;run; *********************************************************; *Channels not quite disturbed and not quite reference; *prediction will be for depth not necessarily for channel; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model OLLIPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.OLLIPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TUBIPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TUBIPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPHRPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPHRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ETOPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ETOPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ETOPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ETOPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model AMPHNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.AMPHNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model AMPHPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.AMPHPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model AMPHPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.AMPHPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model BURRNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.BURRNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model BURRPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.BURRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model BURRPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.BURRPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CHIRDOM1PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CHIRDOM1PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CHIRDOM3PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CHIRDOM3PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CHIRDOM5PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CHIRDOM5PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CHIRNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CHIRNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CHIRPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CHIRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CHIRPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CHIRPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CLMBNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CLMBNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CLMBPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CLMBPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CLMBPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CLMBPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CLNGNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CLNGNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CLNGPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CLNGPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CLNGPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CLNGPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COFINTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COFINTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COFIPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COFIPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COFIPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COFIPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COFITRICNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COFITRICNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COFITRICPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COFITRICPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COFITRICPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COFITRICPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COGANTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COGANTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COGAPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COGAPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model COGAPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.COGAPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CRUSNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CRUSNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CRUSPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CRUSPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model CRUSPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.CRUSPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model DIPTNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.DIPTNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model DIPTPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.DIPTPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model DIPTPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.DIPTPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model DOM1PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.DOM1PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model DOM3PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.DOM3PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model DOM5PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.DOM5PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPHENTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPHENTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPHEPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPHEPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPHEPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPHEPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPOTNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPOTNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPOTPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPOTPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPOTPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPOTPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPT_NTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPT_NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPT_PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPT_PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model EPT_PTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.EPT_PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model FACLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.FACLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model FACLPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.FACLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model FACLPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.FACLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model HPRIME = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.HPRIME_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model INTLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.INTLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model INTLPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.INTLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model INTLPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.INTLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model MOLLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.MOLLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model MOLLPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.MOLLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model MOLLPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.MOLLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model NOINNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.NOINNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model NOINPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.NOINPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model NOINPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.NOINPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model NTOLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.NTOLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model NTOLPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.NTOLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model NTOLPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.NTOLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ODONNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ODONNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ODONPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ODONPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ODONPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ODONPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ORTHCHIRPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ORTHCHIRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ORTHNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ORTHNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ORTHPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ORTHPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model ORTHPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.ORTHPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model PREDNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.PREDNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model PREDPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.PREDPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model PREDPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.PREDPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SCRPNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SCRPNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SCRPPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SCRPPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SCRPPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SCRPPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SHRDNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SHRDNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SHRDPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SHRDPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SHRDPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SHRDPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SPWLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SPWLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SPWLPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SPWLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SPWLPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SPWLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model STOLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.STOLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model STOLPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.STOLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model STOLPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.STOLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SWIMNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SWIMNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SWIMPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SWIMPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model SWIMPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.SWIMPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TANYNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TANYNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TANYPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TANYPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TANYPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TANYPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL01NTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL01NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL01PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL01PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL01PTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL01PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL23NTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL23NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL23PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL23PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL23PTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL23PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL45NTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL45NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL45PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL45PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL45PTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL45PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL67NTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL67NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL67PIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL67PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TL67PTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TL67PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TOLRNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TOLRNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TOLRPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TOLRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TOLRPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TOLRPTAX_c r = reside1;run; *no model for REI ; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TOTLNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TOTLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TRICNTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TRICNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TRICPIND = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TRICPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model TRICPTAX = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.TRICPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.LCI; model WTD_TV = jdate year fielddepth REI ; output out = slrebug.WTD_TV_c r = reside1;run; *n=363; *Get grand means for residual correction; proc means data = slrebug.lci maxdec = 2 n mean; var OLLIPIND TUBIPIND EPHRPIND ETOPIND ETOPTAX AMPHNTAX AMPHPIND AMPHPTAX BURRNTAX BURRPIND BURRPTAX CHIRDOM1PIND CHIRDOM3PIND CHIRDOM5PIND CHIRNTAX CHIRPIND CHIRPTAX CLMBNTAX CLMBPIND CLMBPTAX CLNGNTAX CLNGPIND CLNGPTAX COFINTAX COFIPIND COFIPTAX COFITRICNTAX COFITRICPIND COFITRICPTAX COGANTAX COGAPIND COGAPTAX CRUSNTAX CRUSPIND CRUSPTAX DIPTNTAX DIPTPIND DIPTPTAX DOM1PIND DOM3PIND DOM5PIND EPHENTAX EPHEPIND EPHEPTAX EPOTNTAX EPOTPIND EPOTPTAX EPT_NTAX EPT_PIND EPT_PTAX FACLNTAX FACLPIND FACLPTAX HPRIME INTLNTAX INTLPIND INTLPTAX MOLLNTAX MOLLPIND MOLLPTAX NOINNTAX NOINPIND NOINPTAX NTOLNTAX NTOLPIND NTOLPTAX ODONNTAX ODONPIND ODONPTAX ORTHCHIRPIND ORTHNTAX ORTHPIND ORTHPTAX PREDNTAX PREDPIND PREDPTAX SCRPNTAX SCRPPIND SCRPPTAX SHRDNTAX SHRDPIND SHRDPTAX SPWLNTAX SPWLPIND SPWLPTAX STOLNTAX STOLPIND STOLPTAX SWIMNTAX SWIMPIND SWIMPTAX TANYNTAX TANYPIND TANYPTAX TL01NTAX TL01PIND TL01PTAX TL23NTAX TL23PIND TL23PTAX TL45NTAX TL45PIND TL45PTAX TL67NTAX TL67PIND TL67PTAX TOLRNTAX TOLRPIND TOLRPTAX TOTLNTAX TRICNTAX TRICPIND TRICPTAX WTD_TV; output out = corrmeans5;run; *export means to write code; Proc export data = corrmeans5 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\SAS\cmeans12.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *code is in cmeans7; data corr_OLLIPIND ; set slrebug.OLLIPIND_c ; corr_OLLIPIND = 40.935059 + reside1; run; data corr_TUBIPIND ; set slrebug.TUBIPIND_c ; corr_TUBIPIND = 6.259620 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHRPIND ; set slrebug.EPHRPIND_c ; corr_EPHRPIND = 4.816437 + reside1; run; data corr_ETOPIND ; set slrebug.ETOPIND_c ; corr_ETOPIND = 4.790760 + reside1; run; data corr_ETOPTAX ; set slrebug.ETOPTAX_c ; corr_ETOPTAX = 13.984157 + reside1; run; data corr_AMPHNTAX ; set slrebug.AMPHNTAX_c ; corr_AMPHNTAX = 0.251781 + reside1; run; data corr_AMPHPIND ; set slrebug.AMPHPIND_c ; corr_AMPHPIND = 0.708456 + reside1; run; data corr_AMPHPTAX ; set slrebug.AMPHPTAX_c ; corr_AMPHPTAX = 1.313800 + reside1; run; data corr_BURRNTAX ; set slrebug.BURRNTAX_c ; corr_BURRNTAX = 4.831354 + reside1; run; data corr_BURRPIND ; set slrebug.BURRPIND_c ; corr_BURRPIND = 50.931710 + reside1; run; data corr_BURRPTAX ; set slrebug.BURRPTAX_c ; corr_BURRPTAX = 30.616081 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRDOM1PInd ; set slrebug.CHIRDOM1PInd_c ; corr_CHIRDOM1PInd = 39.844038 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRDOM3PInd ; set slrebug.CHIRDOM3PInd_c ; corr_CHIRDOM3PInd = 61.566010 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRDOM5PInd ; set slrebug.CHIRDOM5PInd_c ; corr_CHIRDOM5PInd = 65.579549 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRNTAX ; set slrebug.CHIRNTAX_c ; corr_CHIRNTAX = 7.548694 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRPIND ; set slrebug.CHIRPIND_c ; corr_CHIRPIND = 25.475226 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRPTAX ; set slrebug.CHIRPTAX_c ; corr_CHIRPTAX = 44.589382 + reside1; run; data corr_CLMBNTAX ; set slrebug.CLMBNTAX_c ; corr_CLMBNTAX = 2.304038 + reside1; run; data corr_CLMBPIND ; set slrebug.CLMBPIND_c ; corr_CLMBPIND = 5.986793 + reside1; run; data corr_CLMBPTAX ; set slrebug.CLMBPTAX_c ; corr_CLMBPTAX = 14.645962 + reside1; run; data corr_CLNGNTAX ; set slrebug.CLNGNTAX_c ; corr_CLNGNTAX = 3.192399 + reside1; run; data corr_CLNGPIND ; set slrebug.CLNGPIND_c ; corr_CLNGPIND = 11.342660 + reside1; run; data corr_CLNGPTAX ; set slrebug.CLNGPTAX_c ; corr_CLNGPTAX = 19.249335 + reside1; run; data corr_COFINTAX ; set slrebug.COFINTAX_c ; corr_COFINTAX = 2.774347 + reside1; run; data corr_COFIPIND ; set slrebug.COFIPIND_c ; corr_COFIPIND = 15.043230 + reside1; run; data corr_COFIPTAX ; set slrebug.COFIPTAX_c ; corr_COFIPTAX = 17.983230 + reside1; run; data corr_COFITRICNtax ; set slrebug.COFITRICNtax_c ; corr_COFITRICNtax = 0.460808 + reside1; run; data corr_COFITRICPInd ; set slrebug.COFITRICPInd_c ; corr_COFITRICPInd = 0.740428 + reside1; run; data corr_COFITRICPTax ; set slrebug.COFITRICPTax_c ; corr_COFITRICPTax = 3.293610 + reside1; run; data corr_COGANTAX ; set slrebug.COGANTAX_c ; corr_COGANTAX = 6.966746 + reside1; run; data corr_COGAPIND ; set slrebug.COGAPIND_c ; corr_COGAPIND = 61.815772 + reside1; run; data corr_COGAPTAX ; set slrebug.COGAPTAX_c ; corr_COGAPTAX = 42.645154 + reside1; run; data corr_CRUSNTAX ; set slrebug.CRUSNTAX_c ; corr_CRUSNTAX = 0.349169 + reside1; run; data corr_CRUSPIND ; set slrebug.CRUSPIND_c ; corr_CRUSPIND = 1.117910 + reside1; run; data corr_CRUSPTAX ; set slrebug.CRUSPTAX_c ; corr_CRUSPTAX = 1.806152 + reside1; run; data corr_DIPTNTAX ; set slrebug.DIPTNTAX_c ; corr_DIPTNTAX = 8.190024 + reside1; run; data corr_DIPTPIND ; set slrebug.DIPTPIND_c ; corr_DIPTPIND = 26.809857 + reside1; run; data corr_DIPTPTAX ; set slrebug.DIPTPTAX_c ; corr_DIPTPTAX = 49.786247 + reside1; run; data corr_DOM1PIND ; set slrebug.DOM1PIND_c ; corr_DOM1PIND = 38.867530 + reside1; run; data corr_DOM3PIND ; set slrebug.DOM3PIND_c ; corr_DOM3PIND = 67.399169 + reside1; run; data corr_DOM5PIND ; set slrebug.DOM5PIND_c ; corr_DOM5PIND = 79.241045 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHENTAX ; set slrebug.EPHENTAX_c ; corr_EPHENTAX = 1.016627 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHEPIND ; set slrebug.EPHEPIND_c ; corr_EPHEPIND = 3.175249 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHEPTAX ; set slrebug.EPHEPTAX_c ; corr_EPHEPTAX = 6.441045 + reside1; run; data corr_EPOTNTAX ; set slrebug.EPOTNTAX_c ; corr_EPOTNTAX = 2.173397 + reside1; run; data corr_EPOTPIND ; set slrebug.EPOTPIND_c ; corr_EPOTPIND = 4.792922 + reside1; run; data corr_EPOTPTAX ; set slrebug.EPOTPTAX_c ; corr_EPOTPTAX = 13.996033 + reside1; run; data corr_EPT_NTAX ; set slrebug.EPT_NTAX_c ; corr_EPT_NTAX = 2.149644 + reside1; run; data corr_EPT_PIND ; set slrebug.EPT_PIND_c ; corr_EPT_PIND = 4.783777 + reside1; run; data corr_EPT_PTAX ; set slrebug.EPT_PTAX_c ; corr_EPT_PTAX = 13.769382 + reside1; run; data corr_FACLNTAX ; set slrebug.FACLNTAX_c ; corr_FACLNTAX = 7.249406 + reside1; run; data corr_FACLPIND ; set slrebug.FACLPIND_c ; corr_FACLPIND = 52.075321 + reside1; run; data corr_FACLPTAX ; set slrebug.FACLPTAX_c ; corr_FACLPTAX = 46.455439 + reside1; run; data corr_HPRIME ; set slrebug.HPRIME_c ; corr_HPRIME = 1.912969 + reside1; run; data corr_INTLNTAX ; set slrebug.INTLNTAX_c ; corr_INTLNTAX = 1.434679 + reside1; run; data corr_INTLPIND ; set slrebug.INTLPIND_c ; corr_INTLPIND = 4.050855 + reside1; run; data corr_INTLPTAX ; set slrebug.INTLPTAX_c ; corr_INTLPTAX = 7.938052 + reside1; run; data corr_MOLLNTAX ; set slrebug.MOLLNTAX_c ; corr_MOLLNTAX = 1.736342 + reside1; run; data corr_MOLLPIND ; set slrebug.MOLLPIND_c ; corr_MOLLPIND = 7.245938 + reside1; run; data corr_MOLLPTAX ; set slrebug.MOLLPTAX_c ; corr_MOLLPTAX = 11.903872 + reside1; run; data corr_NOINNTAX ; set slrebug.NOINNTAX_c ; corr_NOINNTAX = 5.085511 + reside1; run; data corr_NOINPIND ; set slrebug.NOINPIND_c ; corr_NOINPIND = 66.268314 + reside1; run; data corr_NOINPTAX ; set slrebug.NOINPTAX_c ; corr_NOINPTAX = 34.772542 + reside1; run; data corr_NTOLNTAX ; set slrebug.NTOLNTAX_c ; corr_NTOLNTAX = 6.038005 + reside1; run; data corr_NTOLPIND ; set slrebug.NTOLPIND_c ; corr_NTOLPIND = 17.501995 + reside1; run; data corr_NTOLPTAX ; set slrebug.NTOLPTAX_c ; corr_NTOLPTAX = 37.531971 + reside1; run; data corr_ODONNTAX ; set slrebug.ODONNTAX_c ; corr_ODONNTAX = 0.023753 + reside1; run; data corr_ODONPIND ; set slrebug.ODONPIND_c ; corr_ODONPIND = 0.009121 + reside1; run; data corr_ODONPTAX ; set slrebug.ODONPTAX_c ; corr_ODONPTAX = 0.226675 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHCHIRPInd ; set slrebug.ORTHCHIRPInd_c ; corr_ORTHCHIRPInd = 1.104014 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHNTAX ; set slrebug.ORTHNTAX_c ; corr_ORTHNTAX = 0.197150 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHPIND ; set slrebug.ORTHPIND_c ; corr_ORTHPIND = 0.310261 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHPTAX ; set slrebug.ORTHPTAX_c ; corr_ORTHPTAX = 0.972375 + reside1; run; data corr_PREDNTAX ; set slrebug.PREDNTAX_c ; corr_PREDNTAX = 4.757720 + reside1; run; data corr_PREDPIND ; set slrebug.PREDPIND_c ; corr_PREDPIND = 14.314751 + reside1; run; data corr_PREDPTAX ; set slrebug.PREDPTAX_c ; corr_PREDPTAX = 32.586746 + reside1; run; data corr_SCRPNTAX ; set slrebug.SCRPNTAX_c ; corr_SCRPNTAX = 0.909739 + reside1; run; data corr_SCRPPIND ; set slrebug.SCRPPIND_c ; corr_SCRPPIND = 1.764276 + reside1; run; data corr_SCRPPTAX ; set slrebug.SCRPPTAX_c ; corr_SCRPPTAX = 6.051069 + reside1; run; data corr_SHRDNTAX ; set slrebug.SHRDNTAX_c ; corr_SHRDNTAX = 1.199525 + reside1; run; data corr_SHRDPIND ; set slrebug.SHRDPIND_c ; corr_SHRDPIND = 3.026247 + reside1; run; data corr_SHRDPTAX ; set slrebug.SHRDPTAX_c ; corr_SHRDPTAX = 6.627078 + reside1; run; data corr_SPWLNTAX ; set slrebug.SPWLNTAX_c ; corr_SPWLNTAX = 5.342043 + reside1; run; data corr_SPWLPIND ; set slrebug.SPWLPIND_c ; corr_SPWLPIND = 14.405843 + reside1; run; data corr_SPWLPTAX ; set slrebug.SPWLPTAX_c ; corr_SPWLPTAX = 33.096532 + reside1; run; data corr_STOLNTAX ; set slrebug.STOLNTAX_c ; corr_STOLNTAX = 4.256532 + reside1; run; data corr_STOLPIND ; set slrebug.STOLPIND_c ; corr_STOLPIND = 24.045819 + reside1; run; data corr_STOLPTAX ; set slrebug.STOLPTAX_c ; corr_STOLPTAX = 28.080879 + reside1; run; data corr_SWIMNTAX ; set slrebug.SWIMNTAX_c ; corr_SWIMNTAX = 0.171021 + reside1; run; data corr_SWIMPIND ; set slrebug.SWIMPIND_c ; corr_SWIMPIND = 0.381425 + reside1; run; data corr_SWIMPTAX ; set slrebug.SWIMPTAX_c ; corr_SWIMPTAX = 0.823610 + reside1; run; data corr_TANYNTAX ; set slrebug.TANYNTAX_c ; corr_TANYNTAX = 1.073634 + reside1; run; data corr_TANYPIND ; set slrebug.TANYPIND_c ; corr_TANYPIND = 3.773919 + reside1; run; data corr_TANYPTAX ; set slrebug.TANYPTAX_c ; corr_TANYPTAX = 6.157720 + reside1; run; data corr_TL01NTAX ; set slrebug.TL01NTAX_c ; corr_TL01NTAX = 0.204276 + reside1; run; data corr_TL01PIND ; set slrebug.TL01PIND_c ; corr_TL01PIND = 0.361473 + reside1; run; data corr_TL01PTAX ; set slrebug.TL01PTAX_c ; corr_TL01PTAX = 1.137791 + reside1; run; data corr_TL23NTAX ; set slrebug.TL23NTAX_c ; corr_TL23NTAX = 1.437055 + reside1; run; data corr_TL23PIND ; set slrebug.TL23PIND_c ; corr_TL23PIND = 4.661758 + reside1; run; data corr_TL23PTAX ; set slrebug.TL23PTAX_c ; corr_TL23PTAX = 8.118717 + reside1; run; data corr_TL45NTAX ; set slrebug.TL45NTAX_c ; corr_TL45NTAX = 4.396675 + reside1; run; data corr_TL45PIND ; set slrebug.TL45PIND_c ; corr_TL45PIND = 12.478646 + reside1; run; data corr_TL45PTAX ; set slrebug.TL45PTAX_c ; corr_TL45PTAX = 28.275131 + reside1; run; data corr_TL67NTAX ; set slrebug.TL67NTAX_c ; corr_TL67NTAX = 3.814727 + reside1; run; data corr_TL67PIND ; set slrebug.TL67PIND_c ; corr_TL67PIND = 40.858765 + reside1; run; data corr_TL67PTAX ; set slrebug.TL67PTAX_c ; corr_TL67PTAX = 23.698599 + reside1; run; data corr_TOLRNTAX ; set slrebug.TOLRNTAX_c ; corr_TOLRNTAX = 5.425178 + reside1; run; data corr_TOLRPIND ; set slrebug.TOLRPIND_c ; corr_TOLRPIND = 26.280451 + reside1; run; data corr_TOLRPTAX ; set slrebug.TOLRPTAX_c ; corr_TOLRPTAX = 34.918456 + reside1; run; data corr_TOTLNTAX ; set slrebug.TOTLNTAX_c ; corr_TOTLNTAX = 15.624703 + reside1; run; data corr_TRICNTAX ; set slrebug.TRICNTAX_c ; corr_TRICNTAX = 1.130641 + reside1; run; data corr_TRICPIND ; set slrebug.TRICPIND_c ; corr_TRICPIND = 1.606295 + reside1; run; data corr_TRICPTAX ; set slrebug.TRICPTAX_c ; corr_TRICPTAX = 7.315677 + reside1; run; data corr_WTD_TV ; set slrebug.WTD_TV_c ; corr_WTD_TV = 5.339810 + reside1; run; *sort for merge; proc sort data = slrebug.lci ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = corr_OLLIPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TUBIPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ETOPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ETOPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_AMPHNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_AMPHPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_AMPHPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_BURRNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_BURRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_BURRPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRDOM1PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRDOM3PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRDOM5PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLMBNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLMBPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLMBPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLNGNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLNGPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLNGPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFINTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFIPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFIPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFITRICNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFITRICPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFITRICPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COGANTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COGAPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COGAPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CRUSNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CRUSPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CRUSPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DIPTNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DIPTPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DIPTPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DOM1PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DOM3PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DOM5PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHENTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHEPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHEPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPOTNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPOTPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPOTPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPT_NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPT_PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPT_PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_FACLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_FACLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_FACLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_HPRIME ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_INTLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_INTLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_INTLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_MOLLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_MOLLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_MOLLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NOINNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NOINPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NOINPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NTOLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NTOLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NTOLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ODONNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ODONPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ODONPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHCHIRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_PREDNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_PREDPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_PREDPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SCRPNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SCRPPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SCRPPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SHRDNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SHRDPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SHRDPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SPWLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SPWLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SPWLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_STOLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_STOLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_STOLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SWIMNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SWIMPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SWIMPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TANYNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TANYPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TANYPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL01NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL01PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL01PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL23NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL23PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL23PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL45NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL45PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL45PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL67NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL67PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL67PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOLRNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOLRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOLRPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOTLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TRICNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TRICPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TRICPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_WTD_TV ; by metric_id;run; *merge metrics; data slrebug.lci_a; merge slrebug.lci corr_OLLIPIND corr_TUBIPIND corr_EPHRPIND corr_ETOPIND corr_ETOPTAX corr_AMPHNTAX corr_AMPHPIND corr_AMPHPTAX corr_BURRNTAX corr_BURRPIND corr_BURRPTAX corr_CHIRDOM1PIND corr_CHIRDOM3PIND corr_CHIRDOM5PIND corr_CHIRNTAX corr_CHIRPIND corr_CHIRPTAX corr_CLMBNTAX corr_CLMBPIND corr_CLMBPTAX corr_CLNGNTAX corr_CLNGPIND corr_CLNGPTAX corr_COFINTAX corr_COFIPIND corr_COFIPTAX corr_COFITRICNTAX corr_COFITRICPIND corr_COFITRICPTAX corr_COGANTAX corr_COGAPIND corr_COGAPTAX corr_CRUSNTAX corr_CRUSPIND corr_CRUSPTAX corr_DIPTNTAX corr_DIPTPIND corr_DIPTPTAX corr_DOM1PIND corr_DOM3PIND corr_DOM5PIND corr_EPHENTAX corr_EPHEPIND corr_EPHEPTAX corr_EPOTNTAX corr_EPOTPIND corr_EPOTPTAX corr_EPT_NTAX corr_EPT_PIND corr_EPT_PTAX corr_FACLNTAX corr_FACLPIND corr_FACLPTAX corr_HPRIME corr_INTLNTAX corr_INTLPIND corr_INTLPTAX corr_MOLLNTAX corr_MOLLPIND corr_MOLLPTAX corr_NOINNTAX corr_NOINPIND corr_NOINPTAX corr_NTOLNTAX corr_NTOLPIND corr_NTOLPTAX corr_ODONNTAX corr_ODONPIND corr_ODONPTAX corr_ORTHCHIRPIND corr_ORTHNTAX corr_ORTHPIND corr_ORTHPTAX corr_PREDNTAX corr_PREDPIND corr_PREDPTAX corr_SCRPNTAX corr_SCRPPIND corr_SCRPPTAX corr_SHRDNTAX corr_SHRDPIND corr_SHRDPTAX corr_SPWLNTAX corr_SPWLPIND corr_SPWLPTAX corr_STOLNTAX corr_STOLPIND corr_STOLPTAX corr_SWIMNTAX corr_SWIMPIND corr_SWIMPTAX corr_TANYNTAX corr_TANYPIND corr_TANYPTAX corr_TL01NTAX corr_TL01PIND corr_TL01PTAX corr_TL23NTAX corr_TL23PIND corr_TL23PTAX corr_TL45NTAX corr_TL45PIND corr_TL45PTAX corr_TL67NTAX corr_TL67PIND corr_TL67PTAX corr_TOLRNTAX corr_TOLRPIND corr_TOLRPTAX corr_TOTLNTAX corr_TRICNTAX corr_TRICPIND corr_TRICPTAX corr_WTD_TV ; by metric_id; *channels excludeded; testgrp = "LDC"; if referencecond ne "reference" then testgrp = "MDC"; drop reside1;run; *n=363; *next section for picking metrics; proc sort data = slrebug.lci_a; by testgrp;run; proc means data = slrebug.lci_a maxdec = 3; var corr_OLLIPIND corr_TUBIPIND corr_EPHRPIND corr_ETOPIND corr_ETOPTAX corr_AMPHNTAX corr_AMPHPIND corr_AMPHPTAX corr_BURRNTAX corr_BURRPIND corr_BURRPTAX corr_CHIRDOM1PIND corr_CHIRDOM3PIND corr_CHIRDOM5PIND corr_CHIRNTAX corr_CHIRPIND corr_CHIRPTAX corr_CLMBNTAX corr_CLMBPIND corr_CLMBPTAX corr_CLNGNTAX corr_CLNGPIND corr_CLNGPTAX corr_COFINTAX corr_COFIPIND corr_COFIPTAX corr_COFITRICNTAX corr_COFITRICPIND corr_COFITRICPTAX corr_COGANTAX corr_COGAPIND corr_COGAPTAX corr_CRUSNTAX corr_CRUSPIND corr_CRUSPTAX corr_DIPTNTAX corr_DIPTPIND corr_DIPTPTAX corr_DOM1PIND corr_DOM3PIND corr_DOM5PIND corr_EPHENTAX corr_EPHEPIND corr_EPHEPTAX corr_EPOTNTAX corr_EPOTPIND corr_EPOTPTAX corr_EPT_NTAX corr_EPT_PIND corr_EPT_PTAX corr_FACLNTAX corr_FACLPIND corr_FACLPTAX corr_HPRIME corr_INTLNTAX corr_INTLPIND corr_INTLPTAX corr_MOLLNTAX corr_MOLLPIND corr_MOLLPTAX corr_NOINNTAX corr_NOINPIND corr_NOINPTAX corr_NTOLNTAX corr_NTOLPIND corr_NTOLPTAX corr_ODONNTAX corr_ODONPIND corr_ODONPTAX corr_ORTHCHIRPIND corr_ORTHNTAX corr_ORTHPIND corr_ORTHPTAX corr_PREDNTAX corr_PREDPIND corr_PREDPTAX corr_SCRPNTAX corr_SCRPPIND corr_SCRPPTAX corr_SHRDNTAX corr_SHRDPIND corr_SHRDPTAX corr_SPWLNTAX corr_SPWLPIND corr_SPWLPTAX corr_STOLNTAX corr_STOLPIND corr_STOLPTAX corr_SWIMNTAX corr_SWIMPIND corr_SWIMPTAX corr_TANYNTAX corr_TANYPIND corr_TANYPTAX corr_TL01NTAX corr_TL01PIND corr_TL01PTAX corr_TL23NTAX corr_TL23PIND corr_TL23PTAX corr_TL45PTAX corr_TL67NTAX corr_TL45NTAX corr_TL45PIND corr_TL67PIND corr_TL67PTAX corr_TOLRNTAX corr_TOLRPIND corr_TOLRPTAX corr_TOTLNTAX corr_TRICNTAX corr_TRICPIND corr_TRICPTAX corr_WTD_TV ; by testgrp; output out = corrimpairmeans13;run; *dont overwrite this file; *use this file to tabulate 2 sample test results; proc export data = corrimpairmeans13 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\corrimpairmeans15' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; data slrebug.epf_lci; set slrebug.lci_a;run; *create file just for ttests; *ptaxa metric removed; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_OLLIPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TUBIPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPHRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_ETOPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_AMPHNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_AMPHPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_BURRNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_BURRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CHIRDOM1PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CHIRDOM3PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CHIRDOM5PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CHIRNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CHIRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CLMBNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CLMBPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CLNGNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CLNGPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_COFINTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_COFIPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_COFITRICNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_COFITRICPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_COGANTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_COGAPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CRUSNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_CRUSPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_DIPTNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_DIPTPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_DOM1PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_DOM3PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_DOM5PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPHENTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPHEPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPOTNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPOTPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPT_NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_EPT_PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_FACLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_FACLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_HPRIME ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_INTLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_INTLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_MOLLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_MOLLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_NOINNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_NOINPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_NTOLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_NTOLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_ODONNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_ODONPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_ORTHCHIRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_ORTHNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_ORTHPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_PREDNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_PREDPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SCRPNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SCRPPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SHRDNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SHRDPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SPWLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SPWLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_STOLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_STOLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SWIMNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_SWIMPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TANYNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TANYPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL01NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL01PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL23NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL23PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL45NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL45PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL67NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TL67PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TOLRNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TOLRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TOTLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TRICNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_TRICPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.epf_lci cochran;var corr_WTD_TV ;class testgrp;run; *select final non redundant (r=0.8); *do not select PTAX metrics; *corr is iterative; proc corr data = slrebug.lci_a nosimple best = 3; var corr_NOINNTAX corr_SPWLNTAX corr_NTOLNTAX corr_DOM5PIND corr_BURRPIND corr_CHIRDOM5PInd corr_CHIRDOM1PInd ;run; ** from corrimpairmeans15 testgrp LDC MDC absdiff ratio pvalue corr_NOINNTAX 5.34 4.12 1.22 1.30 0.02 k corr_TL45NTAX 4.65 3.42 1.23 1.36 0.0009 k corr_SPWLNTAX 5.62 4.28 1.34 1.31 0.0013 k corr_NTOLNTAX 6.33 4.92 1.42 1.29 0.0043 k corr_FACLNTAX 7.60 5.93 1.67 1.28 0.004 k corr_DOM5PIND 78.29 82.84 4.55 0.95 0.006 k corr_DOM3PIND 66.35 71.35 5.00 0.93 0.0153 k corr_BURRPIND 49.43 56.59 7.16 0.87 0.0283 k corr_CHIRDOM5PInd 67.30 59.07 8.23 1.14 0.0453 k corr_CHIRDOM1PInd 38.08 46.51 8.43 0.82 0.0117 k; *get grand means for recorrection for date only; proc means DATA = slrebug.lci_a maxdec = 3; VAR NOINNTAX SPWLNTAX NTOLNTAX DOM5PIND BURRPIND CHIRDOM5PInd CHIRDOM1PInd ;RUN; * The MEANS Procedure Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ NOINNTAX NOINNTAX 363 5.220 4.363 0.000 30.000 SPWLNTAX SPWLNTAX 363 5.289 3.576 0.000 22.000 NTOLNTAX NTOLNTAX 363 6.201 4.254 0.000 28.000 DOM5PIND DOM5PIND 363 79.320 14.171 34.860 100.000 BURRPIND BURRPIND 363 50.074 21.881 1.960 100.000 CHIRDOM5PIND CHIRDOM5PIND 363 66.850 32.060 0.000 100.000 CHIRDOM1PIND CHIRDOM1PIND 363 40.153 22.923 0.000 100.000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model NOINNTAX = jdate year; output out = NOINNTAX_metric r =reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model SPWLNTAX = jdate year; output out = SPWLNTAX_metric r =reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model DOM5PIND = jdate year; output out = DOM5PIND_metric r=reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model CHIRDOM1PInd= jdate year; output out = CHIRDOM1PInd_metric r =reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model CHIRDOM5PInd= jdate year; output out = CHIRDOM5PInd_metric r =reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model BURRPIND = jdate year; output out = BURRPIND_metric r =reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.lci_a; model NTOLNTAX = jdate year; output out = NTOLNTAX_metric r =reside1; run; *add residuals to means; data NOINNTAX_metricx ;set NOINNTAX_metric ; NOINNTAX_corr =reside1 + 5.220 ;run; data SPWLNTAX_metricx ;set SPWLNTAX_metric ; SPWLNTAX_corr =reside1 + 5.289 ;run; data DOM5PIND_metricx ;set DOM5PIND_metric ; DOM5PIND_corr =reside1 + 79.32 ;run; data CHIRDOM1PInd_metricx ;set CHIRDOM1PInd_metric ; CHIRDOM1PInd_corr =reside1 + 40.153 ;run; data CHIRDOM5PInd_metricx ;set CHIRDOM5PInd_metric ; CHIRDOM5PInd_corr =reside1 + 66.85 ;run; data BURRPIND_metricx ;set BURRPIND_metric ; BURRPIND_corr =reside1 + 50.074 ;run; data NTOLNTAX_metricx ;set NTOLNTAX_metric ; NTOLNTAX_corr =reside1 + 6.201 ;run; proc sort data = NOINNTAX_metricx ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = SPWLNTAX_metricx ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = DOM5PIND_metricx ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = CHIRDOM1PInd_metricx ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = CHIRDOM5PInd_metricx ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = BURRPIND_metricx ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = NTOLNTAX_metricx ;by metric_id; run; data slrebug.lci_final; merge NOINNTAX_metricx SPWLNTAX_metricx DOM5PIND_metricx CHIRDOM1PInd_metricx CHIRDOM5PInd_metricx BURRPIND_metricx NTOLNTAX_metricx ;by metric_ID;run; proc means data = slrebug.lci_final n min max p1 p99 ; var NOINNTAX_corr SPWLNTAX_corr DOM5PIND_corr CHIRDOM1PInd_corr CHIRDOM5PInd_corr BURRPIND_corr NTOLNTAX_corr; run; * The MEANS Procedure Variable N Minimum Maximum 1st Pctl 99th Pctl ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ NOINNTAX_corr 363 -1.7196376 29.3633402 -1.5328216 19.8028922 SPWLNTAX_corr 363 -2.5355012 18.6596523 -0.4964705 13.5035295 DOM5PIND_corr 363 42.1895375 112.6564607 52.5197630 106.4320244 CHIRDOM1PInd_corr 363 -9.3096922 101.9694371 -4.4489977 93.2057320 CHIRDOM5PInd_corr 363 -11.9884914 120.9753736 -8.4340887 119.2627366 BURRPIND_corr 363 1.1420846 98.8778261 4.5130497 97.5575575 NTOLNTAX_corr 363 -2.8283244 24.3178069 -1.7794735 19.2205265 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ The MEANS Procedure Variable N Minimum Maximum 1st Pctl 99th Pctl ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ NOINNTAX_corr 363 -1.7196376 29.3633402 -1.5328216 19.8028922 SPWLNTAX_corr 363 -2.5355012 18.6596523 -0.4964705 13.5035295 DOM5PIND_corr 363 42.1895375 112.6564607 52.5197630 106.4320244 CHIRDOM1PInd_corr 363 -9.3096922 101.9694371 -4.4489977 93.2057320 CHIRDOM5PInd_corr 363 -11.9884914 120.9753736 -8.4340887 119.2627366 BURRPIND_corr 363 1.1420846 98.8778261 4.5130497 97.5575575 NTOLNTAX_corr 363 -2.8283244 24.3178069 -1.7794735 19.2205265 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; data slrebug.lci_scaled; set slrebug.lci_final ; *scaling necessary to remove negative numbers and to correct for different units; *corrected using 1st and 99th percentiles; *scaled = (val - 1st pctl)/(99th pctl - 1st pctl); NOINNTAX_corr_s =( NOINNTAX_corr - -1.5328216 )/( 19.8028922 - -1.5328216 ); SPWLNTAX_corr_s =( SPWLNTAX_corr --0.4964705 )/( 13.5035295 - -0.4964705 ); DOM5PIND_corr_s =( DOM5PIND_corr - 52.5197630 )/( 106.4320244 - 52.5197630 ); CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s =( CHIRDOM1PInd_corr - -4.4489977 )/( 93.2057320 - -4.4489977); CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s =( CHIRDOM1PInd_corr - -8.4340887 )/( 119.2627366 - -8.4340887); BURRPIND_corr_s =( BURRPIND_corr - 4.5130497 )/( 97.5575575 - 4.5130497 ); NTOLNTAX_corr_s =( NTOLNTAX_corr - -1.7794735 )/( 19.2205265 - -1.7794735 ); if NOINNTAX_corr_s <0 then NOINNTAX_corr_s =0; if SPWLNTAX_corr_s <0 then SPWLNTAX_corr_s =0; if DOM5PIND_corr_s <0 then DOM5PIND_corr_s =0; if CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s <0 then CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s =0; if CHIRDOM5PInd_corr_s <0 then CHIRDOM5PInd_corr_s =0; if BURRPIND_corr_s <0 then BURRPIND_corr_s =0; if NTOLNTAX_corr_s <0 then NTOLNTAX_corr_s =0; if NOINNTAX_corr_s >1 then NOINNTAX_corr_s =1; if SPWLNTAX_corr_s >1 then SPWLNTAX_corr_s =1; if DOM5PIND_corr_s >1 then DOM5PIND_corr_s =1; if CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s >1 then CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s =1; if CHIRDOM5PInd_corr_s >1 then CHIRDOM5PInd_corr_s =1; if BURRPIND_corr_s >1 then BURRPIND_corr_s =1; if NTOLNTAX_corr_s >1 then NTOLNTAX_corr_s =1; * dom5pind burrpind and chirdom1pind are negative metrics; EPFLCI_sum= NOINNTAX_corr_s+ SPWLNTAX_corr_s+ CHIRDOM5PInd_corr_s+ NTOLNTAX_corr_s- DOM5PIND_corr_s- CHIRDOM1PInd_corr_s- BURRPIND_corr_s; *scaled = (val - 1st pctl)/(99th pctl - 1st pctl); epflci = (epflci_sum - -2.084 )/( 2.051 - -2.084 ); IF epflci <0 then epflci = 0; if epflci >1 then epflci = 1; run; Proc means data =slrebug.lci_scaled maxdec=3 mean n min p1 p99 max ;var epflci_sum ;run; * The SAS System 09:33 Friday, December 4, 2015 223 The MEANS Procedure Variable Mean N Minimum 1st Pctl 99th Pctl Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ EPFLCI_sum -0.259 363 -2.322 -2.084 2.051 2.401 epflci 0.441 363 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ *****************supplement 3 information**********************************************************************************************; proc corr data = slrebug.lci_scaled nosimple ;var NOINNTAX_corr SPWLNTAX_corr DOM5PIND_corr CHIRDOM1PInd_corr CHIRDOM5PInd_corr BURRPIND_corr NTOLNTAX_corr;with epflci;run; * NOINNTAX_ SPWLNTAX_ DOM5PIND_ CHIRDOM1PInd_ CHIRDOM5PInd_ BURRPIND_ NTOLNTAX_ corr corr corr corr corr corr corr epflci 0.68719 0.83948 -0.79832 -0.36744 0.40325 -0.57706 0.78563 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var epflci ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var NOINNTAX_corr ;class testgrp;run; *not significant but included; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var SPWLNTAX_corr ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var DOM5PIND_corr ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var CHIRDOM1PInd_corr ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var CHIRDOM5PInd_corr ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var BURRPIND_corr ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.Lci_scaled cochran;var NTOLNTAX_corr ;class testgrp;run; data lci_supplement;set slrebug.Lci_scaled ; keep epflci testgrp NOINNTAX_corr SPWLNTAX_corr DOM5PIND_corr CHIRDOM1PInd_corr CHIRDOM5PInd_corr BURRPIND_corr NTOLNTAX_corr ;proc print; run; proc export data = lci_supplement outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\lci_supplement' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; ***************************************************************************************************; proc sort data =slrebug.lci_scaled; by metric_ID; proc sort data = slrebug.epf653; by metric_ID;run; **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** Create SLRELCI **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************; *run models to get residuals to correct for biases; *lines generated in excel; *this version excludes upriver allouez pokegama pickle pond; *distance taken out this version; data slrebug.merged_A;set slrebug.merged830gis;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model OLLIPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.OLLIPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TUBIPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TUBIPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPHRPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPHRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ETOPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ETOPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ETOPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ETOPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model AMPHNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.AMPHNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model AMPHPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.AMPHPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model AMPHPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.AMPHPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model BURRNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.BURRNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model BURRPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.BURRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model BURRPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.BURRPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CHIRDOM1PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CHIRDOM1PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CHIRDOM3PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CHIRDOM3PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CHIRDOM5PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CHIRDOM5PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CHIRNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CHIRNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CHIRPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CHIRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CHIRPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CHIRPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CLMBNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CLMBNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CLMBPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CLMBPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CLMBPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CLMBPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CLNGNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CLNGNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CLNGPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CLNGPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CLNGPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CLNGPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COFINTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COFINTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COFIPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COFIPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COFIPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COFIPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COFITRICNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COFITRICNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COFITRICPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COFITRICPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COFITRICPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COFITRICPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COGANTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COGANTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COGAPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COGAPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model COGAPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.COGAPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CRUSNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CRUSNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CRUSPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CRUSPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model CRUSPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.CRUSPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model DIPTNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.DIPTNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model DIPTPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.DIPTPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model DIPTPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.DIPTPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model DOM1PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.DOM1PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model DOM3PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.DOM3PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model DOM5PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.DOM5PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPHENTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPHENTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPHEPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPHEPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPHEPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPHEPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPOTNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPOTNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPOTPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPOTPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPOTPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPOTPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPT_NTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPT_NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPT_PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPT_PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model EPT_PTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.EPT_PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model FACLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.FACLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model FACLPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.FACLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model FACLPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.FACLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model HPRIME = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.HPRIME_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model INTLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.INTLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model INTLPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.INTLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model INTLPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.INTLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model MOLLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.MOLLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model MOLLPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.MOLLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model MOLLPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.MOLLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model NOINNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.NOINNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model NOINPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.NOINPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model NOINPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.NOINPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model NTOLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.NTOLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model NTOLPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.NTOLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model NTOLPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.NTOLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ODONNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ODONNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ODONPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ODONPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ODONPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ODONPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ORTHCHIRPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ORTHCHIRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ORTHNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ORTHNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ORTHPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ORTHPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model ORTHPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.ORTHPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model PREDNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.PREDNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model PREDPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.PREDPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model PREDPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.PREDPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SCRPNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SCRPNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SCRPPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SCRPPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SCRPPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SCRPPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SHRDNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SHRDNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SHRDPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SHRDPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SHRDPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SHRDPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SPWLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SPWLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SPWLPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SPWLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SPWLPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SPWLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model STOLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.STOLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model STOLPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.STOLPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model STOLPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.STOLPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SWIMNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SWIMNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SWIMPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SWIMPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model SWIMPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.SWIMPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TANYNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TANYNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TANYPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TANYPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TANYPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TANYPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL01NTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL01NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL01PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL01PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL01PTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL01PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL23NTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL23NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL23PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL23PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL23PTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL23PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL45NTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL45NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL45PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL45PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL45PTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL45PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL67NTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL67NTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL67PIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL67PIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TL67PTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TL67PTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TOLRNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TOLRNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TOLRPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TOLRPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TOLRPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TOLRPTAX_c r = reside1;run; *no model for totlnind; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TOTLNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TOTLNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TRICNTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TRICNTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TRICPIND = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TRICPIND_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model TRICPTAX = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.TRICPTAX_c r = reside1;run; proc reg data = slrebug.merged_A; model WTD_TV = jdate year depth_m rei totlnind ; output out = slrebug.WTD_TV_c r = reside1;run; *Get grand means for residual correction; proc means data = slrebug.merged_A maxdec = 2 n mean; var OLLIPIND TUBIPIND EPHRPIND ETOPIND ETOPTAX AMPHNTAX AMPHPIND AMPHPTAX BURRNTAX BURRPIND BURRPTAX CHIRDOM1PIND CHIRDOM3PIND CHIRDOM5PIND CHIRNTAX CHIRPIND CHIRPTAX CLMBNTAX CLMBPIND CLMBPTAX CLNGNTAX CLNGPIND CLNGPTAX COFINTAX COFIPIND COFIPTAX COFITRICNTAX COFITRICPIND COFITRICPTAX COGANTAX COGAPIND COGAPTAX CRUSNTAX CRUSPIND CRUSPTAX DIPTNTAX DIPTPIND DIPTPTAX DOM1PIND DOM3PIND DOM5PIND EPHENTAX EPHEPIND EPHEPTAX EPOTNTAX EPOTPIND EPOTPTAX EPT_NTAX EPT_PIND EPT_PTAX FACLNTAX FACLPIND FACLPTAX HPRIME INTLNTAX INTLPIND INTLPTAX MOLLNTAX MOLLPIND MOLLPTAX NOINNTAX NOINPIND NOINPTAX NTOLNTAX NTOLPIND NTOLPTAX ODONNTAX ODONPIND ODONPTAX ORTHCHIRPIND ORTHNTAX ORTHPIND ORTHPTAX PREDNTAX PREDPIND PREDPTAX SCRPNTAX SCRPPIND SCRPPTAX SHRDNTAX SHRDPIND SHRDPTAX SPWLNTAX SPWLPIND SPWLPTAX STOLNTAX STOLPIND STOLPTAX SWIMNTAX SWIMPIND SWIMPTAX TANYNTAX TANYPIND TANYPTAX TL01NTAX TL01PIND TL01PTAX TL23NTAX TL23PIND TL23PTAX TL45NTAX TL45PIND TL45PTAX TL67NTAX TL67PIND TL67PTAX TOLRNTAX TOLRPIND TOLRPTAX TOTLNTAX TRICNTAX TRICPIND TRICPTAX WTD_TV; output out = corrmeans2;run; *export means to write code; Proc export data = corrmeans2 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\SAS\cmeans7.xlsx' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *following lines created in excel from cmeans5; data corr_OLLIPIND; set slrebug.OLLIPIND_c ; corr_OLLIPIND= 39.150248447205 + reside1; run; data corr_TUBIPIND; set slrebug.TUBIPIND_c ; corr_TUBIPIND= 8.05343685300207 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHRPIND; set slrebug.EPHRPIND_c ; corr_EPHRPIND= 4.8916149068323 + reside1; run; data corr_ETOPIND; set slrebug.ETOPIND_c ; corr_ETOPIND= 4.79256728778468 + reside1; run; data corr_ETOPTAX; set slrebug.ETOPTAX_c ; corr_ETOPTAX= 15.1273084886128 + reside1; run; data corr_AMPHNTAX; set slrebug.AMPHNTAX_c ; corr_AMPHNTAX= 0.356107660455486 + reside1; run; data corr_AMPHPIND; set slrebug.AMPHPIND_c ; corr_AMPHPIND= 0.865113871635611 + reside1; run; data corr_AMPHPTAX; set slrebug.AMPHPTAX_c ; corr_AMPHPTAX= 1.84395445134575 + reside1; run; data corr_BURRNTAX; set slrebug.BURRNTAX_c ; corr_BURRNTAX= 5.824016563147 + reside1; run; data corr_BURRPIND; set slrebug.BURRPIND_c ; corr_BURRPIND= 48.0285300207039 + reside1; run; data corr_BURRPTAX; set slrebug.BURRPTAX_c ; corr_BURRPTAX= 31.0197101449275 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRDOM1PIND; set slrebug.CHIRDOM1PIND_c ; corr_CHIRDOM1PIND= 38.9289855072464 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRDOM3PIND; set slrebug.CHIRDOM3PIND_c ; corr_CHIRDOM3PIND= 62.661884057971 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRDOM5PIND; set slrebug.CHIRDOM5PIND_c ; corr_CHIRDOM5PIND= 69.4501656314699 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRNTAX; set slrebug.CHIRNTAX_c ; corr_CHIRNTAX= 8.06418219461697 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRPIND; set slrebug.CHIRPIND_c ; corr_CHIRPIND= 26.8451345755693 + reside1; run; data corr_CHIRPTAX; set slrebug.CHIRPTAX_c ; corr_CHIRPTAX= 40.979917184265 + reside1; run; data corr_CLMBNTAX; set slrebug.CLMBNTAX_c ; corr_CLMBNTAX= 2.82194616977226 + reside1; run; data corr_CLMBPIND; set slrebug.CLMBPIND_c ; corr_CLMBPIND= 6.24958592132505 + reside1; run; data corr_CLMBPTAX; set slrebug.CLMBPTAX_c ; corr_CLMBPTAX= 15.3204554865425 + reside1; run; data corr_CLNGNTAX; set slrebug.CLNGNTAX_c ; corr_CLNGNTAX= 3.46169772256729 + reside1; run; data corr_CLNGPIND; set slrebug.CLNGPIND_c ; corr_CLNGPIND= 11.8829192546584 + reside1; run; data corr_CLNGPTAX; set slrebug.CLNGPTAX_c ; corr_CLNGPTAX= 18.1093374741201 + reside1; run; data corr_COFINTAX; set slrebug.COFINTAX_c ; corr_COFINTAX= 2.93581780538302 + reside1; run; data corr_COFIPIND; set slrebug.COFIPIND_c ; corr_COFIPIND= 14.2771014492754 + reside1; run; data corr_COFIPTAX; set slrebug.COFIPTAX_c ; corr_COFIPTAX= 16.3648654244307 + reside1; run; data corr_COFITRICNTAX; set slrebug.COFITRICNTAX_c ; corr_COFITRICNTAX= 0.612836438923395 + reside1; run; data corr_COFITRICPIND; set slrebug.COFITRICPIND_c ; corr_COFITRICPIND= 0.975610766045548 + reside1; run; data corr_COFITRICPTAX; set slrebug.COFITRICPTAX_c ; corr_COFITRICPTAX= 3.6871635610766 + reside1; run; data corr_COGANTAX; set slrebug.COGANTAX_c ; corr_COGANTAX= 9.06418219461698 + reside1; run; data corr_COGAPIND; set slrebug.COGAPIND_c ; corr_COGAPIND= 65.0656935817805 + reside1; run; data corr_COGAPTAX; set slrebug.COGAPTAX_c ; corr_COGAPTAX= 46.9648654244307 + reside1; run; data corr_CRUSNTAX; set slrebug.CRUSNTAX_c ; corr_CRUSNTAX= 0.544513457556936 + reside1; run; data corr_CRUSPIND; set slrebug.CRUSPIND_c ; corr_CRUSPIND= 1.57886128364389 + reside1; run; data corr_CRUSPTAX; set slrebug.CRUSPTAX_c ; corr_CRUSPTAX= 2.84840579710145 + reside1; run; data corr_DIPTNTAX; set slrebug.DIPTNTAX_c ; corr_DIPTNTAX= 8.71014492753623 + reside1; run; data corr_DIPTPIND; set slrebug.DIPTPIND_c ; corr_DIPTPIND= 27.9029399585921 + reside1; run; data corr_DIPTPTAX; set slrebug.DIPTPTAX_c ; corr_DIPTPTAX= 45.1937267080745 + reside1; run; data corr_DOM1PIND; set slrebug.DOM1PIND_c ; corr_DOM1PIND= 37.3804140786749 + reside1; run; data corr_DOM3PIND; set slrebug.DOM3PIND_c ; corr_DOM3PIND= 65.1502277432712 + reside1; run; data corr_DOM5PIND; set slrebug.DOM5PIND_c ; corr_DOM5PIND= 77.0689233954452 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHENTAX; set slrebug.EPHENTAX_c ; corr_EPHENTAX= 1.18426501035197 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHEPIND; set slrebug.EPHEPIND_c ; corr_EPHEPIND= 2.8876397515528 + reside1; run; data corr_EPHEPTAX; set slrebug.EPHEPTAX_c ; corr_EPHEPTAX= 6.72677018633541 + reside1; run; data corr_EPOTNTAX; set slrebug.EPOTNTAX_c ; corr_EPOTNTAX= 2.66666666666667 + reside1; run; data corr_EPOTPIND; set slrebug.EPOTPIND_c ; corr_EPOTPIND= 4.79445134575569 + reside1; run; data corr_EPOTPTAX; set slrebug.EPOTPTAX_c ; corr_EPOTPTAX= 15.1376604554865 + reside1; run; data corr_EPT_NTAX; set slrebug.EPT_NTAX_c ; corr_EPT_NTAX= 2.6128364389234 + reside1; run; data corr_EPT_PIND; set slrebug.EPT_PIND_c ; corr_EPT_PIND= 4.75072463768116 + reside1; run; data corr_EPT_PTAX; set slrebug.EPT_PTAX_c ; corr_EPT_PTAX= 14.7734782608696 + reside1; run; data corr_FACLNTAX; set slrebug.FACLNTAX_c ; corr_FACLNTAX= 8.56314699792961 + reside1; run; data corr_FACLPIND; set slrebug.FACLPIND_c ; corr_FACLPIND= 46.3152173913044 + reside1; run; data corr_FACLPTAX; set slrebug.FACLPTAX_c ; corr_FACLPTAX= 47.5378053830228 + reside1; run; data corr_HPRIME; set slrebug.HPRIME_c ; corr_HPRIME= 2.01888198757764 + reside1; run; data corr_INTLNTAX; set slrebug.INTLNTAX_c ; corr_INTLNTAX= 1.36024844720497 + reside1; run; data corr_INTLPIND; set slrebug.INTLPIND_c ; corr_INTLPIND= 3.58049689440994 + reside1; run; data corr_INTLPTAX; set slrebug.INTLPTAX_c ; corr_INTLPTAX= 6.56414078674948 + reside1; run; data corr_MOLLNTAX; set slrebug.MOLLNTAX_c ; corr_MOLLNTAX= 1.94202898550725 + reside1; run; data corr_MOLLPIND; set slrebug.MOLLPIND_c ; corr_MOLLPIND= 7.13356107660456 + reside1; run; data corr_MOLLPTAX; set slrebug.MOLLPTAX_c ; corr_MOLLPTAX= 11.9456521739131 + reside1; run; data corr_NOINNTAX; set slrebug.NOINNTAX_c ; corr_NOINNTAX= 6.78674948240166 + reside1; run; data corr_NOINPIND; set slrebug.NOINPIND_c ; corr_NOINPIND= 65.8605175983437 + reside1; run; data corr_NOINPTAX; set slrebug.NOINPTAX_c ; corr_NOINPTAX= 38.171884057971 + reside1; run; data corr_NTOLNTAX; set slrebug.NTOLNTAX_c ; corr_NTOLNTAX= 6.73498964803312 + reside1; run; data corr_NTOLPIND; set slrebug.NTOLPIND_c ; corr_NTOLPIND= 17.3524016563147 + reside1; run; data corr_NTOLPTAX; set slrebug.NTOLPTAX_c ; corr_NTOLPTAX= 36.5660869565217 + reside1; run; data corr_ODONNTAX; set slrebug.ODONNTAX_c ; corr_ODONNTAX= 0.0538302277432712 + reside1; run; data corr_ODONPIND; set slrebug.ODONPIND_c ; corr_ODONPIND= 0.0436853002070393 + reside1; run; data corr_ODONPTAX; set slrebug.ODONPTAX_c ; corr_ODONPTAX= 0.364223602484472 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHCHIRPIND; set slrebug.ORTHCHIRPIND_c ; corr_ORTHCHIRPIND= 0.878405797101449 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHNTAX; set slrebug.ORTHNTAX_c ; corr_ORTHNTAX= 0.285714285714286 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHPIND; set slrebug.ORTHPIND_c ; corr_ORTHPIND= 0.268343685300207 + reside1; run; data corr_ORTHPTAX; set slrebug.ORTHPTAX_c ; corr_ORTHPTAX= 1.14438923395445 + reside1; run; data corr_PREDNTAX; set slrebug.PREDNTAX_c ; corr_PREDNTAX= 5.36645962732919 + reside1; run; data corr_PREDPIND; set slrebug.PREDPIND_c ; corr_PREDPIND= 13.8264389233954 + reside1; run; data corr_PREDPTAX; set slrebug.PREDPTAX_c ; corr_PREDPTAX= 30.8866666666667 + reside1; run; data corr_SCRPNTAX; set slrebug.SCRPNTAX_c ; corr_SCRPNTAX= 1.12008281573499 + reside1; run; data corr_SCRPPIND; set slrebug.SCRPPIND_c ; corr_SCRPPIND= 2.69192546583851 + reside1; run; data corr_SCRPPTAX; set slrebug.SCRPPTAX_c ; corr_SCRPPTAX= 6.65124223602485 + reside1; run; data corr_SHRDNTAX; set slrebug.SHRDNTAX_c ; corr_SHRDNTAX= 1.33126293995859 + reside1; run; data corr_SHRDPIND; set slrebug.SHRDPIND_c ; corr_SHRDPIND= 2.83356107660456 + reside1; run; data corr_SHRDPTAX; set slrebug.SHRDPTAX_c ; corr_SHRDPTAX= 6.53629399585922 + reside1; run; data corr_SPWLNTAX; set slrebug.SPWLNTAX_c ; corr_SPWLNTAX= 5.92339544513457 + reside1; run; data corr_SPWLPIND; set slrebug.SPWLPIND_c ; corr_SPWLPIND= 15.3205590062112 + reside1; run; data corr_SPWLPTAX; set slrebug.SPWLPTAX_c ; corr_SPWLPTAX= 32.1917391304348 + reside1; run; data corr_STOLNTAX; set slrebug.STOLNTAX_c ; corr_STOLNTAX= 4.99792960662526 + reside1; run; data corr_STOLPIND; set slrebug.STOLPIND_c ; corr_STOLPIND= 27.571552795031 + reside1; run; data corr_STOLPTAX; set slrebug.STOLPTAX_c ; corr_STOLPTAX= 26.8776604554866 + reside1; run; data corr_SWIMNTAX; set slrebug.SWIMNTAX_c ; corr_SWIMNTAX= 0.182194616977226 + reside1; run; data corr_SWIMPIND; set slrebug.SWIMPIND_c ; corr_SWIMPIND= 0.430745341614907 + reside1; run; data corr_SWIMPTAX; set slrebug.SWIMPTAX_c ; corr_SWIMPTAX= 0.766666666666667 + reside1; run; data corr_TANYNTAX; set slrebug.TANYNTAX_c ; corr_TANYNTAX= 1.05383022774327 + reside1; run; data corr_TANYPIND; set slrebug.TANYPIND_c ; corr_TANYPIND= 3.15971014492754 + reside1; run; data corr_TANYPTAX; set slrebug.TANYPTAX_c ; corr_TANYPTAX= 5.09616977225673 + reside1; run; data corr_TL01NTAX; set slrebug.TL01NTAX_c ; corr_TL01NTAX= 0.202898550724638 + reside1; run; data corr_TL01PIND; set slrebug.TL01PIND_c ; corr_TL01PIND= 0.268136645962733 + reside1; run; data corr_TL01PTAX; set slrebug.TL01PTAX_c ; corr_TL01PTAX= 0.95983436853002 + reside1; run; data corr_TL23NTAX; set slrebug.TL23NTAX_c ; corr_TL23NTAX= 1.33126293995859 + reside1; run; data corr_TL23PIND; set slrebug.TL23PIND_c ; corr_TL23PIND= 4.04840579710145 + reside1; run; data corr_TL23PTAX; set slrebug.TL23PTAX_c ; corr_TL23PTAX= 6.61726708074534 + reside1; run; data corr_TL45NTAX; set slrebug.TL45NTAX_c ; corr_TL45NTAX= 5.2008281573499 + reside1; run; data corr_TL45PIND; set slrebug.TL45PIND_c ; corr_TL45PIND= 13.035900621118 + reside1; run; data corr_TL45PTAX; set slrebug.TL45PTAX_c ; corr_TL45PTAX= 28.9886542443064 + reside1; run; data corr_TL67NTAX; set slrebug.TL67NTAX_c ; corr_TL67NTAX= 4.65631469979296 + reside1; run; data corr_TL67PIND; set slrebug.TL67PIND_c ; corr_TL67PIND= 35.2280538302277 + reside1; run; data corr_TL67PTAX; set slrebug.TL67PTAX_c ; corr_TL67PTAX= 25.104265010352 + reside1; run; data corr_TOLRNTAX; set slrebug.TOLRNTAX_c ; corr_TOLRNTAX= 6.46583850931677 + reside1; run; data corr_TOLRPIND; set slrebug.TOLRPIND_c ; corr_TOLRPIND= 30.2566873706004 + reside1; run; data corr_TOLRPTAX; set slrebug.TOLRPTAX_c ; corr_TOLRPTAX= 34.446480331263 + reside1; run; data corr_TOTLNTAX; set slrebug.TOTLNTAX_c ; corr_TOTLNTAX= 18.3706004140787 + reside1; run; data corr_TRICNTAX; set slrebug.TRICNTAX_c ; corr_TRICNTAX= 1.42650103519669 + reside1; run; data corr_TRICPIND; set slrebug.TRICPIND_c ; corr_TRICPIND= 1.86128364389234 + reside1; run; data corr_TRICPTAX; set slrebug.TRICPTAX_c ; corr_TRICPTAX= 8.03559006211181 + reside1; run; data corr_WTD_TV; set slrebug.WTD_TV_c ; corr_WTD_TV= 5.35865424430642 + reside1; run; *sort for merge; data slrebug.merged_c; set slrebug.merged_A;run; proc sort data = slrebug.merged_c ;by metric_id; run; proc sort data = corr_OLLIPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TUBIPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ETOPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ETOPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_AMPHNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_AMPHPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_AMPHPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_BURRNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_BURRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_BURRPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRDOM1PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRDOM3PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRDOM5PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CHIRPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLMBNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLMBPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLMBPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLNGNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLNGPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CLNGPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFINTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFIPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFIPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFITRICNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFITRICPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COFITRICPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COGANTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COGAPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_COGAPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CRUSNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CRUSPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_CRUSPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DIPTNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DIPTPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DIPTPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DOM1PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DOM3PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_DOM5PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHENTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHEPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPHEPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPOTNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPOTPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPOTPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPT_NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPT_PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_EPT_PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_FACLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_FACLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_FACLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_HPRIME ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_INTLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_INTLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_INTLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_MOLLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_MOLLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_MOLLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NOINNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NOINPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NOINPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NTOLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NTOLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_NTOLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ODONNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ODONPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ODONPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHCHIRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_ORTHPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_PREDNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_PREDPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_PREDPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SCRPNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SCRPPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SCRPPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SHRDNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SHRDPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SHRDPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SPWLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SPWLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SPWLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_STOLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_STOLPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_STOLPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SWIMNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SWIMPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_SWIMPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TANYNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TANYPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TANYPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL01NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL01PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL01PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL23NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL23PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL23PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL45NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL45PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL45PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL67NTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL67PIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TL67PTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOLRNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOLRPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOLRPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TOTLNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TRICNTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TRICPIND ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_TRICPTAX ; by metric_id;run; proc sort data = corr_WTD_TV ; by metric_id;run; *merge metrics; data slrebug.corrected; merge slrebug.merged_c corr_OLLIPIND corr_TUBIPIND corr_EPHRPIND corr_ETOPIND corr_ETOPTAX corr_AMPHNTAX corr_AMPHPIND corr_AMPHPTAX corr_BURRNTAX corr_BURRPIND corr_BURRPTAX corr_CHIRDOM1PIND corr_CHIRDOM3PIND corr_CHIRDOM5PIND corr_CHIRNTAX corr_CHIRPIND corr_CHIRPTAX corr_CLMBNTAX corr_CLMBPIND corr_CLMBPTAX corr_CLNGNTAX corr_CLNGPIND corr_CLNGPTAX corr_COFINTAX corr_COFIPIND corr_COFIPTAX corr_COFITRICNTAX corr_COFITRICPIND corr_COFITRICPTAX corr_COGANTAX corr_COGAPIND corr_COGAPTAX corr_CRUSNTAX corr_CRUSPIND corr_CRUSPTAX corr_DIPTNTAX corr_DIPTPIND corr_DIPTPTAX corr_DOM1PIND corr_DOM3PIND corr_DOM5PIND corr_EPHENTAX corr_EPHEPIND corr_EPHEPTAX corr_EPOTNTAX corr_EPOTPIND corr_EPOTPTAX corr_EPT_NTAX corr_EPT_PIND corr_EPT_PTAX corr_FACLNTAX corr_FACLPIND corr_FACLPTAX corr_HPRIME corr_INTLNTAX corr_INTLPIND corr_INTLPTAX corr_MOLLNTAX corr_MOLLPIND corr_MOLLPTAX corr_NOINNTAX corr_NOINPIND corr_NOINPTAX corr_NTOLNTAX corr_NTOLPIND corr_NTOLPTAX corr_ODONNTAX corr_ODONPIND corr_ODONPTAX corr_ORTHCHIRPIND corr_ORTHNTAX corr_ORTHPIND corr_ORTHPTAX corr_PREDNTAX corr_PREDPIND corr_PREDPTAX corr_SCRPNTAX corr_SCRPPIND corr_SCRPPTAX corr_SHRDNTAX corr_SHRDPIND corr_SHRDPTAX corr_SPWLNTAX corr_SPWLPIND corr_SPWLPTAX corr_STOLNTAX corr_STOLPIND corr_STOLPTAX corr_SWIMNTAX corr_SWIMPIND corr_SWIMPTAX corr_TANYNTAX corr_TANYPIND corr_TANYPTAX corr_TL01NTAX corr_TL01PIND corr_TL01PTAX corr_TL23NTAX corr_TL23PIND corr_TL23PTAX corr_TL45NTAX corr_TL45PIND corr_TL45PTAX corr_TL67NTAX corr_TL67PIND corr_TL67PTAX corr_TOLRNTAX corr_TOLRPIND corr_TOLRPTAX corr_TOTLNTAX corr_TRICNTAX corr_TRICPIND corr_TRICPTAX corr_WTD_TV ; by metric_id; if referencecond = "reference" then testgrp = "LDC"; if referencecond = "disturbed" then testgrp = "MDC"; drop reside1;run; *next section for picking metrics; proc sort data = slrebug.corrected; by testgrp;run; proc means data = slrebug.corrected maxdec = 3; var corr_OLLIPIND corr_TUBIPIND corr_EPHRPIND corr_ETOPIND corr_ETOPTAX corr_AMPHNTAX corr_AMPHPIND corr_AMPHPTAX corr_BURRNTAX corr_BURRPIND corr_BURRPTAX corr_CHIRDOM1PIND corr_CHIRDOM3PIND corr_CHIRDOM5PIND corr_CHIRNTAX corr_CHIRPIND corr_CHIRPTAX corr_CLMBNTAX corr_CLMBPIND corr_CLMBPTAX corr_CLNGNTAX corr_CLNGPIND corr_CLNGPTAX corr_COFINTAX corr_COFIPIND corr_COFIPTAX corr_COFITRICNTAX corr_COFITRICPIND corr_COFITRICPTAX corr_COGANTAX corr_COGAPIND corr_COGAPTAX corr_CRUSNTAX corr_CRUSPIND corr_CRUSPTAX corr_DIPTNTAX corr_DIPTPIND corr_DIPTPTAX corr_DOM1PIND corr_DOM3PIND corr_DOM5PIND corr_EPHENTAX corr_EPHEPIND corr_EPHEPTAX corr_EPOTNTAX corr_EPOTPIND corr_EPOTPTAX corr_EPT_NTAX corr_EPT_PIND corr_EPT_PTAX corr_FACLNTAX corr_FACLPIND corr_FACLPTAX corr_HPRIME corr_INTLNTAX corr_INTLPIND corr_INTLPTAX corr_MOLLNTAX corr_MOLLPIND corr_MOLLPTAX corr_NOINNTAX corr_NOINPIND corr_NOINPTAX corr_NTOLNTAX corr_NTOLPIND corr_NTOLPTAX corr_ODONNTAX corr_ODONPIND corr_ODONPTAX corr_ORTHCHIRPIND corr_ORTHNTAX corr_ORTHPIND corr_ORTHPTAX corr_PREDNTAX corr_PREDPIND corr_PREDPTAX corr_SCRPNTAX corr_SCRPPIND corr_SCRPPTAX corr_SHRDNTAX corr_SHRDPIND corr_SHRDPTAX corr_SPWLNTAX corr_SPWLPIND corr_SPWLPTAX corr_STOLNTAX corr_STOLPIND corr_STOLPTAX corr_SWIMNTAX corr_SWIMPIND corr_SWIMPTAX corr_TANYNTAX corr_TANYPIND corr_TANYPTAX corr_TL01NTAX corr_TL01PIND corr_TL01PTAX corr_TL23NTAX corr_TL23PIND corr_TL23PTAX corr_TL45PTAX corr_TL67NTAX corr_TL45NTAX corr_TL45PIND corr_TL67PIND corr_TL67PTAX corr_TOLRNTAX corr_TOLRPIND corr_TOLRPTAX corr_TOTLNTAX corr_TRICNTAX corr_TRICPIND corr_TRICPTAX corr_WTD_TV ; by testgrp; output out = corrimpairmeans3;run; *dont overwrite this file; *use this file to tabulate 2 sample test results; proc export data = corrimpairmeans3 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\corrimpairmeans9' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *2 sample tests; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_OLLIPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TUBIPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPHRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ETOPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ETOPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_AMPHNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_AMPHPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_AMPHPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_BURRNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_BURRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_BURRPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CHIRDOM1PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CHIRDOM3PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CHIRDOM5PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CHIRNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CHIRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CHIRPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CLMBNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CLMBPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CLMBPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CLNGNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CLNGPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CLNGPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COFINTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COFIPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COFIPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COFITRICNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COFITRICPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COFITRICPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COGANTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COGAPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_COGAPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CRUSNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CRUSPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_CRUSPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_DIPTNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_DIPTPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_DIPTPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_DOM1PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_DOM3PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_DOM5PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPHENTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPHEPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPHEPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPOTNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPOTPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPOTPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPT_NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPT_PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_EPT_PTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_FACLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_FACLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_FACLPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_HPRIME ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_INTLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_INTLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_INTLPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_MOLLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_MOLLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_MOLLPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_NOINNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_NOINPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_NOINPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_NTOLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_NTOLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_NTOLPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ODONNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ODONPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ODONPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ORTHCHIRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ORTHNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ORTHPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_ORTHPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_PREDNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_PREDPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_PREDPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SCRPNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SCRPPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SCRPPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SHRDNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SHRDPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SHRDPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SPWLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SPWLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SPWLPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_STOLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_STOLPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_STOLPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SWIMNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SWIMPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_SWIMPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TANYNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TANYPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TANYPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL01NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL01PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL01PTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL23NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL23PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL23PTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL45NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL45PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL45PTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL67NTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL67PIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TL67PTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TOLRNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TOLRPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TOLRPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TOTLNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TRICNTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TRICPIND ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_TRICPTAX ;class testgrp;run; proc ttest data = slrebug.corrected cochran;var corr_WTD_TV ;class testgrp;run; *T-test results; *from corrimparimean7.xlsx; *k means included in LCI metric ldc mean mdc mean abs diff ratio pvalue corr_ETOPTAX 16.38022251 12.08832554 4.29 1.36 0.0001k corr_EPOTPTAX 16.3926579 12.09362411 4.30 1.36 0.0001 correlated with other metrics corr_EPT_PTAX 15.86673418 12.12175114 3.74 1.31 0.0005 " corr_TRICPTAX 8.700798715 6.422105246 2.28 1.35 0.0007 " corr_TL45NTAX 5.473666331 4.539050459 0.93 1.21 0.0020k corr_TL45PTAX 30.25390203 25.91975536 4.33 1.17 0.0023k corr_SCRPPIND 3.091838135 1.721924523 1.37 1.80 0.0030k corr_OLLIPIND 37.37726154 43.45068477 -6.07 0.86 0.0055k corr_TOTLNTAX 18.98796362 16.87316625 2.11 1.13 0.0139k corr_COGAPIND 63.75530013 68.24409472 -4.49 0.93 0.0156k corr_BURRPIND 46.47583988 51.79462951 -5.32 0.90 0.0201k corr_EPOTNTAX 2.888292189 2.129106889 0.76 1.36 0.0001 corr_EPT_NTAX 2.821137277 2.107596108 0.71 1.34 0.0002 corr_MOLLNTAX 2.134748034 1.474582782 0.66 1.45 0.0002 corr_TRICNTAX 1.543665223 1.142315558 0.40 1.35 0.0008 corr_ODONPTAX 0.525982948 -0.028128852 0.55 -18.70 0.0020 corr_EPHENTAX 1.274984977 0.964220837 0.31 1.32 0.0027 corr_SCRPNTAX 1.220635994 0.876187874 0.34 1.39 0.0034 corr_NTOLPTAX 37.79285116 33.59053123 4.20 1.13 0.0057 corr_COFITRICNTAX 0.65971184 0.499138658 0.16 1.32 0.0061 corr_COFITRICPTAX 4.018133098 2.884386387 1.13 1.39 0.0065 corr_PREDNTAX 5.598933607 4.80258657 0.80 1.17 0.0071 corr_NTOLNTAX 7.043616235 5.986406012 1.06 1.18 0.0090 corr_FACLNTAX 8.90117283 7.743254553 1.16 1.15 0.0091 corr_SPWLNTAX 6.150806812 5.371801917 0.78 1.15 0.0092 corr_WTD_TV 5.264783462 5.586340822 -0.32 0.94 0.0104 corr_ODONPIND 0.059864168 0.004442939 0.06 13.47 0.0122 corr_EPHEPTAX 7.152586267 5.693939693 1.46 1.26 0.0150 corr_NOINNTAX 7.091143626 6.048431772 1.04 1.17 0.0174 corr_CLNGNTAX 3.602097131 3.121154477 0.48 1.15 0.0331 corr_SWIMPTAX 0.869219755 0.517920878 0.35 1.68 0.0367 corr_CLMBPIND 6.670278511 5.22918262 1.44 1.28 0.0382 corr_ODONNTAX 0.067154912 0.021510781 0.05 3.12 0.0387 corr_CLMBNTAX 2.946768702 2.519185133 0.43 1.17 0.0413 corr_TL67NTAX 4.815337756 4.270599202 0.54 1.13 0.0420 corr_TOLRNTAX 6.672978926 5.963412817 0.71 1.12 0.0476 corr_MOLLPIND 7.644470465 5.89433405 1.75 1.30 0.0490 corr_BURRPTAX 30.27174492 32.83392367 -2.56 0.92 0.0518 corr_CHIRDOM1PIND 37.80062784 41.66585304 -3.87 0.91 0.0671 corr_DIPTPTAX 44.15136823 47.72200046 -3.57 0.93 0.0689 corr_SWIMNTAX 0.202109134 0.133891319 0.07 1.51 0.0694 corr_STOLPTAX 26.10716021 28.7465334 -2.64 0.91 0.0712 corr_FACLPTAX 48.30615646 45.67414533 2.63 1.06 0.0910 corr_BURRNTAX 5.979035695 5.44801271 0.53 1.10 0.0954 corr_TOLRPIND 29.2478007 32.7037742 -3.46 0.89 0.0963 corr_CHIRPTAX 40.07126563 43.18388054 -3.11 0.93 0.0981 corr_HPRIME 2.04454879 1.956626339 0.09 1.04 0.1038 corr_DOM5PIND 76.47217926 78.51634534 -2.04 0.97 0.1072 corr_MOLLPTAX 12.5273267 10.53478206 1.99 1.19 0.1200 corr_STOLPIND 26.63591659 29.84096827 -3.21 0.89 0.1208 corr_COFINTAX 3.032513688 2.701278856 0.33 1.12 0.1256 corr_TRICPIND 1.96552707 1.608437888 0.36 1.22 0.1366 corr_COGANTAX 9.28636986 8.525258922 0.76 1.09 0.1394 corr_COGAPTAX 46.35336056 48.44808998 -2.09 0.96 0.1569 corr_CLMBPTAX 15.77048053 14.22890538 1.54 1.11 0.1578 corr_CLNGPTAX 18.47396536 17.2249209 1.25 1.07 0.1592 corr_STOLNTAX 5.117218531 4.708590513 0.41 1.09 0.1650 corr_SCRPPTAX 7.01008485 5.780858025 1.23 1.21 0.1936 corr_CHIRDOM5PIND 70.60268348 66.6546968 3.95 1.06 0.2097 corr_NOINPIND 65.17384643 67.52606042 -2.35 0.97 0.2164 corr_DOM3PIND 64.59536623 66.49606206 -1.90 0.97 0.2257 corr_TANYPTAX 4.906950113 5.555128095 -0.65 0.88 0.2332 corr_PREDPIND 14.19260239 12.93829774 1.25 1.10 0.2342 corr_SPWLPTAX 32.64155479 31.10069688 1.54 1.05 0.2612 corr_CHIRPIND 27.37725593 25.55445725 1.82 1.07 0.2764 corr_INTLNTAX 1.402020765 1.258928357 0.14 1.11 0.2900 corr_TOLRPTAX 33.94903 35.65306197 -1.70 0.95 0.2932 corr_TANYPIND 2.943297209 3.684626627 -0.74 0.80 0.2971 corr_DIPTPIND 28.41763594 26.65452843 1.76 1.07 0.2976 corr_ORTHNTAX 0.303952778 0.241476241 0.06 1.26 0.3016 corr_COFITRICPIND 1.03472361 0.832230677 0.20 1.24 0.3193 corr_PREDPTAX 31.35294064 29.75570426 1.60 1.05 0.3226 corr_TL45PIND 13.31746889 12.3529478 0.96 1.08 0.3530 corr_EPOTPIND 4.931196136 4.462772494 0.47 1.10 0.3605 corr_ETOPIND 4.928932895 4.461808155 0.47 1.10 0.3618 corr_CRUSNTAX 0.56806763 0.48738206 0.08 1.17 0.3633 corr_CRUSPIND 1.407075789 1.995532484 -0.59 0.71 0.3662 corr_AMPHNTAX 0.373897267 0.312958401 0.06 1.19 0.3779 corr_TL23NTAX 1.362309535 1.255958432 0.11 1.08 0.4155 corr_EPT_PIND 4.871273334 4.458329928 0.41 1.09 0.4190 corr_SWIMPIND 0.469326901 0.337164537 0.13 1.39 0.4398 corr_NOINPTAX 37.80278285 39.06715082 -1.26 0.97 0.4814 corr_TL67PIND 34.78508146 36.30249745 -1.52 0.96 0.4829 corr_EPHRPIND 5.032058728 4.550963937 0.48 1.11 0.4891 corr_COFIPTAX 16.25019414 16.64300428 -0.39 0.98 0.5054 corr_CHIRDOM3PIND 63.12006527 61.5505509 1.57 1.03 0.5092 corr_SPWLPIND 15.5383057 14.79240745 0.75 1.05 0.5167 corr_COFIPIND 14.5214786 13.68435686 0.84 1.06 0.5334 corr_TL23PIND 3.932726566 4.328989464 -0.40 0.91 0.5531 corr_ORTHCHIRPIND 0.933010961 0.74595923 0.19 1.25 0.5646 corr_INTLPIND 3.472257383 3.843035284 -0.37 0.90 0.5647 corr_TL01PIND 0.27886077 0.242124941 0.04 1.15 0.5828 corr_AMPHPTAX 1.911279525 1.680655336 0.23 1.14 0.5881 corr_ORTHPTAX 1.182646787 1.051594319 0.13 1.12 0.5956 corr_SHRDNTAX 1.352382164 1.280037587 0.07 1.06 0.5966 corr_DOM1PIND 37.12472888 38.00058669 -0.88 0.98 0.5967 corr_CHIRNTAX 8.136464804 7.888858419 0.25 1.03 0.6336 corr_DIPTNTAX 8.783224458 8.532888195 0.25 1.03 0.6414 corr_NTOLPIND 17.52920469 16.92356025 0.61 1.04 0.6495 corr_AMPHPIND 0.807280953 1.005389462 -0.20 0.80 0.6531 corr_TL01NTAX 0.207640368 0.191397122 0.02 1.08 0.6913 corr_TL01PTAX 0.980819124 0.908935174 0.07 1.08 0.7051 corr_INTLPTAX 6.624771266 6.417079624 0.21 1.03 0.7070 corr_TL23PTAX 6.557781526 6.761551191 -0.20 0.97 0.7074 corr_TL67PTAX 24.97938965 25.40715418 -0.43 0.98 0.7215 corr_TUBIPIND 8.220201997 7.648942673 0.57 1.07 0.7638 corr_SHRDPIND 2.872055239 2.740192257 0.13 1.05 0.7840 corr_TANYNTAX 1.046463176 1.071699248 -0.03 0.98 0.8388 corr_SHRDPTAX 6.569141734 6.456620758 0.11 1.02 0.8545 corr_CLNGPIND 11.79758688 12.08989566 -0.29 0.98 0.8568 corr_FACLPIND 46.23032638 46.52112325 -0.29 0.99 0.8921 corr_EPHEPIND 2.903500753 2.849168387 0.05 1.02 0.9004 corr_ORTHPIND 0.263719078 0.279560817 -0.02 0.94 0.9016 corr_CRUSPTAX 2.853845934 2.83521057 0.02 1.01 0.9723 *see corrimpairmeans5.xlsx for metric selection; *correlation check of selected metrics; proc corr data =slrebug.corrected nosimple;var corr_ETOPTAX corr_TL45NTAX corr_TL45PTAX corr_SCRPPIND corr_OLLIPIND corr_TOTLNTAX corr_COGAPIND corr_BURRPIND;run; * Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 483 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 corr_ corr_ corr_ corr_ corr_ corr_ corr_ corr_ ETOPTAX TL45NTAX TL45PTAX SCRPPIND OLLIPIND TOTLNTAX COGAPIND BURRPIND corr_ETOPTAX 1.00000 0.18918 0.47734 0.23743 -0.11151 -0.17983 -0.00023 0.21616 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0142 <.0001 0.9959 <.0001 corr_TL45NTAX 0.18918 1.00000 0.44048 0.14288 -0.41750 0.72893 -0.31900 -0.23681 <.0001 <.0001 0.0016 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 corr_TL45PTAX 0.47734 0.44048 1.00000 0.14978 -0.21911 -0.08692 -0.11497 0.04451 <.0001 <.0001 0.0010 <.0001 0.0563 0.0115 0.3290 corr_SCRPPIND 0.23743 0.14288 0.14978 1.00000 -0.05516 -0.00482 -0.28715 0.05353 <.0001 0.0016 0.0010 0.2263 0.9158 <.0001 0.2403 corr_OLLIPIND -0.11151 -0.41750 -0.21911 -0.05516 1.00000 -0.26137 0.56972 0.41080 0.0142 <.0001 <.0001 0.2263 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 corr_TOTLNTAX -0.17983 0.72893 -0.08692 -0.00482 -0.26137 1.00000 -0.23014 -0.39191 <.0001 <.0001 0.0563 0.9158 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 corr_COGAPIND -0.00023 -0.31900 -0.11497 -0.28715 0.56972 -0.23014 1.00000 0.37742 0.9959 <.0001 0.0115 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 corr_BURRPIND 0.21616 -0.23681 0.04451 0.05353 0.41080 -0.39191 0.37742 1.00000 <.0001 <.0001 0.3290 0.2403 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001; *get grand means for recorrection for data only; proc means DATA = Slrebug.corrected maxdec = 3; VAR ETOPTAX TL45NTAX TL45PTAX SCRPPIND OLLIPIND TOTLNTAX COGAPIND BURRPIND ;RUN; * The MEANS Procedure Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ETOPTAX ETOPTAX 483 15.127 12.964 0.000 100.000 TL45NTAX TL45NTAX 483 5.201 3.091 0.000 19.000 TL45PTAX TL45PTAX 483 28.989 14.463 0.000 100.000 SCRPPIND SCRPPIND 483 2.692 5.760 0.000 67.960 OLLIPIND OLLIPIND 483 39.150 22.902 0.000 100.000 TOTLNTAX TOTLNTAX 483 18.371 9.156 1.000 58.000 COGAPIND COGAPIND 483 65.066 20.981 6.290 100.000 BURRPIND BURRPIND 483 48.029 21.539 2.190 100.000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ *correct final metrics for date year bias only; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model ETOPTAX= jdate year; output out = ETOPTAX_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model TL45NTAX= jdate year; output out = TL45NTAX_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model TL45PTAX= jdate year; output out = TL45PTAX_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model SCRPPIND= jdate year; output out = SCRPPIND_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model OLLIPIND= jdate year; output out = OLLIPIND_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model TOTLNTAX= jdate year; output out = TOTLNTAX_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model COGAPIND= jdate year; output out = COGAPIND_c2x r = reside1; run; proc reg data = slrebug.corrected; model BURRPIND= jdate year; output out = BURRPIND_c2x r = reside1; run; data ETOPTAX_c2; set ETOPTAX_c2x;ETOPTAX_corr = reside1 + 15.127; run; data TL45NTAX_c2; set TL45NTAX_c2x;TL45NTAX_corr = reside1 + 5.201; run; data TL45PTAX_c2; set TL45PTAX_c2x;TL45PTAX_corr = reside1 + 28.989; run; data SCRPPIND_c2; set SCRPPIND_c2x;SCRPPIND_corr = reside1 + 2.692; run; data OLLIPIND_c2; set OLLIPIND_c2x;OLLIPIND_corr = reside1 + 39.150; run; data TOTLNTAX_c2; set TOTLNTAX_c2x;TOTLNTAX_corr = reside1 + 18.371; run; data COGAPIND_c2; set COGAPIND_c2x;COGAPIND_corr = reside1 + 65.066; run; data BURRPIND_c2; set BURRPIND_c2x;BURRPIND_corr = reside1 + 48.029; run; proc sort data = ETOPTAX_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = TL45NTAX_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = TL45PTAX_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = SCRPPIND_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = OLLIPIND_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = TOTLNTAX_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = COGAPIND_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = BURRPIND_c2 ; by metric_id; run; proc sort data = slrebug.corrected; by metric_id;run; data slrebug.corrected_final; merge ETOPTAX_c2 TL45NTAX_c2 TL45PTAX_c2 SCRPPIND_c2 OLLIPIND_c2 TOTLNTAX_c2 COGAPIND_c2 BURRPIND_c2 ;by metric_ID;run; *general means of dataset; Proc meanS data =slrebug.corrected_final n lclm mean uclm; var jdate year depth_m rei; run; * Lower 95% Upper 95% Variable Label N CL for Mean Mean CL for Mean ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ jdate jdate 483 230.2844622 233.9668737 237.6492852 year year 483 2007.27 2007.83 2008.40 depth_m 483 2.0511725 2.2004749 2.3497774 REI REI 483 5133.70 5419.76 5705.82 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; *get min and max of corrected metrics for scaling; Proc meanS data =slrebug.corrected_final maxdec=3 n p1 min p95 p99 max ;var ETOPTAX_corr TL45NTAX_corr TL45PTAX_corr SCRPPIND_corr OLLIPIND_corr TOTLNTAX_corr COGAPIND_corr BURRPIND_corr ;run; * The MEANS Procedure Variable N 1st Pctl Minimum 95th Pctl 99th Pctl Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ETOPTAX_corr 483 -1.979 -2.083 38.231 65.273 100.940 TL45NTAX_corr 483 -0.589 -0.795 10.495 13.209 18.209 TL45PTAX_corr 483 -0.539 -0.609 49.706 99.605 99.608 SCRPPIND_corr 483 -2.337 -5.595 12.337 24.455 61.795 OLLIPIND_corr 483 0.958 -11.896 78.658 93.001 104.834 TOTLNTAX_corr 483 -1.195 -4.195 33.386 44.452 54.452 COGAPIND_corr 483 15.299 7.408 95.701 100.491 106.119 BURRPIND_corr 483 5.648 0.852 85.605 94.411 97.992 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; * compare means between tstgrps for each final metric; proc sort data = slrebug.corrected_final;by testgrp; Proc meanS data =slrebug.corrected_final maxdec=3 mean n ;var ETOPTAX_corr TL45NTAX_corr TL45PTAX_corr SCRPPIND_corr OLLIPIND_corr TOTLNTAX_corr COGAPIND_corr BURRPIND_corr ;by testgrp;run; * ------------------------------------------ testgrp=LDC ------------------------------------------- The MEANS Procedure Variable Mean N ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ETOPTAX_corr 17.168 342 TL45NTAX_corr 5.560 342 TL45PTAX_corr 30.757 342 SCRPPIND_corr 3.371 342 OLLIPIND_corr 35.587 342neg TOTLNTAX_corr 19.083 342 COGAPIND_corr 62.452 342neg BURRPIND_corr 45.458 342neg ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ------------------------------------------ testgrp=MDC ------------------------------------------- Variable Mean N ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ETOPTAX_corr 10.176 141 TL45NTAX_corr 4.330 141 TL45PTAX_corr 24.702 141 SCRPPIND_corr 1.046 141 OLLIPIND_corr 47.792 141 TOTLNTAX_corr 16.644 141 COGAPIND_corr 71.406 141 BURRPIND_corr 54.265 141 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; data slrebug.corrected_final_scaled; set slrebug.corrected_final; *scaling necessary to remove negative numbers and to correct for different units; *corrected using 1st and 99th percentiles; *scaled = (val - 1st pctl)/(99th pctl - 1st pctl); ETOPTAX_corr_s =( ETOPTAX_corr - -1.979 )/( 65.273 - -1.979 ); TL45NTAX_corr_s =( TL45NTAX_corr - -0.589 )/( 13.209 - -0.589 ); TL45PTAX_corr_s =( TL45PTAX_corr - -0.539 )/( 99.605 - -0.539 ); SCRPPIND_corr_s =( SCRPPIND_corr - -2.337 )/( 24.455 - -2.337 ); OLLIPIND_corr_s =( OLLIPIND_corr - 0.958 )/( 93.001 - 0.958 ); TOTLNTAX_corr_s =( TOTLNTAX_corr - -1.195 )/( 44.452 - -1.195 ); COGAPIND_corr_s =( COGAPIND_corr - 15.299 )/( 100.491 - 15.299 ); BURRPIND_corr_s =( BURRPIND_corr - 5.648 )/( 94.411 - 5.648 ); if ETOPTAX_corr_s<0 then ETOPTAX_corr_s= 0; if TL45NTAX_corr_s<0 then TL45NTAX_corr_s= 0; if TL45PTAX_corr_s<0 then TL45PTAX_corr_s= 0; if SCRPPIND_corr_s<0 then SCRPPIND_corr_s= 0; if OLLIPIND_corr_s<0 then OLLIPIND_corr_s= 0; if TOTLNTAX_corr_s<0 then TOTLNTAX_corr_s= 0; if COGAPIND_corr_s<0 then COGAPIND_corr_s= 0; if BURRPIND_corr_s<0 then BURRPIND_corr_s= 0; if ETOPTAX_corr_s> 1 then ETOPTAX_corr_s = 1; if TL45NTAX_corr_s> 1 then TL45NTAX_corr_s = 1; if TL45PTAX_corr_s> 1 then TL45PTAX_corr_s = 1; if SCRPPIND_corr_s> 1 then SCRPPIND_corr_s = 1; if OLLIPIND_corr_s> 1 then OLLIPIND_corr_s = 1; if TOTLNTAX_corr_s> 1 then TOTLNTAX_corr_s = 1; if COGAPIND_corr_s> 1 then COGAPIND_corr_s = 1; if BURRPIND_corr_s> 1 then BURRPIND_corr_s = 1; SLRELCI_sum= ETOPTAX_corr_s+ TL45NTAX_corr_s+ TL45PTAX_corr_s+ SCRPPIND_corr_s - OLLIPIND_corr_s+ TOTLNTAX_corr_s- COGAPIND_corr_s- BURRPIND_corr_s; /* Proc means data =slrebug.corrected_final_scaled maxdec=3 n p1 min p95 p99 max ;var slrelci_sum ;run; N 1st Pctl Minimum 95th Pctl 99th Pctl Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 483 -2.508 -2.615 1.602 2.197 2.907 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ*/ *scale based on 99 and 1 percentiles (floor and ceiling method); *scaled metric = (metric value - 1st pct value)/ (99th pctl - 1st pctl); SLRELCI = (SLRELCI_sum - -2.508)/(2.197 - - 2.508); IF SLRELCI <0 then SLRELCI = 0; if slrelci >1 then SLRELCI = 1; *get thresholds below; *based on Q1 of LDC sites; IF SLRELCI Lt 0.61 THEN SLRELCI_refcond = "unacceptable_red"; if SLRELCI Ge 0.61 then SLRELCI_refcond = "acceptable_green"; refthreshold = 0.61 ;run; data SLRELCI_output_070915; set slrebug.corrected_final_scaled; keep metric_ID lat long studyID studyname year jdate depth_m rei zonename slrelci_refcond refthreshold slrelci totlntax ;run; proc print;run; proc export data = SLRELCI_output_070915 outfile= 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\SLRELCI_output_070915' DBMS = xlsx replace;run; *checl calcs amd get pctls for sum to use above; Proc means data =slrebug.corrected_final_scaled maxdec=3 n p1 min p95 p99 max ;var ETOPTAX_corr_s TL45NTAX_corr_s TL45PTAX_corr_s SCRPPIND_corr_s OLLIPIND_corr_s TOTLNTAX_corr_s COGAPIND_corr_s BURRPIND_corr_s slrelci_sum slrelci ;run; * The MEANS Procedure Variable N 1st Pctl Minimum 95th Pctl 99th Pctl Maximum ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ETOPTAX_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.598 1.000 1.000 TL45NTAX_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.803 1.000 1.000 TL45PTAX_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.502 1.000 1.000 SCRPPIND_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.548 1.000 1.000 OLLIPIND_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.844 1.000 1.000 TOTLNTAX_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.758 1.000 1.000 COGAPIND_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.944 1.000 1.000 BURRPIND_corr_s 483 0.000 0.000 0.901 1.000 1.000 SLRELCI_sum 483 -2.508 -2.615 1.602 2.197 2.907 SLRELCI 483 0.000 0.000 0.874 1.000 1.000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; *get thresholds; proc sort data =slrebug.corrected_final_scaled; by testgrp; Proc means data =slrebug.corrected_final_scaled maxdec=3 n mean uclm lclm median q1 ;var slrelci totlntax;by testgrp;run; * ------------------------------------------ testgrp=LDC ------------------------------------------- The MEANS Procedure Upper 95% Lower 95% Lower Variable Label N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median Quartile ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ SLRELCI 342 0.598 0.617 0.580 0.605 0.484 TOTLNTAX TOTLNTAX 342 18.640 19.603 17.678 17.000 13.000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ------------------------------------------ testgrp=MDC ------------------------------------------- Upper 95% Lower 95% Lower Variable Label N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median Quartile ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ SLRELCI 141 0.447 0.481 0.412 0.477 0.323 TOTLNTAX TOTLNTAX 141 17.716 19.283 16.149 17.000 11.000 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; ************threshold is LDC median = 0.61; /*proc sort data = slrebug.corrected_final_scaled;by zonename ; proc means data =slrebug.corrected_final_scaled n mean lclm uclm maxdec = 3; var SLRELCI TOTLNTAX; by zonename ; run; */ ** this section prints out project means; proc import out = slrebug.r2rmeans datafile = 'L:\Priv\Watershed_Ecoserv\SLRE invertebrate data\sas\slrelci_output_07_16_15b' dbms = xlsx replace;run; Proc print data =slrebug.r2rmeans; var assessme_1 assessment r2r_site; run; proc sort data = slrebug.r2rmeans; by r2r_site;run; proc means data = slrebug.r2rmeans n mean lclm uclm median; var SLRELCI ; by r2r_site;run; proc contents data = slrebug.r2rmeans;run; proc corr data = slrebug.r2rmeans; var slrelci depth_m rei jdate year; run; Acre Num 8 BEST. Acre 16 Assess_ID Num 8 BEST. Assess_ID 27 Assess_I_1 Num 8 BEST. Assess_I_1 28 Assessme_1 Char 28 $28. $28. Assessme_1 17 Assessment Char 65 $65. $65. Assessment 1 FID Num 8 BEST. FID 31 Geograph_1 Char 21 $21. $21. Geograph_1 21 Geographic Char 22 $22. $22. Geographic 24 Hectares Num 8 BEST. Hectares 33 NavChann_1 Char 3 $3. $3. NavChann_1 19 NavChannel Char 3 $3. $3. NavChannel 23 Perimeter Num 8 BEST. Perimeter 26 R2RSite Char 3 $3. $3. R2RSite 25 R2R_site Char 15 $15. $15. R2R_site 10 REI Num 8 BEST. REI 13 SLRELCI Num 8 BEST. SLRELCI 14 SLRELCI_re Char 16 $16. $16. SLRELCI_re 35 Shape_Area Num 8 BEST. Shape_Area 34 Shape_Leng Num 8 BEST. Shape_Leng 18 State Char 2 $2. $2. State State_1 Char 2 $2. $2. State_1 2 TOTLNTAX Num 8 BEST. TOTLNTAX 20 Zone_ID Char 4 $4. $4. Zone_ID 30 Zone_ID_1 Char 4 $4. $4. Zone_ID_1 22 color Char 10 $10. $10. color 12 depth_m Num 8 BEST. depth_m 4 jdate Num 8 BEST. jdate 7 lat Num 8 BEST. lat 36 length Char 1 $1. $1. length 8 long Num 8 BEST. long 3 metric_id Char 21 $21. $21. metric_id 15 refthresho Num 8 BEST. refthresho 5 studyID Num 8 BEST. studyID 9 studyname Char 14 $14. $14. studyname 6 year Num 8 BEST. year 11 zonename Char 18 $18. $18. zonename *------------------------------------------ R2R_site= ------------------------------------------ The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 229 0.5363669 0.5107255 0.5620084 0.5344740 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.1 ----------------------------------- Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 118 0.6329853 0.6023304 0.6636402 0.6300315 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.2 ----------------------------------- Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 55 0.5088973 0.4604570 0.5573376 0.5506550 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.3 ----------------------------------- Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 8 0.5381215 0.4474636 0.6287794 0.5533405 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.4 ----------------------------------- The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 35 0.6172416 0.5519598 0.6825233 0.6026230 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.5 ----------------------------------- Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 35 0.3926429 0.3162567 0.4690290 0.3289430 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.6 ----------------------------------- Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 1 0.8895290 . . 0.8895290 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ----------------------------------- R2R_site=Project No. 9.8 ----------------------------------- Analysis Variable : SLRELCI SLRELCI Lower 95% Upper 95% N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean Median ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 2 0.7766440 0.4096507 1.1436373 0.7766440 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ; ******************************************************************************************************************************* /*PARAMETER LABELs OLLIPIND: Percent Oligochaete individuals. This is different from OLLEPIND which is oligochaets + leeches. This new metric would lump Naidids and tubificids (and all other oligos). TUBIPIND: Percent Tubificid individuals. Like TUBINAIDPIND but without the Naididae EPHRPIND: Percent of insect individuals that are Ephemerid mayflies. In our data, this is primarily (or exclusively – not sure) Hexagenia. Confirmed that this is not percent of all individuals. ETOPIND: Percent E, T, and O individuals. This makes more sense than EPOT or EPT for the St Louie where P is really rare. ETOPTAX: Percent E,T, and O taxa AMPHNTAX No. of Amphipoda taxa AMPHPIND % Amphipoda individuals AMPHPTAX % Amphipoda taxa BURRNTAX No. of Burrowers taxa BURRPIND % Burrowers individuals BURRPTAX % Burrowers taxa CHIRDOM1PIND % individuals in most abundant Chironomidae taxon CHIRDOM3PIND % individuals in most abundant 3 Chironomidae taxa CHIRDOM5PIND % individuals in most abundant 5 Chironomidae taxa CHIRNTAX No. of Chironomidae taxa CHIRPIND % Chironomidae individuals CHIRPTAX % Chironomidae taxa CLMBNTAX No. of Climbers taxa CLMBPIND % Climbers individuals CLMBPTAX % Climbers taxa CLNGNTAX No. of Clingers taxa CLNGPIND % Clingers individuals CLNGPTAX % Clingers taxa COFINTAX No. of Collecter-filterer taxa COFIPIND % Collecter-filterer individuals COFIPTAX % Collecter-filterer taxa COFITRICNTAX No. of Collector-filterer Trichoptera taxa COFITRICPIND % Collector-filterer Trichoptera individuals COFITRICPTAX % Collector-filterer Trichoptera taxa COGANTAX No. of Collecter-gatherer taxa COGAPIND % Collecter-gatherer individuals COGAPTAX % Collecter-gatherer taxa CRUSNTAX No. of Crustaceans taxa CRUSPIND % Crustaceans individuals CRUSPTAX % Crustaceans taxa DIPTNTAX No. of Diptera taxa DIPTPIND % Diptera individuals DIPTPTAX % Diptera taxa DOM1PIND % individuals in dominant taxon, without regard to distinctness DOM3PIND % individuals in dominant 3 taxa, without regard to distinctness DOM5PIND % individuals in dominant 5 taxa, without regard to distinctness EPHENTAX No. of Ephemeroptera taxa EPHEPIND % Ephemeroptera individuals EPHEPTAX % Ephemeroptera taxa EPOTNTAX No. of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, & Trichoptera taxa EPOTPIND % Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, & Trichoptera individuals EPOTPTAX % Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, & Trichoptera taxa EPT_NTAX No. of EPT taxa EPT_PIND % EPT individuals EPT_PTAX % EPT taxa FACLNTAX No. of Facultative (PTV>=4 and PTV<6) taxa FACLPIND % Facultative (PTV>=4 and PTV<6) individuals FACLPTAX % Facultative (PTV>=4 and PTV<6) taxa HEMINTAX No. of Hemiptera taxa HEMIPIND % Hemiptera individuals HEMIPTAX % Hemiptera taxa HPRIME Shannon diversity- sum of prop_i*ln(prop_i) based only on distinct taxa INTLNTAX No. of Intolerant (PTV<4) taxa INTLPIND % Intolerant (PTV<4) individuals INTLPTAX % Intolerant (PTV<4) taxa MOLLNTAX No. of Mollusca taxa MOLLPIND % Mollusca individuals MOLLPTAX % Mollusca taxa NOINNTAX No. of Non-insects taxa NOINPIND % Non-insects individuals NOINPTAX % Non-insects taxa NTOLNTAX No. of non-tolerants (PTV<6) taxa NTOLPIND % non-tolerants (PTV<6) individuals NTOLPTAX % non-tolerants (PTV<6) taxa ODONNTAX No. of Odonata taxa ODONPIND % Odonata individuals ODONPTAX % Odonata taxa OLLENTAX No. of Oligochaete and leech taxa OLLEPIND % Oligochaete and leech individuals OLLEPTAX % Oligochaete and leech taxa ORTHCHIRPIND % Chironomidae individuals in Orthocladiinae ORTHNTAX No. of Orthocladiinae chironomid taxa ORTHPIND % Orthocladiinae chironomid individuals ORTHPTAX % Orthocladiinae chironomid taxa PREDNTAX No. of Predators taxa PREDPIND % Predators individuals PREDPTAX % Predators taxa SCRPNTAX No. of Scrapers taxa SCRPPIND % Scrapers individuals SCRPPTAX % Scrapers taxa SHRDNTAX No. of Shredders taxa SHRDPIND % Shredders individuals SHRDPTAX % Shredders taxa SPWLNTAX No. of Sprawlers taxa SPWLPIND % Sprawlers individuals SPWLPTAX % Sprawlers taxa STOLNTAX No. of super tolerant taxa (tolerance value >= 8) STOLPIND % super tolerant individuals (tolerance value >= 8) STOLPTAX % super tolerant taxa (tolerance value >= 8) SWIMNTAX No. of Swimmers taxa SWIMPIND % Swimmers individuals SWIMPTAX % Swimmers taxa TANYNTAX No. of Tanytarsini taxa TANYPIND % Tanytarsini individuals TANYPTAX % Tanytarsini taxa TL01NTAX No. of taxa with PTV<2 TL01PIND % Individuals with PTV <2 TL01PTAX % taxa with PTV<2 TL23NTAX No. taxa with PTV >=2 & <4 TL23PIND % individuals with PTV >=2 & <4 TL23PTAX % taxa with PTV>=2 & <4 TL45NTAX No. taxa with PTV >=4 & <6 TL45PIND % individuals with PTV >=4 & <6 TL45PTAX % taxa with PTV>=4 & <6 TL67NTAX No. taxa with PTV >=6 & <8 TL67PIND % individuals with PTV >=6 & <8 TL67PTAX % taxa with PTV>=6 & <8 TOLRNTAX No. of Tolerant (PTV>=6) taxa TOLRPIND % Tolerant (PTV>=6) individuals TOLRPTAX % Tolerant (PTV>=6) taxa TOTLNIND Number of individuals in sample TOTLNTAX Number of distinct taxa in sample TRICNTAX No. of Trichoptera taxa TRICPIND % Trichoptera individuals TRICPTAX % Trichoptera taxa TUBINAIDPIND % Tubificidae and Naididae individuals TUBINAIDPTAX % Tubificidae and Naididae taxa WTD_TV HBI, or sum of TV_i*prop_i, with proportions based only on taxa with PTVs; */;